I'm grateful for every second I was able to spend with him, good and bad.
I am a better person for knowing him.
I'm grateful for his intelligence, his whimsey, his committment to his family, his joy that gushed out and covered everyone, and his acceptance of everyone.
For everything I learned from him including the meaning of "unconditional love".
I am grateful for every life that was touched by his presence and his memory that lingers with us all.
For MBLTF, where it started, and where it will lead me and all who will be involved.
I am grateful for the incredible gift that was given to me by my dear friend Jones honoring him and the beginning of MBLTF....what a treasure.
I am grateful for his way of pushing me to do the things I was afraid of, he always believed in me, especially with my artwork, he knew people would love my paintings. So the artwork continues and has now transitioned into the incredibly hard art classes I've just started with Jones in Indy every wednesday night. (The still life is growing on me...kinda proud my orange looks like an orange, and my apple looks like an apple) :)
I think about him every day and see him every day in our children's faces, comments, and actions.
He was a wonderful man who lived an awesome life. It was a fantastic life full of adventure, travel, laughter, love, and fun. His life was not lived without mistakes, he was not perfect, but he was one of a kind, never boring, and always loved. He will be forever thought about and greatly missed.
Rest in peace my love.