Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Peaceful Easy Feelings
Today I'm grateful for....
Josh and I stopping at LA Cycles last week for dinner before heading down to Indy for my painting class with Jones. We had lots of good, important conversation on the drive there, during dinner, and on our way back home.
I'm grateful for the circumstances that lead to us being able to stay home on Thursday evening and just be lazy watching movies.
I'm grateful that the kids had a great time with their friends over on Friday night. I got up early Saturday morning and made banana pancakes for every one,..of course the kids all loved them :)
I'm grateful for all the fun, laughter, and dancing that went on during Jess's birthday party Saturday night. It was great to see my sister laughing, letting loose, and having fun.
On Sunday I got to go to Tristan's 4th birthday party, (jessica's youngest son). It was so fun to watch all the kids running around, getting big hugs from all the kids, stealing bits of time and conversation with Jess and some other friends of mine who were there during the chaos. Jessica and I were the only adults who actually wore the spiderman masks, dang! Wish I had a picture of that.
Clearing the clutter! I finally got my closet cleaned out and straightened up! and Monday evening Josh and I cleaned out the garage, straightened up, organized, and purged! Living simply feels so much better.
All the fun we're having with the new puppies, Buddy (taylor's puppy) and Frenchie (my puppy). They're soooooo sweet!
Peaceful easy feelings, and the best sleep I've had my whole life!!! It's becoming a regular thing, I've actually been asleep by midnight almost every night and up by 7:30am for almost a month now!! It's so wonderful to feel rested, be productive, and not carry the shame that I carried for not living like other people.
All the snow we've had this year. The way it blankets everything and makes the world seem so peaceful, you almost want to whisper when your soaking up the outdoors.
My vision board falling off the wall over and over again, which I'm taking as a sign that means it's definately time to make a new one.
Big Forever Loves.
Plans for Josh's oldest daughter to spend the night with us this weekend. ....knowing that I'm going to be a mother figure/step mother and how important that is to me.
Our Harley fund and knowing this summer will be a blast riding on the back of a bike with Josh. Camping, boating, floating, riding, and lots of fun with the kids.
Making every moment count.
Knowing that DJ's little ear drums will recover and heal quickly, and there will be no ongoing issues from his illness. Sending Tracie lots of love and patience for her, cuz I know how difficult it is to deal with your children when they hurt and you're exhausted, and there's nothing you can do to make them feel better.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my beautiful, peaceful dream, you.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Intent and focus
Today I'm grateful for....
The painting classes I'm taking with Jones, I learn something new every week!
New paints that allow me to spend less time struggling to get the correct colors in my paintings. Thanks Jones.
Jerry's patience with me as I stumble through his classes.
Meeting Josh's parents and daughter earlier this week.
Lunch/dinner with Josh yesterday at LA Cycles in Whitestown on our way to Indy. Lots of important conversation and laughs.
Getting some of our individual and mutual short and long term goals down on paper last night. Having some focus and intention to our lives and some things to work towards so we don't waste any more time.
Jones telling us about the lunar eclipse during class last night and getting our first glimpses of it with her.
Plans for "rockband" night with Aaron, Kathy, and Lisa G.
A partner who shares common interests with me. It's so fun to do something you love and know your partner is there because they want to be there and are genuinely enjoying themselves as well.
The sunrise this morning.
Knowing that I will have help cleaning the house up today cuz Josh is off work and he loves to help me :)
My beautiful roses right next to my bed making my room smell wonderful.
My new fuzzy crocs I bought on our trip to Little Nashville, they keep my feet soooooo comfy and warm!
Love in all forms.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little ball of intention, you.
The painting classes I'm taking with Jones, I learn something new every week!
New paints that allow me to spend less time struggling to get the correct colors in my paintings. Thanks Jones.
Jerry's patience with me as I stumble through his classes.
Meeting Josh's parents and daughter earlier this week.
Lunch/dinner with Josh yesterday at LA Cycles in Whitestown on our way to Indy. Lots of important conversation and laughs.
Getting some of our individual and mutual short and long term goals down on paper last night. Having some focus and intention to our lives and some things to work towards so we don't waste any more time.
Jones telling us about the lunar eclipse during class last night and getting our first glimpses of it with her.
Plans for "rockband" night with Aaron, Kathy, and Lisa G.
A partner who shares common interests with me. It's so fun to do something you love and know your partner is there because they want to be there and are genuinely enjoying themselves as well.
