Today I'm grateful for......
Long distance communication made easy by mail, email, cell phones.....
Making a deal with Gary and getting the address that I wanted in trade for me cleaning up his painting.
Taylor's excitement last night as she was waiting for our family to show at the football game to watch her cheer. .... We won by the way!! 38 to 0 Wainwright got stomped!
Watching all the pre teens and remembering all the fun it was to go to the games, socialize, giggle, flirt, play tricks, and all the other fun stuff you do with your friends at that age.
Getting to see my sisters, my mom, and the babies last night at the game, so much fun for me.
Sleeping last night, yeah!! For six hours uninterrupted sleep...amazing, and I feel great!
Cool nights and mornings, hinting that fall is coming wahoo!
Getting to see the sun rise through the fog on the fields this morning, priceless.
Plans for a fun night out with Gail and Erika tonight at her pre-reunion party!
A long, relaxing, fun filled, SAFE, holiday weekend for every one, in advance.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little pom-pom, you!

Friday, August 31, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Help, music, and girl power!
Today I'm grateful for........
A mom who lives close by and can help me when I need it. Taylor had to be at Easttipp at 6:45 for practice tonight, and Kelsey had to be at Harrison at 6:45 for a choir performance tonight.... I can't be in two places at once so mom helped out. ........ very grateful for the help.
A phone call from Erika today! Anticipating lunch with her and her sister Gail tomorrow.
Lots of fresh veggies at the store today ready for me to buy and take home for dinner.
Kim, Jason, and baby AJ seem to be doing well.
Getting to see another beautiful sunset over the fields while waiting for Taylor this evening. Something about the glow of evening just makes every thing look luscious and gorgeous.
Looking forward to the lunar eclipse in the morning.
Knowing that Kelsey will recover soon.....poor kid, she's been to the doctor twice in the last week, once for an ear infection, once for pink eye, and now she's got a horrible cold. Must be all the new germs from all the new kids she's around at Harrison.
My patio chairs that I ordered in June, will finally be delivered this week, yeah!!!
Michael giving me permission to like Frank Sinatra, the songs and performances done by the "rat pack". I love the music from that era, it makes me smile and think of good things. All of the things he did to support me and let me know it was okay to like new/old things, that it was okay to be different and that being myself was enough. I am grateful for every minute spent with him good and bad because I was always learning and am still learning from what he taught/showed me.
New girlfriends who are strong, independent, beautiful, confident, intelligent, healthy, stable, and kind for me to learn from, interact with, and create long meaningful relationships with. Yeah Girl Power!
Smiling..... my smile, smiles from others, the instant connection a smile can make between two or more people.
Love in all forms.
Knowing my friends and I will leave this world a better place than we found it.
Interestingly enough, all of the musicians who are suddenly appearing in my life, don't know where that's coming from, but I like it.
Dreaming and making things happen.
Having goals and an agenda for my life, being able to go with the flow and still keep my eye on the prize knowing the scenic route is always the best route. It's all about the journey.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little summer squash, you.
Just a side note.........
Has anyone noticed the abundance of butt crack being shown lately? So is it cool to show your crack now, or have we just been forced to accept looking at people's butt cracks lately as a result of the fashion industry?
What ever the answer is, I'm kinda tired of seeing everyone's butt cracks and can honestly say I safely keep my crack in my pants.
A mom who lives close by and can help me when I need it. Taylor had to be at Easttipp at 6:45 for practice tonight, and Kelsey had to be at Harrison at 6:45 for a choir performance tonight.... I can't be in two places at once so mom helped out. ........ very grateful for the help.
A phone call from Erika today! Anticipating lunch with her and her sister Gail tomorrow.
Lots of fresh veggies at the store today ready for me to buy and take home for dinner.
Kim, Jason, and baby AJ seem to be doing well.
Getting to see another beautiful sunset over the fields while waiting for Taylor this evening. Something about the glow of evening just makes every thing look luscious and gorgeous.
Looking forward to the lunar eclipse in the morning.
Knowing that Kelsey will recover soon.....poor kid, she's been to the doctor twice in the last week, once for an ear infection, once for pink eye, and now she's got a horrible cold. Must be all the new germs from all the new kids she's around at Harrison.
