Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Early spring in my yard
Today I'm grateful for....
Early spring in my yard. My lilac isn't blooming yet, but it will be soon, it's a late bloomer.
Seeing Josh at the track in all of his riding gear, knowing he was having a great time with the guys and enjoying himself on his 4 wheeler.
Finally getting the moss power washed off of the side of the house. Thanks to my mom for letting me use her power washer, and thanks to Josh for showing me how to use it.
I'm forever grateful to Lisa and Billy for letting Josh and I have our joint birthday party at their house. It was lots of fun and I was so happy to see every one.
Getting back together with Tracie, Lisa, Billy and the kids on Sunday around the fire before cleaning up.
Getting to take the babies for a walk in the woods all by myself. We were supposed to be looking for mushrooms, but I was too busy trying to watch out for the babies :) I took them down to the creek and let them throw rocks in, they loved it!
Knowing that Josh's long hours at work now will only last through the summer months.
Looking forward to Taylor's musical this weekend and plans to take Calli and maybe Ciara to see the musical on Saturday night.
Being registered to vote, finally making a decision and being prepared for the local primary.
Josh and I spending more time at home allowing us to get more accomplished.
Dropping in on Jessica Friday afternoon and getting in a few minutes of catching up with her. Knowing that she is a strong powerful woman who can handle what ever is going on with her and her family right now. Looking forward to some alone time with her.
More time on the treadmill and following through on consistency with my exercise.
The way our house smells right now due to the new candle I bought.
Looking forward to lunch with Josh this afternoon.
Making arrangements for womens camp and looking forward to taking Calli and Taylor with me.
Getting lots of sleep last night which allowed me extra time with Josh this morning.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
Feeling like I've been with Josh all my life and loving it.
you my little spring blossom, you.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
A new direction!
Today I'm grateful for.....
Picking up the boat yesterday and our plans to paint it.
A beautiful day today!
Getting to meet Josh for lunch today and taking a quick ride on the bike, ...without jackets!
Finding out there's a massage/esthetician (sp?) school here in Lafayette and that part of my cosmetology hours will count towards an esthetician license! Waxing, facials, make up, massage, stone massages, and sports massage. Classes start in September! The opportunities this will open up for me, and the new direction it will take me in my life.
Knowing the money for school will come to me easily, ($8,000).
Getting my errands done in style, in the convertible with the top down!
Josh and Billy "getting the yard ready" for the party on Saturday. Mowing the lawn, chopping wood, picking up sticks, ....drinking beer, yard work makes ya thirsty. lol
Running into the librarian from Hershey today, she remembered my daughters and had lots of good things to say about them.
Only a couple more weeks and Josh will start earning commission at work along with his regular pay!!
A great forecast for tomorrow, maybe we can get more time in on the bike.
You my little ray of sunshine, you!
Picking up the boat yesterday and our plans to paint it.
A beautiful day today!
Getting to meet Josh for lunch today and taking a quick ride on the bike, ...without jackets!
Finding out there's a massage/esthetician (sp?) school here in Lafayette and that part of my cosmetology hours will count towards an esthetician license! Waxing, facials, make up, massage, stone massages, and sports massage. Classes start in September! The opportunities this will open up for me, and the new direction it will take me in my life.
Knowing the money for school will come to me easily, ($8,000).
Getting my errands done in style, in the convertible with the top down!
Josh and Billy "getting the yard ready" for the party on Saturday. Mowing the lawn, chopping wood, picking up sticks, ....drinking beer, yard work makes ya thirsty. lol
Running into the librarian from Hershey today, she remembered my daughters and had lots of good things to say about them.
Only a couple more weeks and Josh will start earning commission at work along with his regular pay!!
A great forecast for tomorrow, maybe we can get more time in on the bike.
You my little ray of sunshine, you!
Monday, April 21, 2008
250 miles!
Today I'm grateful for....
Completing our first Chapter ride with the H.O.G. members (Harley Owners Group).
