Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Seeing what other people are grateful for, what's important to them on any given day. Also, learning new ways to be grateful and and new ways to show gratitude from the glog. Doing the glog has made me more aware in my every day routine, I watch people, and how they interact.--Now if I can just get to the point where I'm aware of myself, my actions, and my words all of the time, that would be my ultimate way of being.
Remembering jones's gentle hand supporting me during our conversation on the ferry when I was sure my knees would buckle at any moment.
Going to mom's today after work to play with the babies. D.J.'s caution when we found a guarder snake (is it guarder or gardener?) Watching them in the pool, swinging them and throwing them on the bed. Getting to eat pizza with everyone. Watching Kyleigh's outrageously joyous personality, she comes in loud, proud and smiling! D.J.'s mischievous personality! Tell him no and he'll do it right in front of you while you're watching, and then apologise!
Chatting with Dennis about Kauai. Also talking about a family trip to Kings Island.
Not waisting time when I couldn't sleep last night and getting some more organizing done in my room.
Really trying to get it that I am not a failure if my house is messy and not as clean as my mother's. I am not my mother!
My body feeling normal again after all the travelling. All the swelling in my feet and ankles is gone.
All of the people out there who feel emotions as deep as I do and are moved as easily as I am.
Knowing that the repairs needing done around the house will be handled. My questions of who to call will be easily answered, the repairs will be done quickly and done right with little effort on my part.
Asking for help more often, and accepting it when it's offered.---It's as easy as saying yes please.
My lovely jacuzzi tub, bubble bath, and sexy jazzy music to accompany the hot water.
Anticipating TERT and all that it means. Looking forward to stories, pictures, and lots of laughs from Dean and Jones. Is it 3 more go to sleeps? ;)
Good things are happening to the people I love.
You my little bubble, you.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Music and starfish
Going shopping with my girls! Lunch together with fried green tomatoes, shopping for new music, books, and groceries.
New music, Ziggy Marley's Love is my religion, my new favorite song! And love love love, Corinne Bailey Rae.
Sorting through the crap that has accumulated in my room, moving it to the dinning room table with further intentions of a trip to good will when I'm done.
Finding treasures from michael while sorting. So many special moments spent alone remembering our special moments together.
The box left open waiting for my next adventure in MIBLTF.
Feeling sexy, I wish I would have felt like this when I was younger (thinner). I think I might have been too much for people to handle if I'd felt this sexy then. ;) ooooozing right jones ;)
Memories of lovely lunches over looking the harbor, heavenly clam chowder.
My Taylor and her thing about fashion and everything girlie.
My Kelsey and her thing about books, music, humor, and everything not girlie.
That Shannon saw me as being very open. I've always felt very open, been willing to tell anyone anything, but I've been told that I seem hard to approach.
Feeling connection with Shannon almost immediately, even without connecting, there was connection. New friends yeah!! ;)
Fantastic potato soup.
Looking forward to work tomorrow, helping my mom get caught up.
Lavender honey, 'nuff said.
Thanks to Shannon for showing me the lavender honey!
Finding my copy of "The Starfish":
It was still early, the mist had not yet cleared from the sea. In the distance, a solitary figure stood throwing objects out over the water.
Walking along the debris-strewn beach, I looked at the masses of starfish scattered everywhere. The tide had thrown them in, stranding them on the beach. As the sun rose higher, they would soon perish.
Approaching the stranger, I could see that it was the starfish he was picking up and returning to the sea.
Our eyes met.
"Do you really think you can help? There are millions of starfish on this beach. You can help so few. Does it really make a difference? Does it matter?"
He reached down and picked up another starfish, looking at it intently.
"Oh yes," he replied.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
you my little green tomato, you.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Free drinks;)
Going in town alone and running into Erica, Ralphie, and Paul. Lots of laughs, good conversation, and free drinks. Running into Paul on my own last night, paying attention to that.--Good guy, my age with kids, a house, a vehicle, a job, interested in seeing what happens.
Connecting with Carly, our fun nights out. Running into her cousin last night who happens to be a girl I already know!!
Dancin, Dancin, Dancin, getting lots of attention, when I want it and just the way I like it. Love dancing!
Carly's smokin hot older brother and his generosity last evening. Here's to hopes of running into him again, .... I just wanna look at him that's all ;)
Getting hit on by the most handsome young man, the attention was much appreciated, but when asked to go home with him I turned him down. I could have gone with him, but because of his age, he's not what I'm looking for, and it just didn't seem worth it to me.