My patio chairs that I ordered in June, will finally be delivered this week, yeah!!!
Michael giving me permission to like Frank Sinatra, the songs and performances done by the "rat pack". I love the music from that era, it makes me smile and think of good things. All of the things he did to support me and let me know it was okay to like new/old things, that it was okay to be different and that being myself was enough. I am grateful for every minute spent with him good and bad because I was always learning and am still learning from what he taught/showed me.
New girlfriends who are strong, independent, beautiful, confident, intelligent, healthy, stable, and kind for me to learn from, interact with, and create long meaningful relationships with. Yeah Girl Power!
Smiling..... my smile, smiles from others, the instant connection a smile can make between two or more people.
Love in all forms.
Knowing my friends and I will leave this world a better place than we found it.
Interestingly enough, all of the musicians who are suddenly appearing in my life, don't know where that's coming from, but I like it.
Dreaming and making things happen.
Having goals and an agenda for my life, being able to go with the flow and still keep my eye on the prize knowing the scenic route is always the best route. It's all about the journey.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little summer squash, you.
Just a side note.........
Has anyone noticed the abundance of butt crack being shown lately? So is it cool to show your crack now, or have we just been forced to accept looking at people's butt cracks lately as a result of the fashion industry?
What ever the answer is, I'm kinda tired of seeing everyone's butt cracks and can honestly say I safely keep my crack in my pants.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Trying new things
Today I am grateful for........
Impromptu dinner on Wednesday with Amy, Pat, and Mary for Pat's birthday. Thanks to Amy for introducing me to Tai food.....soooooo good. oh, I hope I spelled that right.
Getting to see Taylor cheer on Thursday and Friday.
Seeing all the cheerleaders, tumblers, and dance teams perform on Friday night at Harrison, lots of fun for me.
Being back at Harrison for my daughters functions, having mixed, but mostly good feelings about being back there.
Actually enjoying the football game on Thursday, who knew I'd like football? Actually, I think I might love it. I know I love being at the games, don't know how I'd feel about watching on TV.
Fantastic fun on Friday night with Mary, Cowboy?, and Shawn. DJ Preston doing a great job running karaoke.
Fun with the family Saturday afternoon for Ciarra's 12th birthday party. Getting to see Kyleigh with all of her love and huge smiles.
Plans to go to a poker tournament falling through allowing me to have a nice dinner with Mary Saturday evening including a magnificent margarita.
A good talk with Jessica Saturday evening.
Getting home by 11pm Saturday night and getting the best sleep I've gotten in a long time, ...a whole night's sleep wow, it's been years since that's happened I'm sure.
Hours and hours of solitude on Sunday giving me time to clean, think, read, and just be quiet.
A phone call from Jess letting me know I'm not needed to babysit tomorrow which gives me a whole day with only two things that have to be shopping and Taylor's practice, hooray!
Lots of rain this weekend making everything green again and bringing my flowers back to life!
Seeing smiles on my friends and family's faces........priceless.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little margarita, you.
Impromptu dinner on Wednesday with Amy, Pat, and Mary for Pat's birthday. Thanks to Amy for introducing me to Tai food.....soooooo good. oh, I hope I spelled that right.
Getting to see Taylor cheer on Thursday and Friday.
Seeing all the cheerleaders, tumblers, and dance teams perform on Friday night at Harrison, lots of fun for me.
Being back at Harrison for my daughters functions, having mixed, but mostly good feelings about being back there.
Actually enjoying the football game on Thursday, who knew I'd like football? Actually, I think I might love it. I know I love being at the games, don't know how I'd feel about watching on TV.
Fantastic fun on Friday night with Mary, Cowboy?, and Shawn. DJ Preston doing a great job running karaoke.
Fun with the family Saturday afternoon for Ciarra's 12th birthday party. Getting to see Kyleigh with all of her love and huge smiles.
Plans to go to a poker tournament falling through allowing me to have a nice dinner with Mary Saturday evening including a magnificent margarita.
A good talk with Jessica Saturday evening.
Getting home by 11pm Saturday night and getting the best sleep I've gotten in a long time, ...a whole night's sleep wow, it's been years since that's happened I'm sure.