We started at Spikes near Frankfort and took back roads down to Edinburgh (sp?). It was cold, we were supposed to have a nice day with lots of sunshine, that didn't happen, but we stuck it out and had a great day. On the last leg of our journey, somewhere around Speedway, the sun came out and we were able to shed some clothing making the ride a lot more enjoyable. On our way back home Josh and I stopped at Michelle and Craig's house to stretch our legs and say a quick hello. We ended up staying for around an hour, did lots of chatting, trying to quickly catch up on each other's lives. We are very grateful for their hospitality, since we just showed up at their doorstep out of the blue. The look on Craig's face from the kitchen window was priceless btw when we pulled in on the Harley :)
I am grateful that Lisa was able to handle the girls on Sunday which allowed us to be able to participate in the Chapter Ride. We dropped Calli, Taylor, and Ciarra off at her house at 9am Sunday morning and she kept them all day, then took Calli and Ciarra back to Crawfordsville and dropped Taylor off at home for us. Thanks so much Lisa, we really appreciate it.
A beautiful day today, the air is so soft on my skin it feels like a warm fuzzy blanket.
Knowing that in about 15 minutes I'm going to head outside on my new deck which is shaded by my new pergola that Josh built and I'm going to paint :)
Getting some financial stuff taken care of with ease, love love love online banking and banking over the phone! Saves me time and money (gas prices)!
Anxiously awaiting the arrival of my license in the mail so that I can start some continuing education classes!!!
The flowers that are blooming in my yard, and the whole explosion of color that's happened over the last couple of days.
Mushrooms will be up soon!!! Hoping to get some mushroom hunting in some time this week. I hardly ever find any, but I love the hunt, and the exercise is good for me :)
Kelsey taking care of most of the dishes at Mom's on Saturday when we had our family get together for my birthday and Tim's birthday. My mother was a doll and put 25 on the candle instead of 35, that was very sweet.
Expanding and "taking up space" when I want to, ...when I want to.
My life, just the way it is.
Getting to spend some time with Shelley and her husband Jody on Friday night. An awesome dinner and lots of conversation, catching up. James and Steve joining us later and finding out that she and Steve have known each other since they were children! Their families had places on the river next to each other, what a small world!
The privilege of being accepted as "one of the guys" with my guy friends.
Fantastic weather in advance for our joint birthday party at Lisa's on Saturday.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little Harley chic, you.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Today I'm grateful for....
Being so appreciative of the friendship I've shared with Kevin all these years. Thinking of him yesterday on his birthday, what an amazing person he is.
Watching the sunset from the back of the bike yesterday evening. Every time we ride, I get a little contemplative and think, .... look at me, who'd have thought at 35 this is where I'd be, ...on the back of a Harley with a wonderful man whom I love dearly, the wind in my hair, the beautiful sun on my skin, and just going until it's time to go home.
Looking forward to the ride on Sunday with the chapter members, Ed and Colleen, and Joe and his wife. Making new friends, and creating new experiences.
Being involved in a chapter that includes a lot of more mature individuals who are responsible, know the value of safety and aren't interested in drinking while riding.
That Josh is very strict about his one beer rule while on the bike.
All the sunshine lately, it makes me smile.
Windows open, curtains billowing, daffodils blooming, grass being mowed, buds on the trees, tulips and iris coming up, they'll be blooming soon too.
Our boat being ready to be picked up.
Looking forward to seeing Shelley tonight, my girlfriend from high school who is here from Florida with her husband.
Barb and my dad's relationship smoothing out and coming together.
Chris's new job, less hours, more pay, room for advancement. Yeah Chris!
Picking up Calli shortly and knowing the weekend will go fast, but it will be filled with fun.
Being soooooooo happy the girls are all close in age and all get along so well. They can't wait for their specific weekends and are so excited to be together.
Getting Taylor's birthday all planned out. The girls are going to Merle Norman for consultations and make-up make overs, how fun for 13 year olds who are just starting to be interested in the girlie stuff. Then a sleep over with a bon fire, roasting marshmallows and lots of giggles!
A partner who is soooo considerate, kind, sensitive, strong, intelligent, challenging, motivating, sexy, compassionate, and who loves the way I do. It's amazing, what a difference it makes being with someone who has the same love language as you do, loving him is so easy and uncomplicated. I don't feel myself struggling to get my needs met and to meet his, because of the way we love we just automatically meet each other's needs, aahhh simplicity in love, what a relief and a joy!
My excitement about Josh's idea to plan a large poker run for charity, it's going to be some time in July! What fun! Doing something we love for a good cause, love love love giving!
A phone call from Jess today, knowing it's time to reconnect. I miss her smile.
An upcoming joint birthday celebration for Josh and I on April 26th at Billy and Lisa's. Their graciousness at allowing us to have the party there. Everyone is invited by the way! April 26th around 6pm, bon fire, horse shoes, volley ball?, a keg, food and guaranteed laughs. For those of you that have a long drive, there's plenty of room to pitch a tent or sleep on the floor in the house.