Carly's questions about a friend of a friend and the possibility of hooking her up with a really great guy.
Seeing Jessica last evening and talking about the Washington trip, looking at pictures etc.
Jeremy and Jessica's new van, yeah for them, it's newer, pretty and in much better shape than their old beater car. No more breakdowns.
My plans to take some new paintings in later this week, put some on sale, and just switch things up a bit.-- Possibly draw some new business.
The smile on my face while showing off my WA pictures and telling stories of our adventures.
Being back home with things to do. Yard work, laundry, trips to good will, being needed in the office.
Reading jones's latest glog with tears running down my cheeks. Fond memories of my recent visit.
Realizing that Shannon's home now and looking forward to reading her glog.
Hearing that Shannon got to go out on the boat! What an amazing experience for her, I'm just thrilled that she got to go. I was just fine with not seeing whales, I didn't go there to see them, I had a different agenda for this visit and it was perfect.
The things on my vision board becoming reality as well!!!!
Seeing Craig's glogs become a little more about feelings and a little less mechanical.
My daughters being excited about school starting soon. They wont admit it, but they've been asking about registration and shopping for school supplies.
People who lead by example.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
you my little shot of patrone, you.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Yeah for squash!
Messages from my new friend, Randy.
A fun night out with Carly last night, lots of laughs.
Being given lovely squash, zucchini, and onions from Taylor's friend's parents. I know what I'm having for dinner tonight!! Delicious. Yeah fresh home grown produce!!!!
Dropping Taylor off at Lisa's today and my niece Kyleigh running across the room to hug me yelling "aunt shell!". So sweet.
My dad sharing memories with me of things we did when I was a kid. The look in his eyes when he talks about his family.
Again, finding myself a spot on the dance floor with girls I don't know and being welcomed.
The nap I'm about to take before doing my house work.
Fresh ideas and reference photos for paintings.
Lingering memories of Kauai and Washington.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
you , my little squash, you
Friday, July 27, 2007
Lavender Perfection
Today I'm grateful for...
Fantastic clam chowder over looking the harbor!!!!!!! Loved it!
Spontaneously deciding to hop the ferry to Anacortez to surprise Shannon!!! Running from the hotel to the ferry, michelle's hippy skirt billowing, girls giggling all the way!
The unexpected hour long conversation with Mike that jones and I had while on the ferry. Hearing his life story, being educated on his Native American history, a moving connection through grief. He looked into my soul, reminded me to stay focused, to continue loving, stay close to my family and friends, told me to be specific when praying and asking for what I want. His specific words for jones as well. The three of us cried together, and saw each other's souls. The honor I felt by just being allowed to be in this man's presence. His smile and his serious request for me to call him.
Being barefoot on the ferry.
Surprising Shannon. What an amazing woman. Absolutely gorgeous inside and out. Feeling her compassion. Her fantastic giggles, her playfulness. oooohh Shannon bringin the sexy! Laughing at jones trying to give her instructions when the sexiness was already brought! Looking forward to many adventures with her.
The perfect moment and location to begin Michael's Incredible Brazenly Lucid Traveling Funeral. Two very special women sharing that moment with me, one of the happiest moments of my life. --Feels like freedom. (for more of the story, ask me about it) Oakley's and nagchampa.
Looking forward to where my travels will take me and who the universe chooses to include in this story. Love the way a friend so eloquently called it, "depositing love around the world". Utter perfection.
Finding out that MIBLTF will continue with dean and jones's TERT. Looking forward to stories and photos of that!
Being true to myself and doing things the way I need and want to do them.
So many signs on this trip.
Meeting Ken Balcomb and being welcomed at the research center. Meeting such lovely people who are doing what they can to save the whales and the environment. Sharing meals, conversations, margaritas, and sunsets with them--so special. Being hugged and asked to come back by Ken, unbelievable.
Embarassing jones by hinting about the possibility of our/her nudity in Friday Harbor/any given location at any given time. Ken catching her, hook-line-and sinker. --- I can niether confirm nor deny stories about said nudity. If I told you I'd have to kill you.
Moonlight on the water with the Olympics in the back ground, spectacular!
Seeing and hearing the seals on the rocks out in the straight. Confirming that jones's laugh does sound like a baby seal ;) luv ya, you know I made you laugh.
