A fun afternoon Saturday celebrating my Grandma's 90th birthday, and my Great Aunt's 85th birthday. My Uncle John flew in from Georgia to surprise them, so I got to see him for the first time in about 5 years.
Getting the painting I did for Grandmas's birthday gift finished on time!
Eileen appreciating her pink lillies even though I had to tell her who "Michelle" is. She's old, her brain just doesn't work like it used to.
Time spent with Tracie and Tim Saturday evening. Playing cards and darts, girls against guys, and holding our own for a little while.
Staying home on Sunday and cleaning my house, getting things back in order instead of making the trip to indy. I really wanted time with Jones, but I really needed time at home.
Josh calling me three times from his apartment Monday night, cuz he missed me :)
Grocery shopping with the girls Monday night, being silly, and listening to them make each other giggle.
A late night phone call from Jess on Monday night, 2 hours of catching up! She's been working a lot so I haven't seen or heard much from her. OH!! and I'm grateful for Jess's new job making it easier to provide for her family.
Lisa G. finally broke up with Craig!!!!!!!! Yeah for her for finally standing up to that jerk!
Tracie's strength, her ability to think quickly, her beauty, and perseverance.
Breakfast at Ed and Maggie's with Josh yesterday, we always have the best conversations over breakfast there.
A boyfriend who pays for meals and drinks and gas and whatever else we do, most of the time! Finally someone who'll share the financial aspect of dating with me!
Josh's help putting all the Christmas stuff back up in the attic, yeah!
The art project Josh and I are working on for his apartment, I'll put pics up when we're done.
Knowing that my dad will find another job quickly and easily. And that he will change his mind and go to Florida with Marty, he'll have a good time and enjoy a much needed break from his little alcoholic world down at Americus.
Plans for a game night this weekend with Jess and Jeremy, sounds like so much fun! --Are you smarter than a 5th grader?--I wish I was :)
Looking forward to another exhausting painting class this evening with Jones. It's like learning to paint all over again, it's hard, it sucks, but I love it and I wouldn't have it any other way.
My house being filled with my artwork, my children's artwork, and other artists work that I absolutely adore! Look around you, do you love your space? Make it how you love it!
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my beautiful blank canvas, you.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Today I'm grateful for...

I'm grateful for every second I was able to spend with him, good and bad.
I am a better person for knowing him.
I'm grateful for his intelligence, his whimsey, his committment to his family, his joy that gushed out and covered everyone, and his acceptance of everyone.
For everything I learned from him including the meaning of "unconditional love".
I am grateful for every life that was touched by his presence and his memory that lingers with us all.
For MBLTF, where it started, and where it will lead me and all who will be involved.
I am grateful for the incredible gift that was given to me by my dear friend Jones honoring him and the beginning of MBLTF....what a treasure.
I am grateful for his way of pushing me to do the things I was afraid of, he always believed in me, especially with my artwork, he knew people would love my paintings. So the artwork continues and has now transitioned into the incredibly hard art classes I've just started with Jones in Indy every wednesday night. (The still life is growing on me...kinda proud my orange looks like an orange, and my apple looks like an apple) :)
I think about him every day and see him every day in our children's faces, comments, and actions.
He was a wonderful man who lived an awesome life. It was a fantastic life full of adventure, travel, laughter, love, and fun. His life was not lived without mistakes, he was not perfect, but he was one of a kind, never boring, and always loved. He will be forever thought about and greatly missed.
Rest in peace my love.
I'm grateful for every second I was able to spend with him, good and bad.
I am a better person for knowing him.
I'm grateful for his intelligence, his whimsey, his committment to his family, his joy that gushed out and covered everyone, and his acceptance of everyone.
For everything I learned from him including the meaning of "unconditional love".
I am grateful for every life that was touched by his presence and his memory that lingers with us all.
For MBLTF, where it started, and where it will lead me and all who will be involved.
I am grateful for the incredible gift that was given to me by my dear friend Jones honoring him and the beginning of MBLTF....what a treasure.
I am grateful for his way of pushing me to do the things I was afraid of, he always believed in me, especially with my artwork, he knew people would love my paintings. So the artwork continues and has now transitioned into the incredibly hard art classes I've just started with Jones in Indy every wednesday night. (The still life is growing on me...kinda proud my orange looks like an orange, and my apple looks like an apple) :)
I think about him every day and see him every day in our children's faces, comments, and actions.
