Today I'm grateful for.....
Dinner and good conversation with lots of giggling with Kelsey.
Laughing, Laughing, Laughing at a movie together with Kelsey.
Her help with shampooing the carpets last night and today.
Staying in all day long.
More stuff ready to go to Good Will.
A phone call from my sunshine Taylor today.
Michelle squared in Washington exponentially. Exponentially. ;)
Flamingos popping into my head today out of no where! What happened to the flamingos by the way? What a great time, great memory, part of it shared with my brother in law.
Looking forward to a fantastic fun filled weekend. Kim's 30th at the camp grounds on Sat. and where ever the evening takes me tomorrow :)
Plans to take my new paintings into the shop tomorrow and exchange them with some that haven't sold.
Feeling beautiful.
Power tools.
Sexy confident funny men.
Bubble Baths.
Interesting people.
Fully expressing yourself in the moment.
Good things are happening to the people I love.

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Time with Kelsey
Today I'm grateful for......
Taylor's gone camping with Lisa and Billy until Friday which allows me one on one time with Kelsey.
Plans to see a more adult movie this evening with Kelsey.
The possibility of thunderstorms today.
New canvases, cuz I've started painting again.
My new lounge chairs for the patio scheduled to arrive next week.
There's no where I have to be today.
Looking forward to Hawaii!!!!
Looking forward to WA!!
Personal growth.
The possibility of dad and Barb crossing paths soon.
Taylor's gone camping with Lisa and Billy until Friday which allows me one on one time with Kelsey.
Plans to see a more adult movie this evening with Kelsey.
The possibility of thunderstorms today.
New canvases, cuz I've started painting again.
My new lounge chairs for the patio scheduled to arrive next week.
There's no where I have to be today.
Looking forward to Hawaii!!!!
Looking forward to WA!!
Personal growth.
The possibility of dad and Barb crossing paths soon.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Today I'm grateful for....
Getting to work with my mom today.
Getting to chat and laugh with my sisters today at work.
Getting some alone time to chat with Kay about her mom's passing and other interesting conversation.
Reading Kev's glog and loving who he is, and his excitement that reaches through the computer, grabs you and shakes you up.
Making plans with jones for kayaking while I'm there. wooohooo!!!
Getting my ccard back so I can schedule my trip to Hawaii. --Poipu Beach :)
Ask and ye shall receive.
Hearing talk of an amazing road trip for Vance and Dean this weekend. Asking the universe for signs of life from Vance :) and getting them... in bits and pieces, but still getting them, and good bits and pieces at that!
That Jessica and Jeremy are celebrating their 10 year anniversary today.
That I get to babysit for Jess and Jeremy's little one's tonight which means play time for me, being reminded of free play, child like behavior, and just having innocent fun.
O for being a role model for me for 24 years, giving me guidance during the times when I had none.
Choosing my friends wisely these days and tastefully "bowing out" when a person or situation doesn't feel right for me. Knowing I have the ability to be impolite and roar when a person or situation doesn't accept my tasteful "bowing out".
Feeling more and more powerful in my skin.
Very specifically saying out loud exactly what I want in my life. Having learned the ability to focus in on exactly what it is I want,.....most of the time :)
Good things are happening to the people I love.
you my little rainbow, you :)
Getting to work with my mom today.
Getting to chat and laugh with my sisters today at work.
Getting some alone time to chat with Kay about her mom's passing and other interesting conversation.
Reading Kev's glog and loving who he is, and his excitement that reaches through the computer, grabs you and shakes you up.
Making plans with jones for kayaking while I'm there. wooohooo!!!
Getting my ccard back so I can schedule my trip to Hawaii. --Poipu Beach :)
Ask and ye shall receive.
Hearing talk of an amazing road trip for Vance and Dean this weekend. Asking the universe for signs of life from Vance :) and getting them... in bits and pieces, but still getting them, and good bits and pieces at that!
That Jessica and Jeremy are celebrating their 10 year anniversary today.
That I get to babysit for Jess and Jeremy's little one's tonight which means play time for me, being reminded of free play, child like behavior, and just having innocent fun.
O for being a role model for me for 24 years, giving me guidance during the times when I had none.
