Today I'm grateful for....
A fantastic night at home with Josh last night with no kids! Lots of us time, conversation and giggles.
Finding out my license is still active after all this time I thought it wasn't! Things being a lot less complicated than I thought they were.
Momentum on my continuing education classes since my license is still good, yeah!!!!!
More time on the treadmill, making me feel better and better every day. Embracing exercise for the purpose of being healthy and living longer.
Josh's new/used truck, and possibly looking at selling the convertible.
Taylor's new haircut which is soooo very cute!
My friends Kathy, and Lisa G., and my niece Kyleigh will be feeling better very soon. They've all been really sick.
Josh and I making progress on our vision boards. Finding later that there was a full two page photo in a magazine, we had each taken a half for our vision boards. So essentially we're "on the same page" :) lol
Taylor getting excited about her own vision board and asking us to save the materials for her to use.
The perfect bell for our Harley, and finding the perfect gift bell for Billy's Harley. For those who don't know, it's a sort of safe travels talisman that you hang on your bike.
Being in love with my dark hair and knowing for sure that brunettes have just as much fun as blonds if not more!
Ziggy Marley and Brett Dennen's music helping me move and grove through my day today. They made my steps a little lighter, and my smile a whole lot bigger.
Kelsey talking and talking and talking about choir and the contest after I picked her up today. She's trying out for the Jazz Choir next year.
TLC showing me exactly what 100% looks like, being able to recognize it easily in other people, and working on living at 100% in my own life.
Josh finally getting what I mean when I talk about being connected and staying present, focusing on enjoying right now instead of constantly running and thinking several minutes, hours, days in advance. Future planning and goals are important, but so is enjoying what you've planned when you're in that moment.
Kelsey always showing up as 100% herself no matter what.
Josh loving me for who I am, all my faults included, and laughing at me when I can't find things I've misplaced instead of getting frustrated with me.
The only sound in the house last night being the wind outside.
Realize exactly what my misfortune with men was all for, a real life class room that taught me specifically what I did and did not want from a partner. Which in turn made it so much easier to recognize and appreciate these qualities in someone I was maybe going to be serious about.
Being loved exactly the way I like to be and want to be. A fulfilling relationship with an awesome partner who believes in and promotes personal growth as well as growth as a couple.
Love in all forms.
Watching the puppies steal Taylor's material for her vision board in an attempt to get her to pay attention to them. Too cute!
The boat being ready to be picked up, and looking forward to lots of safe fun on the river this summer.
Amazing people who "make things happen".
Seeing all the people out working in their yards in the rain today,....reminds me of Washington :) Get things done while it's yucky outside so when it's nice out you can enjoy it.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my beautiful sexy brunette you!

Saturday, April 12, 2008
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