He was a wonderful man who lived an awesome life. It was a fantastic life full of adventure, travel, laughter, love, and fun. His life was not lived without mistakes, he was not perfect, but he was one of a kind, never boring, and always loved. He will be forever thought about and greatly missed.
Rest in peace my love.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Lots of anticipation for the upcoming weeks
Today I'm grateful for....
Hot showers.
Playing cards with Lisa, Jess, Josh, and dad on Friday night. So wonderful to see Lisa smile and have a good time.
Staying home at Josh's on Saturday while the girls we're at their friends houses. We got take out, watched movies and laid on the couch. Soooo nice to have some down time and just relax.
The special conversations over breakfast on Sunday mornings with Josh at Edd and Maggie's place, and our new love ....wandering through the antiques store next door.
Our girls against guys game of darts Monday night. Jamie and I did really well.
That Josh's friends love hanging out with me and want me around.
Sleeping in with the girls on Monday.
Plans to see Jones on Sunday.
Plans to join Jones's painting class on Wed. nights, which means I'll see her once a week. Hopefully we wont get in trouble for talking in class :)
A fire in my fireplace making my toes warm and toasty.
Knowing that my dad will find a new job quickly and easily.
Anticipation of celebrating my grandma's 90th birthday this Saturday with the whole family including my mom's brother, John.
The big yellow full moon this evening.
Taylor is having a blast ice skating this evening with her friend Stephanie and the church group.
Josh's interest in the painting process from start to finish, his help with my sketches for my next painting.
Orange poppies, lovely lovely poppies.
Kathy's boyfriend Aaron, what a character, such a quick wit.
Getting to listen to Billy and Josh's stories about all the things they did while they were growing up. Having a ball laughing with them about the silly things they've done. Watching the two men and seeing the boy in them as they talked about their past.
Looking forward to lunch with Gail on Friday, and an upcoming ladies afternoon painting pottery.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little poppy, you.
Hot showers.
Playing cards with Lisa, Jess, Josh, and dad on Friday night. So wonderful to see Lisa smile and have a good time.
Staying home at Josh's on Saturday while the girls we're at their friends houses. We got take out, watched movies and laid on the couch. Soooo nice to have some down time and just relax.
The special conversations over breakfast on Sunday mornings with Josh at Edd and Maggie's place, and our new love ....wandering through the antiques store next door.
Our girls against guys game of darts Monday night. Jamie and I did really well.
That Josh's friends love hanging out with me and want me around.
Sleeping in with the girls on Monday.
Plans to see Jones on Sunday.
Plans to join Jones's painting class on Wed. nights, which means I'll see her once a week. Hopefully we wont get in trouble for talking in class :)
A fire in my fireplace making my toes warm and toasty.
Knowing that my dad will find a new job quickly and easily.
Anticipation of celebrating my grandma's 90th birthday this Saturday with the whole family including my mom's brother, John.
The big yellow full moon this evening.
Taylor is having a blast ice skating this evening with her friend Stephanie and the church group.
Josh's interest in the painting process from start to finish, his help with my sketches for my next painting.
Orange poppies, lovely lovely poppies.
Kathy's boyfriend Aaron, what a character, such a quick wit.
Getting to listen to Billy and Josh's stories about all the things they did while they were growing up. Having a ball laughing with them about the silly things they've done. Watching the two men and seeing the boy in them as they talked about their past.
Looking forward to lunch with Gail on Friday, and an upcoming ladies afternoon painting pottery.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little poppy, you.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
It's a new day
Today I'm grateful for...
Knowing when to say no, sticking close to my family and taking care of myself and my needs.
Kevin's new creation, Phenix Rose,....amazing.
Jones's painting course, I'm soooo jealous!
Josh and I being invited to dinner with dad,...wow.
My cousin's procrastination with flipping one of their houses, making it available for my aunt and uncle, and my other cousin and his family to live in while recovering from the floods.
Brea's baptism going well. The new light I see in Jess's eyes and the new glue I see bringing she and her children closer together.
Jess getting hired back at the hospital, putting a little extra money in their pockets during the winter months that are so hard on them when Jeremy is laid off.
Josh's apartment coming together. All the furniture/dishes/stuff that's been given to him by his friends and people who love him. ...Karen giving him extra hours at work making his move a little easier financially.
Josh's dog, Brownie, who I am in love with. He's an old old dog, but he just fills me up :)
Kelsey waking up every morning on her own since school started back,...unbelievable!
Kelsey trying out for the school musical yesterday,....Singing in the Rain!! So excited about this one, I can't wait to see her perform.