Choosing my friends wisely these days and tastefully "bowing out" when a person or situation doesn't feel right for me. Knowing I have the ability to be impolite and roar when a person or situation doesn't accept my tasteful "bowing out".
Feeling more and more powerful in my skin.
Very specifically saying out loud exactly what I want in my life. Having learned the ability to focus in on exactly what it is I want,.....most of the time :)
Good things are happening to the people I love.
you my little rainbow, you :)
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Cup cakes
Today I'm grateful for...
A nice birthday evening for my mom on Wednesday night.
Cup cakes for the babies! With blue and pink icing :)
Tracie's phone call telling me the blue icing stained DJ's skin, and guess what happened when he pooped :) ha ha
Swimming at France Park two days in a row.
The tranquility of France Park even when there's lots of people swimming.
That my girls brought friends to keep them busy and are old enough that they don't have to be watched so closely any more so I got to float most of the day away, way out by the rope :)
I get to babysit for Jess tomorrow evening.
Riding back from Logansport with all the windows down, the sun roof open, the radio blasting and singing with my daughters.
People watching.
Looking forward to work tomorrow.
Finally doing my first painting since Feb. with plans to do more once I get some more canvases. I have to buy more because Taylor used all the ones I had.
Lots of laughter with my family last night at mom's.
Tracie, like I do, has the "bossy toe" :) and I have photographic proof.
Being single.--Never thought those words would ever come out of my mouth, but I love it!
Really being happy with who I am.
The possibility of storms this weekend.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Lots of fun
Today I'm grateful for.....
A wonderful evening at the Taste on Saturday listening to an awesome jazz band, and seeing lots of fireworks.
Another "real" date with a nice guy and lots of laughs.
An unplanned continuation of my night on Saturday with the new people I met on the pedestrian bridge--lots of dancing and lots of fun!
Getting home at 4am.
A quiet relaxing day at home today.
Taylor got to spend the night with Ciarra again sunday.
Good movies on cable today.
Switching my cell service to Cingular so I have more coverage in the county. It's awesome, I have a full signal almost every where I spend my time now. Didn't have that with t-mobile.
Finalizing plans with jones for my trip to WA.
We finally got some rain sunday!!
Looking forward to taking the girls to France Park monday.
Laughter, laughter, laughter!!!!
Good things are happening to the people I love.
A wonderful evening at the Taste on Saturday listening to an awesome jazz band, and seeing lots of fireworks.
Another "real" date with a nice guy and lots of laughs.
An unplanned continuation of my night on Saturday with the new people I met on the pedestrian bridge--lots of dancing and lots of fun!
Getting home at 4am.
A quiet relaxing day at home today.
Taylor got to spend the night with Ciarra again sunday.
Good movies on cable today.
Switching my cell service to Cingular so I have more coverage in the county. It's awesome, I have a full signal almost every where I spend my time now. Didn't have that with t-mobile.
Finalizing plans with jones for my trip to WA.
We finally got some rain sunday!!
Looking forward to taking the girls to France Park monday.
Laughter, laughter, laughter!!!!
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Today I'm grateful for.....
Tracie babysitting so Lisa and Billy could get some much needed together time, as well as spending time out with me after their dinner.
Billy and Austin being brave and singing Glycerine and She Talks To Angels, which they got lots of applause for.
Bad Karaoke singers.
Playing asshole with the call each other names rule and laughing with Jess and Lisa.
FatCat keeping the laughs coming.
Agreeing to a second date, and choosing to sit with feelings that are different than my norm. Choosing to sit with the feelings until I'm sure of exactly what it is I'm actually feeling. Is it discomfort because this guy might actually be healthy which is way different from my norm.
Being acutely aware of my ability to choose, in whatever situation, I choose my life.
Kathy Griffin and the kid fu**ers comment she made about a particular religious group that made me laugh out loud!
Self tanner
Finally starting my own vision board.
Choosing to live a relaxed way of life with bits of adventure when I want them, just the way I like it.
Listening to my tape from Nancy and making more and more connections. Amazing. How is this possible?
All of the strong minded womyn who surround me
The healthy birth of Sarah, knowing all of the emotions Eric and Nicole are experiencing, and being able to share in their joy through the glog.