The sunrise this morning.
Knowing that I will have help cleaning the house up today cuz Josh is off work and he loves to help me :)
My beautiful roses right next to my bed making my room smell wonderful.
My new fuzzy crocs I bought on our trip to Little Nashville, they keep my feet soooooo comfy and warm!
Love in all forms.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little ball of intention, you.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Feeling Free
A wonderful, romantic weekend getaway with Josh for Valentine's Day.
Lots of time in the hot tub, great cool weather for sitting in the hot tub.
Lots of sunshine for shopping and wandering around the town on Saturday.
Taking our time, slowing down.
Feeling free.
My tradition of buying a piece of jewelry when I go some where new instead of a T-shirt that I'll never wear. Now I have stories behind most of my jewelry and it's so fun to share my stories with others. (The awesome necklace I got on this trip!)
Surprising Taylor with the perfect puppy just for her.
The awesome leather jacket I got on sale for Kelsey as her surprise, since Taylor got a dog. Kelsey's comment to that was.... since you brought Taylor an animal you thought you had to bring me one too :) she was kidding of course and loves the jacket.
The beautiful pink roses and lillies that arrived at my door for Valentine's Day from Josh :)
Getting spoiled, being treated well, feeling loved, cared for, and appreciated.
Lots of sleep last weekend and still feeling like we had copious amounts of time to do everything we wanted to do on our vacation.
Staying home all day yesterday and getting my closet cleaned out, and re-organized.
All of Josh's help with dishes and house work allowing us to spend more time together doing the things we like to do.
A visit from Jess on Sunday, and a delivery of Girl Scout cookies yum.
Finding the perfect "thank you" gift for my mom last weekend.
Love in all forms.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little glass of wine, you.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Kind and loving words
Today I'm grateful for...
So much fun last weekend. Seeing Josh, Tim and Billy enjoy their time with their friends from high school, just like I enjoy my time with my old friends. Playing and being silly with my sisters.
The amazing couples massage Josh and I enjoyed on Sunday morning which was my gift to him for Valentines Day. ...He said he needs to learn how to relax, ....that's something I'm great at :) We had our massage, went to my house...put on comfy clothes, spent all day laying in bed watching movies, and ordered Chinese food. What an awesome relaxing, rejuvenating day.
The kind and thoughtful way that Josh speaks to me, and the way that makes me react so differently in this relationship than I have in any other. I feel softer, more gentle, and just full up with love and warm fuzzies.
A wonderful, emotional, enlightening conversation with Josh Monday night. Learning more about each other, getting closer, and seeing more and more all of the things in a partner that make me feel happy, feel loved, cherished, excited, inspired, safe, respected, adventurous, etc.
Watching "The Secret" again,...seeing and learning things I didn't see the previous times I've watched it. Being inspired and motivated every time I watch it. Plans with Josh to make new vision boards, because he's a newbie and most of the things on my current board have been experienced.
I found Elegance!!!! I'd been buying perfume at this place since high school, one day I went to buy more and they were just gone! ...Today I went to pick up Taylor's letterman jacket and just happened to see the sign for the store. So I immediately parked the jeep and went in and bought my perfume :) Yeah.
Getting Taylor's letterman jacket back finally! She'll be so excited to get it when she gets home from school today :)
Finding a Yorki-Poo for Taylor(she has allergies, and they don't shed), knowing I'll pick him up this weekend and she'll be so surprised when I bring him home Sunday.
Hilarious conversation with Kelsey after school today, she's sooooo funny!
Kelsey telling me that she and another girl have decided and have gotten permission to start a monthly magazine at Harrison!!!!! They have their first meeting tomorrow after school.
Lots of laughter at work yesterday.
Looking forward to another painting class with Jones this evening. Safe travels there and back in advance.
Looking forward to an awesome weekend in Nashville with Josh. Knowing that Jones, Craig and Vance will be on the road to Asheville as we're on the road to Nashville :) Wishing I could hold little Phenix, but knowing I'll get to when the time is right.
My friends who are currently cleaning up from yet another flood this season continuing to be thankful for the things they still have, their lives, jobs, each other, and friends and family who love them and are willing to help every time they get flooded.
Being a woman and loving who I am.
More time to paint in my near future.
Love in all forms.