Hours and hours of solitude on Sunday giving me time to clean, think, read, and just be quiet.
A phone call from Jess letting me know I'm not needed to babysit tomorrow which gives me a whole day with only two things that have to be shopping and Taylor's practice, hooray!
Lots of rain this weekend making everything green again and bringing my flowers back to life!
Seeing smiles on my friends and family's faces........priceless.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little margarita, you.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Births and Re-births
Today I'm grateful for........
Baby Finney's birth! Aiden James Finney will be called AJ, how cute! Mom and dad are doing well and are supposed to be going home today. Isn't he sweet.
AJ's birth/new life making me think about rebirth and the new life that I am creating for myself and my girls as we speak.
Using my time wisely.....couldn't sleep lastnight so I made chicken soup with lots of fresh veggies, put it on low in the crock pot and ...ta da...dinner for tonight when I didn't have time to cook.
Big accomplishments in my bedroom :) I mean, sorting through, cleaning out, and purging! Finally hanging some art work, moving furniture around, and hopefully by tomorrow I wont be afraid to leave my bedroom door open any more. (my bedroom is right off the living room)
Finding lots of good books and things while sorting, to pass along to Jessica and her family.
Getting help with the weeds that are taller than me since we were gone so much this summer!! They'll all be gone by next week and I'll have pretty flower beds full of flowers again instead of over grown weeds.
Making my house look like a house again instead of a deteriorating box full of memories and grief.
Finally getting some help with my fence yeah!!!!
Looking forward to Taylor cheering thursday and friday.
Running into people I knew in high school, at the high school :) Because I have to be there for Kelsey and Taylor's functions I'm running into old aquaintences.
Lunch plans with Erika for later this week.
Finding myself smiling so often now, just randomly, for random reasons. Knowing that I am happy now, alone, and in charge of my life again. Knowing that being alone right now is great for me, I really am not ready for some one else in my life at this time, but I'm getting there. The getting there is the part that I'm happiest about, all of the changes that I'm creating in my life that are helping me to move forward so I can be in a place where I'm ready to share my life again. Every thing that didn't make sense to me in the first years after Michael died, has finally become so clear and easy. After he passed I always said when my house was sorted through and put together that's when I would be ready to have people in my life again, and now I finally feel things coming together. That feeling of constantly spinning your wheels and getting no where really sucks, but now I'm moving again and I believe I can fly.
Asking for what I want, calmly, clearly, and being understood and obliged.
Taking the time to figure out exactly what I want to happen in my life and being specific when asking.
Ripples upon ripples, upon ripples of knowledge, understanding, and love being radiated, passed on in infinite ways to infinite amounts of people.
Looking at the painting I did of a beach scene with a stormy sky and thinking I'd like to see a sunny sky there.
Taking the time to focus on fixing me instead of running around trying to fix every one else so I don't have to focus on me.
Watching Jones become more and more beautiful every day, and knowing it's happening to me too because we are living in grattitude and living life the way we want to. A nice smile helps too :>
Attracting strong, healthy, independent, open minded, beautiful, intelligent women into my world and creating luscious heart to heart life time relationships with these ladies.
Attracting strong, healthy, open minded, independent, intelligent, financially stable, non addicted, beautiful men into my world and creating life long heart to heart relationships with these men.
I am grateful that I have sooooooo much to be grateful for every single day of my life.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
I have friends and family who "dream and make things happen".
Life is so damn good!
Baby Finney's birth! Aiden James Finney will be called AJ, how cute! Mom and dad are doing well and are supposed to be going home today. Isn't he sweet.
AJ's birth/new life making me think about rebirth and the new life that I am creating for myself and my girls as we speak.
Using my time wisely.....couldn't sleep lastnight so I made chicken soup with lots of fresh veggies, put it on low in the crock pot and ...ta da...dinner for tonight when I didn't have time to cook.
Big accomplishments in my bedroom :) I mean, sorting through, cleaning out, and purging! Finally hanging some art work, moving furniture around, and hopefully by tomorrow I wont be afraid to leave my bedroom door open any more. (my bedroom is right off the living room)
Finding lots of good books and things while sorting, to pass along to Jessica and her family.
