Sunday, December 23, 2007

Today I'm grateful for.....

A warm comfortable home.

Taylor spending time with both of her aunts this weekend.

Good reviews on my commission painting and requests for another.

A fun evening out with Lisa on Friday....lots of sassy pictures with Lisa G., Kathy, Carly, Lisa, Josh, and I.

Watching Lisa and Dad try to fix the christmas lights.

Lisa and sugar :)

Clearing the air.

Meeting Josh's work friends and having my friends unexpectedly show up at the same place.

Winning the race at Hunters downunder.

Watching Jeff play at the Knickerbocker, he's great.

Watching the river come up.

More mud on my tires.

The best sleep I've had in a long time, listening to the rain.

A day to rest, clean, and catch up on things at home.

Looking forward to a nice Christmas dinner with dad and the family this evening.

New messages from Vance, he disappeared for a while.

Being there for Jess yesterday. Knowing that she has momentum now, and watching her push through all obsticles.

Being persued.

Kelsey playing her music loud.

cameras and photos that help us remember.

Chris is gonna be here for Christmas yeah :)

Everyone will have a safe and happy christmas and new years.

Good things are happening for the people I love.

you my wonderful gift, you.