Love in all forms.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my brazenly lucid, amazing, sunny friend who makes things happen!
Being so appreciative of the friendship I've shared with Kevin all these years. Thinking of him yesterday on his birthday, what an amazing person he is.
Watching the sunset from the back of the bike yesterday evening. Every time we ride, I get a little contemplative and think, .... look at me, who'd have thought at 35 this is where I'd be, ...on the back of a Harley with a wonderful man whom I love dearly, the wind in my hair, the beautiful sun on my skin, and just going until it's time to go home.
Looking forward to the ride on Sunday with the chapter members, Ed and Colleen, and Joe and his wife. Making new friends, and creating new experiences.
Being involved in a chapter that includes a lot of more mature individuals who are responsible, know the value of safety and aren't interested in drinking while riding.
That Josh is very strict about his one beer rule while on the bike.
All the sunshine lately, it makes me smile.
Windows open, curtains billowing, daffodils blooming, grass being mowed, buds on the trees, tulips and iris coming up, they'll be blooming soon too.
Our boat being ready to be picked up.
Looking forward to seeing Shelley tonight, my girlfriend from high school who is here from Florida with her husband.
Barb and my dad's relationship smoothing out and coming together.
Chris's new job, less hours, more pay, room for advancement. Yeah Chris!
Picking up Calli shortly and knowing the weekend will go fast, but it will be filled with fun.
Being soooooooo happy the girls are all close in age and all get along so well. They can't wait for their specific weekends and are so excited to be together.
Getting Taylor's birthday all planned out. The girls are going to Merle Norman for consultations and make-up make overs, how fun for 13 year olds who are just starting to be interested in the girlie stuff. Then a sleep over with a bon fire, roasting marshmallows and lots of giggles!
A partner who is soooo considerate, kind, sensitive, strong, intelligent, challenging, motivating, sexy, compassionate, and who loves the way I do. It's amazing, what a difference it makes being with someone who has the same love language as you do, loving him is so easy and uncomplicated. I don't feel myself struggling to get my needs met and to meet his, because of the way we love we just automatically meet each other's needs, aahhh simplicity in love, what a relief and a joy!
My excitement about Josh's idea to plan a large poker run for charity, it's going to be some time in July! What fun! Doing something we love for a good cause, love love love giving!
A phone call from Jess today, knowing it's time to reconnect. I miss her smile.
An upcoming joint birthday celebration for Josh and I on April 26th at Billy and Lisa's. Their graciousness at allowing us to have the party there. Everyone is invited by the way! April 26th around 6pm, bon fire, horse shoes, volley ball?, a keg, food and guaranteed laughs. For those of you that have a long drive, there's plenty of room to pitch a tent or sleep on the floor in the house.
Love in all forms.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my brazenly lucid, amazing, sunny friend who makes things happen!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Love and Growth
Today I'm grateful for....
A fantastic night at home with Josh last night with no kids! Lots of us time, conversation and giggles.
Finding out my license is still active after all this time I thought it wasn't! Things being a lot less complicated than I thought they were.
Momentum on my continuing education classes since my license is still good, yeah!!!!!
More time on the treadmill, making me feel better and better every day. Embracing exercise for the purpose of being healthy and living longer.
Josh's new/used truck, and possibly looking at selling the convertible.
Taylor's new haircut which is soooo very cute!
My friends Kathy, and Lisa G., and my niece Kyleigh will be feeling better very soon. They've all been really sick.
Josh and I making progress on our vision boards. Finding later that there was a full two page photo in a magazine, we had each taken a half for our vision boards. So essentially we're "on the same page" :) lol
Taylor getting excited about her own vision board and asking us to save the materials for her to use.
The perfect bell for our Harley, and finding the perfect gift bell for Billy's Harley. For those who don't know, it's a sort of safe travels talisman that you hang on your bike.
Being in love with my dark hair and knowing for sure that brunettes have just as much fun as blonds if not more!
Ziggy Marley and Brett Dennen's music helping me move and grove through my day today. They made my steps a little lighter, and my smile a whole lot bigger.
Kelsey talking and talking and talking about choir and the contest after I picked her up today. She's trying out for the Jazz Choir next year.
TLC showing me exactly what 100% looks like, being able to recognize it easily in other people, and working on living at 100% in my own life.