SEA GLASS!!!!!!!!! ROCKS!!!!!! WATER!!!!!!!! My favorite things!!! Hunting for sea glass with jones and Shannon, we loved every minute of it, couldn't get enough of it. Two other women who love rocks as much as I do!!! Fellow rock hounds ;) Some how the rocks are soothing to me.
Completing morning watch with jones and Shannon, spectacular, just breathtaking.
Suggesting that we check out the tide pools to look for critters and finding huge purple star fish!! Love Love Love
Our fox friend who joined us while we were hunting sea glass, she was a sort of novelty at first, meaning we took lots of photos while just watching her do her thing. Eventually our focus shifted back to sea glass hunting and she just wandered around us doing her thing while we did ours. We named her indigo, after the coveted rare indigo sea glass.
Being able to see Canada just across the straight, what a sight.
Having sooooooooo much time in the day to do what we wanted since we got up early for morning watch.
Sobe (Shannon) and I sharing a moped moment ;) with lots of giggles. She and I are alike in a lot of ways and I truly enjoyed her company.
Wine tasting where sobe pointed out the perfect name for michael's traveling funeral, how appropriate. jones reminding me of one of my last days with michael, a perfect trip to the oliver winery. We did the tour, tasted some wines, then bought some wine, cheese and crackers, and had a wonderful picnic by the pond enjoying our 2 or 3 bottles of wine. Feeling warm, full, relaxed, and sooooooo loved. Then finished the evening off by stopping and hangin with jones and craig in indy.
Rows and rows of purple at the lavender farm. Amazing, I couldn't resist laying in it, walking through it, smelling it, loved every minute of it. So lovely.
My much needed nap while jones and sobe hit the hot tub.
Winning both games at the bowling alley!!!! Yeah for me :) oooh and fantastic cider beer! Our rockstar names for the score board, I was Janice, Jones was Ani, Sobe was Fionna, Dave was Tommy Lee and had a score of 69--I have photographic proof. Dave, how sweet is he, so cute.
Karaoke at Herbs!!!!
Getting hit on at Herbs, Dustin being Bryan's wing man, totally foolin me!! Mr tall dark and somethin', beautiful man. How do I go all the way to the other side of the states and still get hit on by corn fed construction workers? He was awesome though, I must say.
Adam's out of this universe personality. LUV HIM!!!! He rocked the captain's hat and aviators during his karaoke song, Like a Prayer by Madonna, FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC!!! Wait til you see his t-shirt in the pictures. I totally did not get to spend enough time around this character.
Getting to watch two burly guys sing Air Supply and being reminded of Kevin once again!!! So very funny.
Walking down to the harbor with Adam, jones, and sobe, shootin the shit. We saw five raccoons down there on the water front scramblin across the rocks, so awesome.
So many outstanding moments in a single day.
All three of us piled on the bed looking back at all of our pictures, giggling and remembering special moments.
Smooth travels home, my exhaustion allowing me to sleep on the plane. Driving with the windows down, hair flying, music blasting all the way home. Coming home to my girls.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
you my little star fish, you.
Getting Popped
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Today I'm grateful for.....
Being given permission........ for something I knew I could do, just didn't realize it until I got a shove from some one.
Jones telling me to "Crack that shit open!"
Christmas in July!!!!!!!
Staying up all night excited about going to Washington in the morning.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
you my little hammer, you :)
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Pregnant Ladies and Babies
Pregnant ladies and babies, both so beautiful, perfect, and sweet. My friend Kim and her husband Jason are pregnant with their first child. I attended their baby shower yesterday, such a treat to see them together, all the love showered upon them. They are a lovely, joyful couple and I love seeing them together. I'm looking forward to seeing them bask in the joy of having a new baby.
Getting to see my sisters and my mom at the same time yesterday. Giving them their Kauai Harley T-shirts, and a necklace for my mom. Catching up little bits at a time during the baby shower.
I am grateful for my mom's kindness, she never says no when asked to babysit and will be keeping my girls during my visit to Washington as well as taking care of our animals.
A phone call from Billy thanking me for his t-shirt, that was thoughtful of him, and it was nice to hear his voice.
Being mentioned in other glogs, makes a girl feel good.
Seeing the child in my friends faces and loving it.
Last nights laughter at the IHOP with Mary and Paul. Laughing until we cried, over and over again.