Good things are happening to the people I love
Tracie babysitting so Lisa and Billy could get some much needed together time, as well as spending time out with me after their dinner.
Billy and Austin being brave and singing Glycerine and She Talks To Angels, which they got lots of applause for.
Bad Karaoke singers.
Playing asshole with the call each other names rule and laughing with Jess and Lisa.
FatCat keeping the laughs coming.
Agreeing to a second date, and choosing to sit with feelings that are different than my norm. Choosing to sit with the feelings until I'm sure of exactly what it is I'm actually feeling. Is it discomfort because this guy might actually be healthy which is way different from my norm.
Being acutely aware of my ability to choose, in whatever situation, I choose my life.
Kathy Griffin and the kid fu**ers comment she made about a particular religious group that made me laugh out loud!
Self tanner
Finally starting my own vision board.
Choosing to live a relaxed way of life with bits of adventure when I want them, just the way I like it.
Listening to my tape from Nancy and making more and more connections. Amazing. How is this possible?
All of the strong minded womyn who surround me
The healthy birth of Sarah, knowing all of the emotions Eric and Nicole are experiencing, and being able to share in their joy through the glog.
Good things are happening to the people I love
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Lots of Hot Air!
Today I'm grateful for...........
Getting almost 12 years with my astounding husband (today, June 13th, is his birthday. He would have been 34).
Celebrating his birthday with the girls, Karen, and her husband on a hot air balloon!!!!
~The hot air balloon ride was amazing, from start to finish, just fantastic. The take off felt a little unsure to me, but once up in the air it was just pure awe. We had a crowd watching us take off, we were the mysterious people in the basket getting to go on the balloon ride!!!! We were just off of 31, sort of on the north side of Carmel. We flew over down town Noblesville (did I spell that right?). There were 4 other balloons that went up about the same time we did so we got to watch all of them unpack, air up, and take off, then because we were last to take off we got to watch them all land in front of us!
Even though the ride was extremely hot due to weather and the firing up of the balloon, we were all smiles the whole time. The girls dropped flowers and flower petals from the balloon and there was all kinds of chatter from them about watching the petals drop and how far down they could see them.
The balloon we were on was 5 stories tall, and the biggest on the east coast. The ride lasted about an hour, and the sunset was beautiful. I never felt threatened or frightened.
I made sure we each had cameras so the girls got to take pictures of what they wanted pictures of, and they loved that freedom.
What a joyful celebration and fun loving way to remember Michael. Something none of us will soon forget.
***To see photos of the balloon trip go to:
Seeing the smiles on my daughters faces as we lifted off and waved to all the people below.
Waving at the traffic that stopped to watch us as we were landing.
Talking with my mom and dad before the flight and after. The pure joy and amazement in my dad's voice when we called and told him we had landed. Mom and dad are truly amazed at the way I've raised the girls and the things I've taught and am teaching them.
Taking risks and loving it!
Knowing that mom would have been there to go with us if it was at all possible.
All the beautiful colors of the balloons! Made for really colorful pictures!
A message from jones about bridgette's upcoming visit with her and trying to get mine scheduled.
An email from kevin about his wonderful visit with jake. Loved the bit about the tree :)
Hearing Vance's voice this morning even though I didn't get to speak to him, and knowing we will catch up soon.
Getting to drop in on everyone's lives through the glog.
Creating adventure in my life.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Getting almost 12 years with my astounding husband (today, June 13th, is his birthday. He would have been 34).
Celebrating his birthday with the girls, Karen, and her husband on a hot air balloon!!!!
~The hot air balloon ride was amazing, from start to finish, just fantastic. The take off felt a little unsure to me, but once up in the air it was just pure awe. We had a crowd watching us take off, we were the mysterious people in the basket getting to go on the balloon ride!!!! We were just off of 31, sort of on the north side of Carmel. We flew over down town Noblesville (did I spell that right?). There were 4 other balloons that went up about the same time we did so we got to watch all of them unpack, air up, and take off, then because we were last to take off we got to watch them all land in front of us!
Even though the ride was extremely hot due to weather and the firing up of the balloon, we were all smiles the whole time. The girls dropped flowers and flower petals from the balloon and there was all kinds of chatter from them about watching the petals drop and how far down they could see them.