Josh finally getting what I mean when I talk about being connected and staying present, focusing on enjoying right now instead of constantly running and thinking several minutes, hours, days in advance. Future planning and goals are important, but so is enjoying what you've planned when you're in that moment.
Kelsey always showing up as 100% herself no matter what.
Josh loving me for who I am, all my faults included, and laughing at me when I can't find things I've misplaced instead of getting frustrated with me.
The only sound in the house last night being the wind outside.
Realize exactly what my misfortune with men was all for, a real life class room that taught me specifically what I did and did not want from a partner. Which in turn made it so much easier to recognize and appreciate these qualities in someone I was maybe going to be serious about.
Being loved exactly the way I like to be and want to be. A fulfilling relationship with an awesome partner who believes in and promotes personal growth as well as growth as a couple.
Love in all forms.
Watching the puppies steal Taylor's material for her vision board in an attempt to get her to pay attention to them. Too cute!
The boat being ready to be picked up, and looking forward to lots of safe fun on the river this summer.
Amazing people who "make things happen".
Seeing all the people out working in their yards in the rain today,....reminds me of Washington :) Get things done while it's yucky outside so when it's nice out you can enjoy it.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my beautiful sexy brunette you!
A fantastic night at home with Josh last night with no kids! Lots of us time, conversation and giggles.
Finding out my license is still active after all this time I thought it wasn't! Things being a lot less complicated than I thought they were.
Momentum on my continuing education classes since my license is still good, yeah!!!!!
More time on the treadmill, making me feel better and better every day. Embracing exercise for the purpose of being healthy and living longer.
Josh's new/used truck, and possibly looking at selling the convertible.
Taylor's new haircut which is soooo very cute!
My friends Kathy, and Lisa G., and my niece Kyleigh will be feeling better very soon. They've all been really sick.
Josh and I making progress on our vision boards. Finding later that there was a full two page photo in a magazine, we had each taken a half for our vision boards. So essentially we're "on the same page" :) lol
Taylor getting excited about her own vision board and asking us to save the materials for her to use.
The perfect bell for our Harley, and finding the perfect gift bell for Billy's Harley. For those who don't know, it's a sort of safe travels talisman that you hang on your bike.
Being in love with my dark hair and knowing for sure that brunettes have just as much fun as blonds if not more!
Ziggy Marley and Brett Dennen's music helping me move and grove through my day today. They made my steps a little lighter, and my smile a whole lot bigger.
Kelsey talking and talking and talking about choir and the contest after I picked her up today. She's trying out for the Jazz Choir next year.
TLC showing me exactly what 100% looks like, being able to recognize it easily in other people, and working on living at 100% in my own life.
Josh finally getting what I mean when I talk about being connected and staying present, focusing on enjoying right now instead of constantly running and thinking several minutes, hours, days in advance. Future planning and goals are important, but so is enjoying what you've planned when you're in that moment.
Kelsey always showing up as 100% herself no matter what.
Josh loving me for who I am, all my faults included, and laughing at me when I can't find things I've misplaced instead of getting frustrated with me.
The only sound in the house last night being the wind outside.
Realize exactly what my misfortune with men was all for, a real life class room that taught me specifically what I did and did not want from a partner. Which in turn made it so much easier to recognize and appreciate these qualities in someone I was maybe going to be serious about.
Being loved exactly the way I like to be and want to be. A fulfilling relationship with an awesome partner who believes in and promotes personal growth as well as growth as a couple.
Love in all forms.
Watching the puppies steal Taylor's material for her vision board in an attempt to get her to pay attention to them. Too cute!
The boat being ready to be picked up, and looking forward to lots of safe fun on the river this summer.
Amazing people who "make things happen".
Seeing all the people out working in their yards in the rain today,....reminds me of Washington :) Get things done while it's yucky outside so when it's nice out you can enjoy it.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my beautiful sexy brunette you!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Today I'm grateful for....
Shelley finding me on myspace yeah!!!! It will be a lot easier to keep in contact with her now (she lives in Florida).
The freckles on Josh's shoulders, they make me smile.
The daffodils in my yard that are going to bloom any day now!
Getting to have lunch with Josh today and knowing I'll get to spend the whole day with him tomorrow on his day off.
All my flowers that are popping up every where. The buds on the trees starting to show some spring color.
Taylor being such a big help lately, she must want to be un-grounded :)
My treadmill, and working towards my goal, staying on it a little longer every few days and loving it.
Fabulously soft sheets.
Follow through.
