Today I'm grateful for...
A nice birthday evening for my mom on Wednesday night.
Cup cakes for the babies! With blue and pink icing :)
Tracie's phone call telling me the blue icing stained DJ's skin, and guess what happened when he pooped :) ha ha
Swimming at France Park two days in a row.
The tranquility of France Park even when there's lots of people swimming.
That my girls brought friends to keep them busy and are old enough that they don't have to be watched so closely any more so I got to float most of the day away, way out by the rope :)
I get to babysit for Jess tomorrow evening.
Riding back from Logansport with all the windows down, the sun roof open, the radio blasting and singing with my daughters.
People watching.
Looking forward to work tomorrow.
Finally doing my first painting since Feb. with plans to do more once I get some more canvases. I have to buy more because Taylor used all the ones I had.
Lots of laughter with my family last night at mom's.
Tracie, like I do, has the "bossy toe" :) and I have photographic proof.
Being single.--Never thought those words would ever come out of my mouth, but I love it!
Really being happy with who I am.
The possibility of storms this weekend.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
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