Getting to tell my stories about Kauai, showing my photos, and showing off a great tan!
Talks with Jeannie about meeting her artist friend who does water colors. Seeing her new purchase, a beautiful girlie water color. Connecting with her and seeing all that we have in common. -----Making connections with what Nancy said about my connections with other people and not blowing them off.---Lots of talks really recently about art, artists, and commission work.
Knowing at this time tomorrow I will be in Seattle. Have I told you I love that state? ;)
Being influenced by my friends to pay more attention to my choices, my goals, the words before I speak them, actions before I do them, I need to be reminded often. I love having phenomenal role models for friends.
Memories of all of the emotions I felt while in Kauai and all that they're tied to. My toes in the sand, floating over the waves, feeling the wind on my face, the sun on my skin, hearing the crashing of the waves, the smells of the island; food, air, earth, foliage, the smell of the ocean,the roaring of the water falls, the incredible silence and crispness in the canyon and the cold of the air up there- like winter after a big snow, all of the movement; walking, swimming, dancing. The language of the locals, the beauty of their trees and vegetation, all of the incredible colors; all of the reds in the dirt, the blues of the ocean, the greens of the foliage, the blacks of the volcanic rock-the white ocean spray contrasted against the black of the rocks, the sky at sunset, the colors of the people, the abundance of colorful flowers, the yellow of the sand, the music of the birds.........I'm in love with an island.
Life is so damn good
Good things are happening to the people I love, the people who dream and make things happen;)
you my little hibiscus, you.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Aloha, I'm home
An unbelievable vacation with my daughters.
Being in my own bed
Talking with Mike's mom and grandma this evening when we got back.
The whole island of Kauai and the land named Hanilee.
Pictures available at:
Red dirt.
Seeing the crater that formed Kauai from the helicopter.
Kelsey's love of coffee.
That every day my children remind me of my Michael. I get to see him every day in their faces.
Singing 80's songs in the car with my kids in Kauai.
Listening to remakes of my favorite songs in reggae and singing with my kids. BTW one of the songs was by Airsupply.----Which of course made me think of Kevin and singing Airsupply tunes with him on one of our visits.
Kevin's infectious smile.
Thinking of all of my loved ones during my quiet moments on the beach.
Deep breaths.
Anticipating the snorkeling photos!!!
Island air.
Hippy surfers.
Hawaiian men on motorcycles. He drove by me once while I was standing on the beach and I saw him look at me. After he turned around to drive by me again, he of course popped a wheelie while going by the second time. --show off ;)
Flowers in my hair.
Feeling like we didn't miss any thing during our vacation. We saw every thing we wanted to see all while relaxing and having fun.
That all the walking you do in Kauai is necessary and feels great! Unlike walking around my boring subdivision.
All of the fresh food available!
Seeing Harry Potter in Kauai with the girls.... FOR FREE !!....on our last day there. I had very little cash and they didn't take credit cards so they just let us in for free. We bought some popcorn and a drink and loved every minute of the movie.
Our anticipation of the last book release!!!! We will be out at midnight waiting to get our hands on it like we've done for all the books in the series,.... so much fun for us!
I'm excited to see my family and catch up on what's been going on while I've been gone. That I'm nearly bursting to tell them the stories and show them the pictures of our adventure on Kauai.
Phone calls with Vance while in Kauai.
All the text messages that made me feel connected even though I was so far away.
Being able to give Craig congrats on his race!!!! That he is living his dream and following through!
Anticipating smooth travel on my way to WA on Monday. Revisiting the whales with my friend in my favorite state. The people, the food, the atmosphere, the landscape, the undeniable feeling of freedom in the wind.
Roy TaBora's art work. He's a man who unknowingly knows my soul. His Moonlight on the ocean.
Getting to hear about all the movies that have been filmed on Kauai and learning about more being filmed there currently. Seeing the movie trucks and set while flying over in the helicopter.
All the waterfalls.
That my friends and family dream and make things happen.
you my little sea cucumber you ;)
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Hangin Loose in Kauai :)
Internet availability at my hotel--it's my last day here, just posting an early blog, photos to follow.
The ability to text, send photos and call half way around the world all from my phone--on the beach, on my balcony, from the boat on the Na Pali coast where ever.
All shades of blue.
Falling asleep to the music of the waves.
My love of the sea.
