Today I'm grateful for....
Lots of fun at Lisa's bachelorette party.
A wonderful time at Lisa's beautiful wedding.
Tracie's amazing toast that really hit home with me.
Getting to dress up with Josh.
Kelsey's ability to fit in with all the adults at the wedding and start poking people with her wit and smart ass comments. Also Kelsey's ability to fit in with all the kids and getting to watch her from afar jumping on the trampoline.
Dancing with Lisa, Tracie, Kyleigh and Cammi at the reception.
Dancing with Josh when he's giving 100% and really having fun, just thinking about it makes me smile.
All of Karen's help with rides for Kelsey this last week! What a difference a little help makes!
Getting Calli's world history class stuff straightened out and lifting some of her stress.
My ability to stay calm and help Josh stay calm, while keeping the conversation between he and his mom focused on the topic at hand.
Josh surprising me at work today and asking me to lunch, what fun! It was so great to see him when I wasn't expecting it!
Being a partner to a wonderful, thoughtful man who works with me to make sure that we keep things in check, and balance our busy lives with time for each other, time for the kids, and every thing else.
Having Steve and James back in my life, they are lots of fun! The message I got from James a couple weeks ago and hearing that I made a difference in his life years ago.
Spiritual journeys, each and every one, and all things that shake us so hard we can feel the change in our bones.
Amber at the bank for interrupting her boss and getting me a better interest rate and lower payments on my auto loan, and my credit card! You know I'll be going back to see her :)
Cooler weather and color in the trees.
Halloween is coming and my house will be full of family, friends, kids and teenagers. The chaos of every one getting changed into costume, and getting some dinner in their bellies before trick or treating together.
This Thursday Josh and I get to go see Robin Williams!!! I'm so excited.
We pulled it off! We now have plane tickets to Washington during fall break! Plans to visit Jessica outside of Spokane and then making our way up to the San Juans, and then down the coast. My excitement and anticipation of getting to show Josh all of what I love about that beautiful state.
Getting a full night of sleep, waking up tired and then finding out there was a two hour delay so I got to go back to bed for a little while, ...and then Josh got up with the kids and let me sleep some more!!!!! Sleep means so much to someone who doesn't get a whole lot of it very often.
Getting to see Kelsey "all punked out" today for spirit week at school, today was "would you still be my friend if I looked like this?" day. She looked awesome!
A call from Tracie today, and excitement about her upcoming wedding :) she'll be a June bride.
Money from the universe showing up when we need it.
A fun job that lets me help lots of different women feel better about themselves because they look better. A better bra = a better shape = looking better in their clothes = feeling better about themselves.
Good things are happening for people all over the world.
You my little punk, you!