Taylor singing in the car for Josh and I last night on the way home from the ball game. She's so cute.
Getting Taylor's letterman jacket ordered and seeing the excitement and huge smile on her face.
My new easel! It's lovely.
The art work I bought last weekend at the antiques store with Josh, just beautiful.
A partner who loves to do a lot of the same things that I do. Enjoying things together, looking at my partner, seeing the smile on his face and knowing that he's happy and loving what we're doing. ...looking at antiques, shopping, looking at art, playing cards, walking, cleaning, cooking, and whatever else we've done so far in our relationship.
My mom and Dennis's trip to Minnesota this weekend being safe and uneventful in advance.
Being invited to Stephanie's purse party, I love purses :)
Being aware of my emotions, taking the time to think about things and figure out why I feel the way I do in certain situations.
The sun rising at this very moment, ...it's a new day.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my loyal fluffy old dog.
Knowing when to say no, sticking close to my family and taking care of myself and my needs.
Kevin's new creation, Phenix Rose,....amazing.
Jones's painting course, I'm soooo jealous!
Josh and I being invited to dinner with dad,...wow.
My cousin's procrastination with flipping one of their houses, making it available for my aunt and uncle, and my other cousin and his family to live in while recovering from the floods.
Brea's baptism going well. The new light I see in Jess's eyes and the new glue I see bringing she and her children closer together.
Jess getting hired back at the hospital, putting a little extra money in their pockets during the winter months that are so hard on them when Jeremy is laid off.
Josh's apartment coming together. All the furniture/dishes/stuff that's been given to him by his friends and people who love him. ...Karen giving him extra hours at work making his move a little easier financially.
Josh's dog, Brownie, who I am in love with. He's an old old dog, but he just fills me up :)
Kelsey waking up every morning on her own since school started back,...unbelievable!
Kelsey trying out for the school musical yesterday,....Singing in the Rain!! So excited about this one, I can't wait to see her perform.
Taylor singing in the car for Josh and I last night on the way home from the ball game. She's so cute.
Getting Taylor's letterman jacket ordered and seeing the excitement and huge smile on her face.
My new easel! It's lovely.
The art work I bought last weekend at the antiques store with Josh, just beautiful.
A partner who loves to do a lot of the same things that I do. Enjoying things together, looking at my partner, seeing the smile on his face and knowing that he's happy and loving what we're doing. ...looking at antiques, shopping, looking at art, playing cards, walking, cleaning, cooking, and whatever else we've done so far in our relationship.
My mom and Dennis's trip to Minnesota this weekend being safe and uneventful in advance.
Being invited to Stephanie's purse party, I love purses :)
Being aware of my emotions, taking the time to think about things and figure out why I feel the way I do in certain situations.
The sun rising at this very moment, ...it's a new day.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my loyal fluffy old dog.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Conversations on the floor
Today I'm grateful for.....
My time working the concession stand at Taylor's game Thursday was hectic and crazy, but kind of fun. ....I will never again volunteer to work the concession stand :)
Seeing Ciarra and Lisa's smiling faces for a few minutes yesterday.
Running into an old boyfriend, Scott B., on two different days, and finally deciding to listen to the universe and say hello. A quick plesant "catch up" conversation, and no longer feeling guilty for not saying hello.
Eating dinner with Kelsey and her friend Jessica, being included in their conversation, and lots of laughter.
Finally getting my Christmas stuff down and packed away. All I have left to do is take the tree down, (decorations are off, but it's still standing)
Hearing that some of the people who thought they'd lost their homes due to the floods and being evacuated, didn't actually get flooded, ..yeah :)
Knowing the people who did lose their homes have their lives, each other, and friends and family to help them rebuild and start over.
Seeing the Cheeze Weasels last night at the Tick Tock,....good old rock and roll that every one knows the words to.
The crazy guy in the orange shirt who bought all of our drinks last night, I mean for my whole table, including my boyfriend! Drinking for free is always fun, especially when your friends get to join you :)
Laura and Mike sticking together through their rough times,...seeing them smiling and enjoying each other again.
Dancing, dancing, dancing....always being able to join people on the dance floor, being let into their "circles" so easily, just by smiling and making eye contact.
An evening full of fun and laughter, and still getting home by midnight to get some sleep.
Being up to watch the sun rise this morning.
My cold is almost gone, woo hoo!
Seeing the tire tracks in the frosty field near my house this morning and knowing they're mine, ....just smiling as I drove by remembering.
