Today I'm grateful for....
Emails from Kevin, all the good things in his life. And, your friends are right, you are never "ready" you plan what you can and deal with the rest as it comes.
Plans with Jones for my visit to the San Juans! yeah :) Going where my heart is.
Denny coming through his surgery fine, I get to "babysit" him in the morning.
Learning how to date instead of following my old pattern which was (jones said it best so I'll use her words!) step one: a date, step two: rent a uhaul and set up house :) love her
Going on a real date today with some one new, noticing the different levels of nervousness and comfort throughout the date. Laughing the whole time. A good lunch, and a nice walk after. Two and a half hours of laughter and fun conversation. Seeing that he was more insecure than I. A totally sober date with no cigarette smoke, what a relief. The possibility of a 2nd date.
Doing things differently. hmm what shall I try next?
Anticipating the hot air balloon ride on Wednesday and the emotions that will come. Hoping for the familiar sense of freedom that visits me with the wind. Doing something BIG with my daughters. Celebrating Michael's life instead of grieving his death.
The possibility of a painting retreat.
The History Channel.
A fun and safe night at Tracie's house Friday.
Good conversation Saturday night and turning in early.
Waking up early Sunday morning and watching scary movies until it was time to get ready for my date.
Fielding phone calls from my family and friends for two hours after my date. Knowing these are the people who love me and I love them.
Hearing my niece and nephew in the background while talking with my sisters on the phone. Talking to Kyleigh on the phone and her finally saying my name, so sweet.
A great investor and great investments. As Suzi Orman says, learning to "love my money", and "caring for it properly".
Getting great travel information from a new acquaintance.
Clothes that make me feel comfortable and sexy.
Great weather all weekend.
Good things are happening to the people I love.

Monday, June 11, 2007
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