The balloon we were on was 5 stories tall, and the biggest on the east coast. The ride lasted about an hour, and the sunset was beautiful. I never felt threatened or frightened.
I made sure we each had cameras so the girls got to take pictures of what they wanted pictures of, and they loved that freedom.
What a joyful celebration and fun loving way to remember Michael. Something none of us will soon forget.
***To see photos of the balloon trip go to:
Seeing the smiles on my daughters faces as we lifted off and waved to all the people below.
Waving at the traffic that stopped to watch us as we were landing.
Talking with my mom and dad before the flight and after. The pure joy and amazement in my dad's voice when we called and told him we had landed. Mom and dad are truly amazed at the way I've raised the girls and the things I've taught and am teaching them.
Taking risks and loving it!
Knowing that mom would have been there to go with us if it was at all possible.
All the beautiful colors of the balloons! Made for really colorful pictures!
A message from jones about bridgette's upcoming visit with her and trying to get mine scheduled.
An email from kevin about his wonderful visit with jake. Loved the bit about the tree :)
Hearing Vance's voice this morning even though I didn't get to speak to him, and knowing we will catch up soon.
Getting to drop in on everyone's lives through the glog.
Creating adventure in my life.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Today I'm grateful for.....
A phone call from jones on monday. Listening to her describe the all of the amazing beauty around her and remembering all the things I love about that area.
Getting more projects done.
Taylor for being such a big help lately.
Going with my instinct and doing some research, finding out what I knew to be true, my form of b.c. is what's been causing the blotchiness on my face. No more b.c. with hormones. And the blotchiness will dissipate in a few months.
That Lisa knows she will be supported no matter what and that she is loved unconditionally.
Anticipating our hot air balloon ride tomorrow.
That my next goal is to create more adventure in my life.
Anticipating my WA visit with jones.
Kelsey and Taylor will be spending some time with Karen this weekend getting some good artistic influence.
Anticipating my second date this saturday at the Taste of Tippecanoe.
Spending time outside today with Taylor by ourselves.
That Kelsey gets to be the cool kid that gets picked up at school in a convertible.
That good things are happening to the people I love.
A phone call from jones on monday. Listening to her describe the all of the amazing beauty around her and remembering all the things I love about that area.
Getting more projects done.
Taylor for being such a big help lately.
Going with my instinct and doing some research, finding out what I knew to be true, my form of b.c. is what's been causing the blotchiness on my face. No more b.c. with hormones. And the blotchiness will dissipate in a few months.
That Lisa knows she will be supported no matter what and that she is loved unconditionally.
Anticipating our hot air balloon ride tomorrow.
That my next goal is to create more adventure in my life.
Anticipating my WA visit with jones.
Kelsey and Taylor will be spending some time with Karen this weekend getting some good artistic influence.
Anticipating my second date this saturday at the Taste of Tippecanoe.
Spending time outside today with Taylor by ourselves.
That Kelsey gets to be the cool kid that gets picked up at school in a convertible.
That good things are happening to the people I love.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Doing things differently
Today I'm grateful for....
Emails from Kevin, all the good things in his life. And, your friends are right, you are never "ready" you plan what you can and deal with the rest as it comes.
Plans with Jones for my visit to the San Juans! yeah :) Going where my heart is.
Denny coming through his surgery fine, I get to "babysit" him in the morning.
Learning how to date instead of following my old pattern which was (jones said it best so I'll use her words!) step one: a date, step two: rent a uhaul and set up house :) love her
Going on a real date today with some one new, noticing the different levels of nervousness and comfort throughout the date. Laughing the whole time. A good lunch, and a nice walk after. Two and a half hours of laughter and fun conversation. Seeing that he was more insecure than I. A totally sober date with no cigarette smoke, what a relief. The possibility of a 2nd date.
Doing things differently. hmm what shall I try next?
Anticipating the hot air balloon ride on Wednesday and the emotions that will come. Hoping for the familiar sense of freedom that visits me with the wind. Doing something BIG with my daughters. Celebrating Michael's life instead of grieving his death.
The possibility of a painting retreat.
The History Channel.
A fun and safe night at Tracie's house Friday.
Good conversation Saturday night and turning in early.
Waking up early Sunday morning and watching scary movies until it was time to get ready for my date.