Thinking about Valentine's Day and Kevin's comment a couple of years ago unexpectedly popping into my head and making me laugh out loud :)
My home made smoothies.
Kind, loving words
All the little things that let you know you're loved.
Letting someone else know you love them.
Smiles, smiles make people feel good, and their contagious. Make a conscious effort to smile at someone today :)
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little valentine, you :)
So much fun last weekend. Seeing Josh, Tim and Billy enjoy their time with their friends from high school, just like I enjoy my time with my old friends. Playing and being silly with my sisters.
The amazing couples massage Josh and I enjoyed on Sunday morning which was my gift to him for Valentines Day. ...He said he needs to learn how to relax, ....that's something I'm great at :) We had our massage, went to my house...put on comfy clothes, spent all day laying in bed watching movies, and ordered Chinese food. What an awesome relaxing, rejuvenating day.
The kind and thoughtful way that Josh speaks to me, and the way that makes me react so differently in this relationship than I have in any other. I feel softer, more gentle, and just full up with love and warm fuzzies.
A wonderful, emotional, enlightening conversation with Josh Monday night. Learning more about each other, getting closer, and seeing more and more all of the things in a partner that make me feel happy, feel loved, cherished, excited, inspired, safe, respected, adventurous, etc.
Watching "The Secret" again,...seeing and learning things I didn't see the previous times I've watched it. Being inspired and motivated every time I watch it. Plans with Josh to make new vision boards, because he's a newbie and most of the things on my current board have been experienced.
I found Elegance!!!! I'd been buying perfume at this place since high school, one day I went to buy more and they were just gone! ...Today I went to pick up Taylor's letterman jacket and just happened to see the sign for the store. So I immediately parked the jeep and went in and bought my perfume :) Yeah.
Getting Taylor's letterman jacket back finally! She'll be so excited to get it when she gets home from school today :)
Finding a Yorki-Poo for Taylor(she has allergies, and they don't shed), knowing I'll pick him up this weekend and she'll be so surprised when I bring him home Sunday.
Hilarious conversation with Kelsey after school today, she's sooooo funny!
Kelsey telling me that she and another girl have decided and have gotten permission to start a monthly magazine at Harrison!!!!! They have their first meeting tomorrow after school.
Lots of laughter at work yesterday.
Looking forward to another painting class with Jones this evening. Safe travels there and back in advance.
Looking forward to an awesome weekend in Nashville with Josh. Knowing that Jones, Craig and Vance will be on the road to Asheville as we're on the road to Nashville :) Wishing I could hold little Phenix, but knowing I'll get to when the time is right.
My friends who are currently cleaning up from yet another flood this season continuing to be thankful for the things they still have, their lives, jobs, each other, and friends and family who love them and are willing to help every time they get flooded.
Being a woman and loving who I am.
More time to paint in my near future.
Love in all forms.
Thinking about Valentine's Day and Kevin's comment a couple of years ago unexpectedly popping into my head and making me laugh out loud :)
My home made smoothies.
Kind, loving words
All the little things that let you know you're loved.
Letting someone else know you love them.
Smiles, smiles make people feel good, and their contagious. Make a conscious effort to smile at someone today :)
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little valentine, you :)
Friday, February 8, 2008
Today I'm grateful for......
Spell check :)
Josh's dog, Brownie,...I'm in love love love with that dog!
Beautiful sunshine breaking through the clouds today.
Taylor working hard on her science project, and that it involves roses, so I get to enjoy the roses while she's working on her project.
All of Josh's help with the mundane house work when he's here, it's sooo helpful to me and means so much. It feels so good to have a clean house, AND...time to do other things!
Looking forward to an amazing Saturday bowling with my sisters and all the Crawfordsville crew, ...ooh and Jess :) Gonna be sooo much fun.
Looking forward to a romantic getaway next weekend with Josh, he rented a cabin with a hot tub in Nashville, IN for Valentines weekend :) so sweet.... and..... that's one more thing on my vision board that's been made reality! wooo hooo :)
I got to babysit Kyleigh all day yesterday ;) We had lots of fun, and it was Josh's day off, ...he chose to spend it with us! So we took Kyleigh to Toys R Us, then to Chuck E Cheese's for lots of play time, then came back to the house. She helped me make smoothies, and we watched a couple of movies. Her smile is just like her mom's, it lights up the whole room!
Kelsey's absolutely amazing sense of humor!