Watching Josh take the lead, with ease, at almost everything. He just impresses me every day, I am so blessed.
Asking for what I want, specifically.
Embracing the taxi driving I'm doing for Taylor because of her musical rehearsals and knowing that it is all for a good cause, there is an end to it, and at the end I will be rewarded with a couple of great performances that include my beautiful and talented daughter.
The smell of bon fires, every one's clearing their flowerbeds and brush right now.
Looking forward to the storms coming tonight.
The smoothies that my kids love to drink and knowing that I'm doing something to help them be healthy when I make them for them.
Leaning into life.
Doing things that make me smile.
Daydreaming with Josh about our future.
Michelle's Massive Momentum!!! May it continue as long as she wants it to.
Watching the people I love blossom and grow, and knowing that I sometimes play a part in their blossoming simply by listening and making suggestions.
Being as far into my life as I want to be at this very moment and knowing I am always evolving.
Feeling loved and protected by the boys in my life, which I absolutely love, and whom I absolutely love.
An easy birth in advance for my friend Gretchen and her new little boy who will be here Thursday.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
Love love love in all forms.
you my little flower, you.
Shelley finding me on myspace yeah!!!! It will be a lot easier to keep in contact with her now (she lives in Florida).
The freckles on Josh's shoulders, they make me smile.
The daffodils in my yard that are going to bloom any day now!
Getting to have lunch with Josh today and knowing I'll get to spend the whole day with him tomorrow on his day off.
All my flowers that are popping up every where. The buds on the trees starting to show some spring color.
Taylor being such a big help lately, she must want to be un-grounded :)
My treadmill, and working towards my goal, staying on it a little longer every few days and loving it.
Fabulously soft sheets.
Follow through.
Watching Josh take the lead, with ease, at almost everything. He just impresses me every day, I am so blessed.
Asking for what I want, specifically.
Embracing the taxi driving I'm doing for Taylor because of her musical rehearsals and knowing that it is all for a good cause, there is an end to it, and at the end I will be rewarded with a couple of great performances that include my beautiful and talented daughter.
The smell of bon fires, every one's clearing their flowerbeds and brush right now.
Looking forward to the storms coming tonight.
The smoothies that my kids love to drink and knowing that I'm doing something to help them be healthy when I make them for them.
Leaning into life.
Doing things that make me smile.
Daydreaming with Josh about our future.
Michelle's Massive Momentum!!! May it continue as long as she wants it to.
Watching the people I love blossom and grow, and knowing that I sometimes play a part in their blossoming simply by listening and making suggestions.
Being as far into my life as I want to be at this very moment and knowing I am always evolving.
Feeling loved and protected by the boys in my life, which I absolutely love, and whom I absolutely love.
An easy birth in advance for my friend Gretchen and her new little boy who will be here Thursday.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
Love love love in all forms.
you my little flower, you.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Lately I'm grateful for....
The prosperity of myself and others.
The realization of the need for change, personal growth and global growth in myself and others even if growth means going back to basics, simplicity and a new beginning for all.
Simplicity in every shape and form.
Running into Gretchen H. and getting to chat with her for a few minutes.
All emotions.
Trees....where ever I am, as long as I can look up and see the branches swaying in the breeze against the sky, ....that brings me peace.
Hearing the birds chirping again after a long winter.
Lisa's huge sunshine smile.
Tracie's big gorgeous eyes.
Billy's ability to find the humor in almost any situation and his willingness to share with everyone no matter what.
Getting to hang with Steve N. and James Toman, we had sooooo much fun.
Watching the guys play on the four wheelers.
The purple crocus blooming in my yard.
Color popping up all over.
The beginnings of the pergola going up this afternoon.
A great ride today with Lisa and Billy, Ed and Colleen, Josh and I. What a beautiful warm sunny day, just perfect for riding. Seeing lots of bikes out, lots of people, lots of wonderful scenery, a great dinner together, and the wind in my hair all day long.
A surprise visit from Tracie and DJ yesterday.
Text messages from Vance when we got stuck in the mud Friday night.
Taylor, Ciarra, and Calli getting along so well.
Being almost on a regular sleeping schedule and getting more then 4-5 hours of sleep almost every night now!!!!!!
Considerate people. One of the things I love most about Josh is that he always thinks about me, what my needs are, and does what he can to make sure I'm comfortable, as well as looking out for everyone else.
Love in all forms.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
Leaning into the wind with a smile on my face.
You my little Harley brat, you.
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