Fielding phone calls from my family and friends for two hours after my date. Knowing these are the people who love me and I love them.
Hearing my niece and nephew in the background while talking with my sisters on the phone. Talking to Kyleigh on the phone and her finally saying my name, so sweet.
A great investor and great investments. As Suzi Orman says, learning to "love my money", and "caring for it properly".
Getting great travel information from a new acquaintance.
Clothes that make me feel comfortable and sexy.
Great weather all weekend.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Emails from Kevin, all the good things in his life. And, your friends are right, you are never "ready" you plan what you can and deal with the rest as it comes.
Plans with Jones for my visit to the San Juans! yeah :) Going where my heart is.
Denny coming through his surgery fine, I get to "babysit" him in the morning.
Learning how to date instead of following my old pattern which was (jones said it best so I'll use her words!) step one: a date, step two: rent a uhaul and set up house :) love her
Going on a real date today with some one new, noticing the different levels of nervousness and comfort throughout the date. Laughing the whole time. A good lunch, and a nice walk after. Two and a half hours of laughter and fun conversation. Seeing that he was more insecure than I. A totally sober date with no cigarette smoke, what a relief. The possibility of a 2nd date.
Doing things differently. hmm what shall I try next?
Anticipating the hot air balloon ride on Wednesday and the emotions that will come. Hoping for the familiar sense of freedom that visits me with the wind. Doing something BIG with my daughters. Celebrating Michael's life instead of grieving his death.
The possibility of a painting retreat.
The History Channel.
A fun and safe night at Tracie's house Friday.
Good conversation Saturday night and turning in early.
Waking up early Sunday morning and watching scary movies until it was time to get ready for my date.
Fielding phone calls from my family and friends for two hours after my date. Knowing these are the people who love me and I love them.
Hearing my niece and nephew in the background while talking with my sisters on the phone. Talking to Kyleigh on the phone and her finally saying my name, so sweet.
A great investor and great investments. As Suzi Orman says, learning to "love my money", and "caring for it properly".
Getting great travel information from a new acquaintance.
Clothes that make me feel comfortable and sexy.
Great weather all weekend.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Compassion and Humanity
Today I'm grateful for...
Taylor's bravery, she's started trying new things and not being so afraid.
All of the ex-boyfriends, lovers that I've had, whether it was good or bad, right or wrong, I'm thankful for all of the emotions I've felt and for every moment that I was swept away and lost my breath due to the beauty of human emotions and the ability to love in an instant, for an instant or for ever.
Self reflection
Facing Fear
Taylor's endless amounts of energy!
Kelsey's ability to create the most amazing stories out of anything. That she loves it when other people get involved in her crazy stories and add twists and turns of their own taking the story in a new direction.
Hearing Taylor singing in the other room.
Crock Pot meals
That my kids ask for vegetables with their meals.
That I feel like I will have a life long connection with Nancy, I feel her with me every day. Don't understand it, but don't have to either.
Emails from Shelly (Feeny) Trader, and my connection with her family from high school and beyond which originally started with our parents. As childhood friends we never knew we'd grow up and unknowingly become high school friends. Didn't find out our parents knew each other until a year ago. My ability to give support to her and her sister during their mother's time with cancer.
That I'm able to help give some comfort to grieving families by donating paintings to raise money for the funerals.
That grief recovery has become such a big issue in my life and all of the grieving people who have come into my life, given me support and let me give them support.
Compassion and humanity
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Taylor's bravery, she's started trying new things and not being so afraid.
All of the ex-boyfriends, lovers that I've had, whether it was good or bad, right or wrong, I'm thankful for all of the emotions I've felt and for every moment that I was swept away and lost my breath due to the beauty of human emotions and the ability to love in an instant, for an instant or for ever.
Self reflection
Facing Fear
Taylor's endless amounts of energy!
Kelsey's ability to create the most amazing stories out of anything. That she loves it when other people get involved in her crazy stories and add twists and turns of their own taking the story in a new direction.
Hearing Taylor singing in the other room.
Crock Pot meals
That my kids ask for vegetables with their meals.
That I feel like I will have a life long connection with Nancy, I feel her with me every day. Don't understand it, but don't have to either.
