A fun afternoon Saturday celebrating my Grandma's 90th birthday, and my Great Aunt's 85th birthday. My Uncle John flew in from Georgia to surprise them, so I got to see him for the first time in about 5 years.
Getting the painting I did for Grandmas's birthday gift finished on time!
Eileen appreciating her pink lillies even though I had to tell her who "Michelle" is. She's old, her brain just doesn't work like it used to.
Time spent with Tracie and Tim Saturday evening. Playing cards and darts, girls against guys, and holding our own for a little while.
Staying home on Sunday and cleaning my house, getting things back in order instead of making the trip to indy. I really wanted time with Jones, but I really needed time at home.
Josh calling me three times from his apartment Monday night, cuz he missed me :)
Grocery shopping with the girls Monday night, being silly, and listening to them make each other giggle.
A late night phone call from Jess on Monday night, 2 hours of catching up! She's been working a lot so I haven't seen or heard much from her. OH!! and I'm grateful for Jess's new job making it easier to provide for her family.
Lisa G. finally broke up with Craig!!!!!!!! Yeah for her for finally standing up to that jerk!
Tracie's strength, her ability to think quickly, her beauty, and perseverance.
Breakfast at Ed and Maggie's with Josh yesterday, we always have the best conversations over breakfast there.
A boyfriend who pays for meals and drinks and gas and whatever else we do, most of the time! Finally someone who'll share the financial aspect of dating with me!
Josh's help putting all the Christmas stuff back up in the attic, yeah!
The art project Josh and I are working on for his apartment, I'll put pics up when we're done.
Knowing that my dad will find another job quickly and easily. And that he will change his mind and go to Florida with Marty, he'll have a good time and enjoy a much needed break from his little alcoholic world down at Americus.
Plans for a game night this weekend with Jess and Jeremy, sounds like so much fun! --Are you smarter than a 5th grader?--I wish I was :)
Looking forward to another exhausting painting class this evening with Jones. It's like learning to paint all over again, it's hard, it sucks, but I love it and I wouldn't have it any other way.
My house being filled with my artwork, my children's artwork, and other artists work that I absolutely adore! Look around you, do you love your space? Make it how you love it!
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my beautiful blank canvas, you.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
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