A movie night planned for tonight! 3:10 to Yuma, and Across the Universe
A quick recovery for Jones.
An invite for a girls night out in Indy from Erika and Gail, woo hoo! That's gonna be a good time :)
Precious time spent reading every night.
Bubble baths and a bathtub big enough for two.
3 days without smoking for both Josh and I!!! ...Amazing how loving someone else makes you want to take care of them, and better care of yourself.
Seeing pictures of Lisa G. and "the Kennedy sandwich"....Lisa G. and the Kennedy boys. Scandalous lol!
Working on a friendship with Kathy and Aaron :) Love those two!
Getting exactly what I ask for ...when I actually ask for it, and discovering a better understanding of how I need to ask for what I want. ...Details, details, details people! :)
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my bunch o' bubbles, you :)
Spell check :)
Josh's dog, Brownie,...I'm in love love love with that dog!
Beautiful sunshine breaking through the clouds today.
Taylor working hard on her science project, and that it involves roses, so I get to enjoy the roses while she's working on her project.
All of Josh's help with the mundane house work when he's here, it's sooo helpful to me and means so much. It feels so good to have a clean house, AND...time to do other things!
Looking forward to an amazing Saturday bowling with my sisters and all the Crawfordsville crew, ...ooh and Jess :) Gonna be sooo much fun.
Looking forward to a romantic getaway next weekend with Josh, he rented a cabin with a hot tub in Nashville, IN for Valentines weekend :) so sweet.... and..... that's one more thing on my vision board that's been made reality! wooo hooo :)
I got to babysit Kyleigh all day yesterday ;) We had lots of fun, and it was Josh's day off, ...he chose to spend it with us! So we took Kyleigh to Toys R Us, then to Chuck E Cheese's for lots of play time, then came back to the house. She helped me make smoothies, and we watched a couple of movies. Her smile is just like her mom's, it lights up the whole room!
Kelsey's absolutely amazing sense of humor!
A movie night planned for tonight! 3:10 to Yuma, and Across the Universe
A quick recovery for Jones.
An invite for a girls night out in Indy from Erika and Gail, woo hoo! That's gonna be a good time :)
Precious time spent reading every night.
Bubble baths and a bathtub big enough for two.
3 days without smoking for both Josh and I!!! ...Amazing how loving someone else makes you want to take care of them, and better care of yourself.
Seeing pictures of Lisa G. and "the Kennedy sandwich"....Lisa G. and the Kennedy boys. Scandalous lol!
Working on a friendship with Kathy and Aaron :) Love those two!
Getting exactly what I ask for ...when I actually ask for it, and discovering a better understanding of how I need to ask for what I want. ...Details, details, details people! :)
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my bunch o' bubbles, you :)
Monday, February 4, 2008
Today I'm grateful for...
SNOWDAYS!!!!! The girls had a snowday on Friday, and Josh's employer closed early, so we loaded up and went sledding!!!!!! (I had a great time until I was attacked by a thorn tree!) Soooo I'm grateful the tree got my arm and my mouth instead of my eyes!
Another painting class with Jones last Wed., feeling more comfortable there, and confident with my own style and ideas about painting. Settling in enough to have conversation with Jones while painting and learning. ...Looking forward to another class later this week :)
I am also grateful for Josh and I playing cards with Kelsey and Taylor on Thursday evening, at the coffee table in front of a warm fire! We all had a great time and rummicube is next!
Kelsey and Taylor had friends over on Friday for a sleepover, they had a great time.
A lazy day on Saturday, watching movies with the girls. ....Josh made pancakes!!!!
Josh's love language being "acts of service" too. We do things for each other, and lots of times end up comfortably doing things together,...like cooking, cleaning, folding laundry. We get busy "doing" and lots of times aren't aware of it, I'll be folding laundry and look up, and there's Josh...folding laundry with me, and we just smile cuz doing those things together makes us happy.
Spending Saturday evening at home while Josh went out with his friend. It was so nice to just be quiet, watch a movie and do nothing.
SUPERBOWL SUNDAY!!!!!!!! GO GIANTS!!!!! Good food, great ball game, Josh's time playing poker while I chatted with my girlfriends, door prizes (josh won a hat!), celebrating with people I love.
A two hour delay this morning allowing the girls and I some time to sleep in.
A possible trip to Asheville in a couple of weeks with Jones and Craig :)
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my awesome sled run, you.
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