My vision board and all that it means.
Love in all forms.
Plans in the works for float trips, camping, canoe trips, and lots of out door fun this summer.
Josh starting to get settled in his new place, things going smoothly for him.
Conversations on the floor in his new place, before the furniture, ...being reminded of how intimate it is to share space with someone while sitting on the floor. Because you're on the floor, people tend to relax a little, guards come down, the setting is casual and non threatening. Furniture sort of takes that away from us. When you sit on the floor with someone in a small space, you tend to sit close, and face each other, making conversations seem more intimate and meaningful.
Spicy Basil Noodles, mmmmmm....yummy.
Common Ground
Text messages from Vance that make me laugh!
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my spicy little noodle, you :)
My time working the concession stand at Taylor's game Thursday was hectic and crazy, but kind of fun. ....I will never again volunteer to work the concession stand :)
Seeing Ciarra and Lisa's smiling faces for a few minutes yesterday.
Running into an old boyfriend, Scott B., on two different days, and finally deciding to listen to the universe and say hello. A quick plesant "catch up" conversation, and no longer feeling guilty for not saying hello.
Eating dinner with Kelsey and her friend Jessica, being included in their conversation, and lots of laughter.
Finally getting my Christmas stuff down and packed away. All I have left to do is take the tree down, (decorations are off, but it's still standing)
Hearing that some of the people who thought they'd lost their homes due to the floods and being evacuated, didn't actually get flooded, ..yeah :)
Knowing the people who did lose their homes have their lives, each other, and friends and family to help them rebuild and start over.
Seeing the Cheeze Weasels last night at the Tick Tock,....good old rock and roll that every one knows the words to.
The crazy guy in the orange shirt who bought all of our drinks last night, I mean for my whole table, including my boyfriend! Drinking for free is always fun, especially when your friends get to join you :)
Laura and Mike sticking together through their rough times,...seeing them smiling and enjoying each other again.
Dancing, dancing, dancing....always being able to join people on the dance floor, being let into their "circles" so easily, just by smiling and making eye contact.
An evening full of fun and laughter, and still getting home by midnight to get some sleep.
Being up to watch the sun rise this morning.
My cold is almost gone, woo hoo!
Seeing the tire tracks in the frosty field near my house this morning and knowing they're mine, ....just smiling as I drove by remembering.
My vision board and all that it means.
Love in all forms.
Plans in the works for float trips, camping, canoe trips, and lots of out door fun this summer.
Josh starting to get settled in his new place, things going smoothly for him.
Conversations on the floor in his new place, before the furniture, ...being reminded of how intimate it is to share space with someone while sitting on the floor. Because you're on the floor, people tend to relax a little, guards come down, the setting is casual and non threatening. Furniture sort of takes that away from us. When you sit on the floor with someone in a small space, you tend to sit close, and face each other, making conversations seem more intimate and meaningful.
Spicy Basil Noodles, mmmmmm....yummy.
Common Ground
Text messages from Vance that make me laugh!
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my spicy little noodle, you :)
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
rough waters
Today I'm grateful for....
All of my family and friends who have lost their homes and everything they own in the recent flood are safe, and ...in advance... will recover quickly with ease.
All of my family and friends who have lost their homes and everything they own in the recent flood are safe, and ...in advance... will recover quickly with ease.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Fried Green Tomatoes
Today I'm grateful for....
Face time with Gary last week.
A fun Saturday with Josh, Lisa and Billy, Carly and Staton, ...and getting VIP treatment by Junior.
Sleeping in and lots of rest on Sunday.
Josh getting mostly moved in to his new apartment, and wonderful warm, dry weather to move in.
All of Jessica's help with cleaning and organizing at Josh's new place.
One on one time with Kelsey on Sunday.
Hot baths.
Conversations shared over fried green tomatos.
Tim, Tracie, and DJ making it back safe and sound from their Michigan trip.
All shades of green.
Jessica's progress on the home front and a new client for her.
Cinnamin Vanilla candles from Gold Canyon mmmmmm.
The girls going back to school tomorrow....bringing the structure back into our lives.
Baby's new hair cut, ...she almost looks like a new dog without all that fluff!
Chris and his new girl.
Dancing in the parking lot to Jack Johnson with Jess.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little tomato, you.
Face time with Gary last week.
A fun Saturday with Josh, Lisa and Billy, Carly and Staton, ...and getting VIP treatment by Junior.