Feeling grounded once again and knowing where I belong.
The joy on my daughters faces at all the new sights and things they have experienced since we've been here.
Being brave and doing things no one in my family is brave enough to do----until I do them ;)
Sun, toes in the sand, beautiful sunsets, native men--yummy, saltwater, good surf, snorkeling!
Mango chicken, backyard ma hi ma hi, lemon grass rice, free mai tai hour!
Breakfast buffet on the ocean every morning with scrambled eggs, fresh braised veggies, fresh fruit, and fresh juice!
Knowing that I will come back here and hike the trail to the Na Pali coast to camp on the sea shore with people I love.
Our boat captain taking us into the sea caves!!!
Our lovely helicopter flight over the entire island and into the canyon, felt so close to the walls we could almost touch the water falls.
The drive up into the canyon, the view, the ten degrees temperature difference at the top--breathtaking.
Jones for inspiring this trip and paving the way for me to be bold, to sink down comfortably into my own skin. I think I just needed permission, strange as that may sound.
The people I love are creating good things in their lives.
Another huge blog to follow once I get home and get rested.
Aloha for now.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
Combo of 4th of July, Visit with Vance and Mary, My little sister's B-day Party
Today I'm grateful for......
A fantastic week filled with family and friends.
Rednecks and Fireworks
My daughters
My sisters
new experiences
Unexpectedly having Vance and Mary along for fireworks with Taylor and I. A wonderful show in Delphi--way more than I ever would have expected from that little town. Very peaceful, little traffic, lots of families.
Hearing that Kelsey enjoyed her 4th with her friend Jessica and her family. --Being a flexible enough mom that I let my daughter spend a holiday away from home with someone else's family.
A phone call from jones.
My sister living alone for the first time in her life. Knowing that she is a strong woman who can overcome.
Tracie gettin her sexy on----FINALLY!! I knew she could dance and flirt, Lisa's next ;)
Getting a Stapleton's number!!! Even if it goes through the wash, I'm still the envie of many girls!! Stapleton men are yummmmy.
C. D. for our connection, it is wonderful and I'm thankful to have it for how ever long. His chocolaty brown eyes that just make me melt.
Erika and Gail for laughing with me, dancing with me, flirting with me. The wonderful sisterly bond they share that I know so well.
Getting introduced to life at a strip club with Erika and Gail---sooooooo much fun. Yeah for boobies ;)
Being comfortable with being the center of attention when I want it. Being comfortable being a wallflower when I want it.
My bravery in dancing with people I don't know, and flirting with sexy young bartenders ;) --Marshall who keeps his badge in his pants. (he's married with a child, darn)
The unexpected positive responses I get when I flirt with the intention of simply getting a smile or laugh from someone.
Revisiting 909 N 10th street with Vance. Ditching Mary and giggling so hard we had to stop walking doubled over for a minute. The quiet and solitude of those few moments when our laughter was the only sound heard, at 4 a.m. the night was ours and ours alone.
Yelling the phrase "drunk man walking" while walking out of the bar as it applied to Vance teetering to the car after an evening out with Mary and I. Getting flipped off over his shoulder without even so much as a glance from him--priceless;)
Focusing on and asking for new people in my life and getting them right away, with gusto!!!
Focusing on and asking for more adventure in my life and getting it in all forms!
Accepting that this is the way my life is right now and going with the adventurous flow. Hearing myself tell people, with a smile, this is the way my weekends have been, I never know what's going to happen when I leave the house Friday night but lately it's been an incredible ride.
A phone call from my new friend Jesse, a nice conversation with him, lots of laughter, and silly mistakes.
A nice afternoon at my mom's for Lisa's birthday celebration. Conversation with my grandma about Hawaii. Playing with Kyleigh and D.J., I love hearing them talk and laugh! Superman flip flops and band-aids, green dress up shoes, and all the other fun things. Mashed potatoes, chicken-n-noodles, corn on the cob, green beans, deviled eggs, and dessert!
Knowing that this will be my last blog for a couple of weeks because I'LL BE IN HAWAII !!!!!!!
Looking forward to alone time with my kids, some adventure, some rest, good food, lovely soft ocean air, toes in the sand, salt on my skin, sun shine----tank tops and flip flops if you got em, no shoes, no shirt, no problem.
All the phone calls tonight wishing us a lovely safe trip.
You my volcano you ;)