Emails from Shelly (Feeny) Trader, and my connection with her family from high school and beyond which originally started with our parents. As childhood friends we never knew we'd grow up and unknowingly become high school friends. Didn't find out our parents knew each other until a year ago. My ability to give support to her and her sister during their mother's time with cancer.
That I'm able to help give some comfort to grieving families by donating paintings to raise money for the funerals.
That grief recovery has become such a big issue in my life and all of the grieving people who have come into my life, given me support and let me give them support.
Compassion and humanity
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Taylor's sunshine smile
Today I'm grateful for....
Looking out over the sea of kids when I went to pick up Taylor from her Kings Island trip yesterday, seeing a fluorescent pink orange and yellow fuzzy hat, knowing immediately that was my Taylor with her bright sunshine smile!
Getting to hear all about her day
Watching her sleep all night Monday night and most of the day Tuesday, she was exhausted.
Getting to see the sunrise every morning when getting ready to take Kelsey to pe class.
The time I get to spend with Kelsey by herself in the mornings now, the silly and sometimes serious conversation on the way to school.
Hearing myself utter the words "f -n high school kids!" while trying to drive in the morning with out rear ending them and trying to keep them from hitting me since they like to drive sooooo close!
New emails from Jon and Becky.
The whale updates from Jones, living vicariously through her on her adventures.
I'm excited about doing some art shopping tomorrow for my bedroom.
Being excited about more spring cleaning tomorrow with the girls help.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Looking out over the sea of kids when I went to pick up Taylor from her Kings Island trip yesterday, seeing a fluorescent pink orange and yellow fuzzy hat, knowing immediately that was my Taylor with her bright sunshine smile!
Getting to hear all about her day
Watching her sleep all night Monday night and most of the day Tuesday, she was exhausted.
Getting to see the sunrise every morning when getting ready to take Kelsey to pe class.
The time I get to spend with Kelsey by herself in the mornings now, the silly and sometimes serious conversation on the way to school.
Hearing myself utter the words "f -n high school kids!" while trying to drive in the morning with out rear ending them and trying to keep them from hitting me since they like to drive sooooo close!
New emails from Jon and Becky.
The whale updates from Jones, living vicariously through her on her adventures.
I'm excited about doing some art shopping tomorrow for my bedroom.
Being excited about more spring cleaning tomorrow with the girls help.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Thinking BIG
Today I'm grateful for....
New experiences this weekend.
Making new girl friends.
Stepping out of my 34 year old box and going with a new girl friend to a new place to watch some bands. Got to see three different bands on Saturday, lots of fun, even ordered a new drink.
Getting to help Taylor and her friend prepare for their Kings Island trip tomorrow. Amber is spending the night so I'll drop Taylor and her trip buddy off in the morning and pick them up tomorrow night.
Knowing they'll have a safe trip full of fun.
Helping Kelsey prepare for her summer p.e. class that starts tomorrow.
News from Jones that she made it to Washington safe and sound.
All of my Washington memories, my heart is there. All of the emotions that are tied to that state for me, the inner peace that thoughts of that place brings me. Washington is my "zen" place. The mountains, volcanoes, the city, ocean, islands, sunsets, wild life, the moodiness, the micro climates, the desert of Washington, the food, the freshness of every thing, the apple orchards, the rain forest, the people, the natural way of life mmmm I miss it so much.
Getting asked out for a lunch date and turning it down. Feeling the necessity to take things slower this time, for my own peace of mind. If he can't be patient then things aren't going to work.
A deeper sense of self respect and dignity.
The confidence I've found and am developing.
Knowing that Denny's surgery on Wed. will go smoothly with no complications.
Continuing to ask for meaningful people in my life and getting it in the form of all of these strong women who are suddenly appearing out of no where.---Recognizing their importance and saying yes when asked to join them. Future plans with these fantastic women and all the learning I know will come from our time together.
Thinking BIG about my next life path :) and who it might involve. Possibly asking my mother to help me make some clothing prototypes to try and come up with my own clothing line.
Listening to old songs and remembering the feelings that were associated with the music for me at that time. Listening to the same songs and feeling the different emotions that are evoked in me now, feeling great about that because for me that means tremendous growth.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
New experiences this weekend.
Making new girl friends.