Sleeping in and lots of rest on Sunday.
Josh getting mostly moved in to his new apartment, and wonderful warm, dry weather to move in.
All of Jessica's help with cleaning and organizing at Josh's new place.
One on one time with Kelsey on Sunday.
Hot baths.
Conversations shared over fried green tomatos.
Tim, Tracie, and DJ making it back safe and sound from their Michigan trip.
All shades of green.
Jessica's progress on the home front and a new client for her.
Cinnamin Vanilla candles from Gold Canyon mmmmmm.
The girls going back to school tomorrow....bringing the structure back into our lives.
Baby's new hair cut, ...she almost looks like a new dog without all that fluff!
Chris and his new girl.
Dancing in the parking lot to Jack Johnson with Jess.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little tomato, you.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
My Friends Are My Family
Today I'm grateful for....
Seeing Jeff and his band play, and being blown away! A great show and good times with wonderful friends.
Spending New Years with family. Even though Lisa was sick and Billy had to take her home early, I was happy to be with family.
Winning at cards, ...AND ship captain crew!!
Lots of time with Josh,...my cultured redneck :)
That my sisters and I are "with" three best friends from Crawfordsville who all grew up together, how crazy is that? So when we get together we really are family!
Talking with Gary, Jess, and Dis on new years.
Knowing my friends are my family.
Everyone being safe.
Taylor spending her new years eve with her very best friend, Stephanie and her family.
Technology allowing me to stay connected with all the people I love dearly.
A wonderful message from my beloved Kevin,...passing on some parental knowledge to a dear friend.
Commitments :)
Seeing pictures of jones and her mamma, just beautiful.
Looking forward to time with my girls, Gail and Erika this weekend.
Knowing Taylor will have a great time at her friends party this evening and that Kelsey will have a fantastic time at her kareoke party on Friday ...it's at the old Lafayette Theater down town! So excited to venture back into that era of my life,...I worked there once upon a time when it was still a theater.
A message every morning from Josh, letting me know he's thinking of me.
Cooking for someone who loves my food and loves to eat.
Josh's new apartment coming together so easily, the electric being turned on today, and plans to help him move this weekend. oooh, and knowing we'll have great weather for moving!
I also saw a coyote crossing a field near my mom's house at sunset..first one I've ever seen outside of a zoo,..... wonder if it was the same evening as Jones's story?
Hot baths.
yummy home made vegetable soup, and hearing my loved ones love my meals.
Passing my paintings on to people I love.
Lots of mud and corn on my jeep! Being so deep in the muddy water it was washing up over the windshield and making it hard to see! ....not getting stuck :)
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my gorgeous muddy field, you.
Seeing Jeff and his band play, and being blown away! A great show and good times with wonderful friends.
Spending New Years with family. Even though Lisa was sick and Billy had to take her home early, I was happy to be with family.
Winning at cards, ...AND ship captain crew!!
Lots of time with Josh,...my cultured redneck :)
That my sisters and I are "with" three best friends from Crawfordsville who all grew up together, how crazy is that? So when we get together we really are family!
Talking with Gary, Jess, and Dis on new years.
Knowing my friends are my family.
Everyone being safe.
Taylor spending her new years eve with her very best friend, Stephanie and her family.
Technology allowing me to stay connected with all the people I love dearly.
A wonderful message from my beloved Kevin,...passing on some parental knowledge to a dear friend.
Commitments :)
Seeing pictures of jones and her mamma, just beautiful.
Looking forward to time with my girls, Gail and Erika this weekend.
Knowing Taylor will have a great time at her friends party this evening and that Kelsey will have a fantastic time at her kareoke party on Friday ...it's at the old Lafayette Theater down town! So excited to venture back into that era of my life,...I worked there once upon a time when it was still a theater.
A message every morning from Josh, letting me know he's thinking of me.
Cooking for someone who loves my food and loves to eat.
Josh's new apartment coming together so easily, the electric being turned on today, and plans to help him move this weekend. oooh, and knowing we'll have great weather for moving!
I also saw a coyote crossing a field near my mom's house at sunset..first one I've ever seen outside of a zoo,..... wonder if it was the same evening as Jones's story?
Hot baths.
yummy home made vegetable soup, and hearing my loved ones love my meals.
Passing my paintings on to people I love.
Lots of mud and corn on my jeep! Being so deep in the muddy water it was washing up over the windshield and making it hard to see! ....not getting stuck :)
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my gorgeous muddy field, you.
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