Stepping out of my 34 year old box and going with a new girl friend to a new place to watch some bands. Got to see three different bands on Saturday, lots of fun, even ordered a new drink.
Getting to help Taylor and her friend prepare for their Kings Island trip tomorrow. Amber is spending the night so I'll drop Taylor and her trip buddy off in the morning and pick them up tomorrow night.
Knowing they'll have a safe trip full of fun.
Helping Kelsey prepare for her summer p.e. class that starts tomorrow.
News from Jones that she made it to Washington safe and sound.
All of my Washington memories, my heart is there. All of the emotions that are tied to that state for me, the inner peace that thoughts of that place brings me. Washington is my "zen" place. The mountains, volcanoes, the city, ocean, islands, sunsets, wild life, the moodiness, the micro climates, the desert of Washington, the food, the freshness of every thing, the apple orchards, the rain forest, the people, the natural way of life mmmm I miss it so much.
Getting asked out for a lunch date and turning it down. Feeling the necessity to take things slower this time, for my own peace of mind. If he can't be patient then things aren't going to work.
A deeper sense of self respect and dignity.
The confidence I've found and am developing.
Knowing that Denny's surgery on Wed. will go smoothly with no complications.
Continuing to ask for meaningful people in my life and getting it in the form of all of these strong women who are suddenly appearing out of no where.---Recognizing their importance and saying yes when asked to join them. Future plans with these fantastic women and all the learning I know will come from our time together.
Thinking BIG about my next life path :) and who it might involve. Possibly asking my mother to help me make some clothing prototypes to try and come up with my own clothing line.
Listening to old songs and remembering the feelings that were associated with the music for me at that time. Listening to the same songs and feeling the different emotions that are evoked in me now, feeling great about that because for me that means tremendous growth.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Friday, June 1, 2007
Love, love, love
Today I'm grateful for....
All you need is love :) Love spreading out in all directions across space and time, sinking into every human being and changing lives, believe it, feel it.
Dinner with Karen, her husband, her mom, Chris, Kelsey, Taylor and JoKayla.
Sitting at the coffee shop after with Chris, watching and listening to Kelsey and Taylor being themselves. Laughing and giggling at and with each other for two hours.
Seeing my sisters at work today, they always make me smile.
Laughing with Kay and my mom at work today, glad my mom has laughter in her life every day that Kay is at work.
Knowing that Denny's back surgery will go well, with no problems.
All the hours of good conversation and learning I've had this week.
Learning that Chris is considering a job offer in Indy! Love that guy!
Looking forward to the drive to indy tomorrow- got asked to drive Chris to the airport. I'll have an hour or so with Chris in the car to myself for more good conversation. The possibility of seeing jones before she leaves. When's your flight out?
Finding therapy flash cards in the book store! So funny!
Looking forward to a fun weekend and whatever is coming my way.
Friends glogging again.
All the crazy movies that make you laugh til you cry.
Fresh pineapple and spinach
Pure joy, the first time I looked at my babies when they were born.
Being challenged.
That good things are happening to the people I love.
All you need is love :) Love spreading out in all directions across space and time, sinking into every human being and changing lives, believe it, feel it.
Dinner with Karen, her husband, her mom, Chris, Kelsey, Taylor and JoKayla.
Sitting at the coffee shop after with Chris, watching and listening to Kelsey and Taylor being themselves. Laughing and giggling at and with each other for two hours.
Seeing my sisters at work today, they always make me smile.
Laughing with Kay and my mom at work today, glad my mom has laughter in her life every day that Kay is at work.
Knowing that Denny's back surgery will go well, with no problems.
All the hours of good conversation and learning I've had this week.
Learning that Chris is considering a job offer in Indy! Love that guy!
Looking forward to the drive to indy tomorrow- got asked to drive Chris to the airport. I'll have an hour or so with Chris in the car to myself for more good conversation. The possibility of seeing jones before she leaves. When's your flight out?
Finding therapy flash cards in the book store! So funny!
Looking forward to a fun weekend and whatever is coming my way.
Friends glogging again.
All the crazy movies that make you laugh til you cry.
Fresh pineapple and spinach
Pure joy, the first time I looked at my babies when they were born.
Being challenged.
That good things are happening to the people I love.
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