Getting help with the weeds that are taller than me since we were gone so much this summer!! They'll all be gone by next week and I'll have pretty flower beds full of flowers again instead of over grown weeds.
Making my house look like a house again instead of a deteriorating box full of memories and grief.
Finally getting some help with my fence yeah!!!!
Looking forward to Taylor cheering thursday and friday.
Running into people I knew in high school, at the high school :) Because I have to be there for Kelsey and Taylor's functions I'm running into old aquaintences.
Lunch plans with Erika for later this week.
Finding myself smiling so often now, just randomly, for random reasons. Knowing that I am happy now, alone, and in charge of my life again. Knowing that being alone right now is great for me, I really am not ready for some one else in my life at this time, but I'm getting there. The getting there is the part that I'm happiest about, all of the changes that I'm creating in my life that are helping me to move forward so I can be in a place where I'm ready to share my life again. Every thing that didn't make sense to me in the first years after Michael died, has finally become so clear and easy. After he passed I always said when my house was sorted through and put together that's when I would be ready to have people in my life again, and now I finally feel things coming together. That feeling of constantly spinning your wheels and getting no where really sucks, but now I'm moving again and I believe I can fly.
Asking for what I want, calmly, clearly, and being understood and obliged.
Taking the time to figure out exactly what I want to happen in my life and being specific when asking.
Ripples upon ripples, upon ripples of knowledge, understanding, and love being radiated, passed on in infinite ways to infinite amounts of people.
Looking at the painting I did of a beach scene with a stormy sky and thinking I'd like to see a sunny sky there.
Taking the time to focus on fixing me instead of running around trying to fix every one else so I don't have to focus on me.
Watching Jones become more and more beautiful every day, and knowing it's happening to me too because we are living in grattitude and living life the way we want to. A nice smile helps too :>
Attracting strong, healthy, independent, open minded, beautiful, intelligent women into my world and creating luscious heart to heart life time relationships with these ladies.
Attracting strong, healthy, open minded, independent, intelligent, financially stable, non addicted, beautiful men into my world and creating life long heart to heart relationships with these men.
I am grateful that I have sooooooo much to be grateful for every single day of my life.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
I have friends and family who "dream and make things happen".
Life is so damn good!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Today I'm grateful for........
All the thunder and lightening lastnight!! And lots of much needed rain!
Running through the rain giggling with Taylor today.
We have a new baby!!!!!!! Kim and Jason had a baby boy, 8lbs 6oz every one's doing great! His name is Aden James Finney, can't wait to see him!
Mr. Pierson singing to me on the phone lastnight, how sweet is that.
Being aware of where I'm at, what's going on around me, smiling a lot lately, and soaking in the moments that make up my life. ....Taking the time to look around, and really look at the people I love and watch them chatting, smiling, and just being human.
Thinking about the upcoming trip to torrent falls, and getting really excited.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Life is so damn good.
All the thunder and lightening lastnight!! And lots of much needed rain!
Running through the rain giggling with Taylor today.
We have a new baby!!!!!!! Kim and Jason had a baby boy, 8lbs 6oz every one's doing great! His name is Aden James Finney, can't wait to see him!
Mr. Pierson singing to me on the phone lastnight, how sweet is that.
Being aware of where I'm at, what's going on around me, smiling a lot lately, and soaking in the moments that make up my life. ....Taking the time to look around, and really look at the people I love and watch them chatting, smiling, and just being human.
Thinking about the upcoming trip to torrent falls, and getting really excited.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Life is so damn good.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
New friends, old friends, and babies!
Today I'm grateful for........
New friends, and lots of laughs this weekend.
Getting in touch with old friends.
Safe travels for my mom and Dennis.
Seeing two bands this weekend, good music. Oh, and my new friend knows the band members so he introduced me and I got to sit and chat with the band during their breaks and after the show, lots of fun :>
A beautiful day Saturday for Jessica's daughter's birthday party in the park. Love seeing the kids and all their smiles!
Again, Kelsey's new blue hairdo, every time I look at her I smile. I love my little reminders of michael.
Chatting with Mary Friday night, hearing about Big Big changes she's made in her life recently, ....good changes in my opinion. It makes me happy to hear her talk about these big changes with such passion and commitment. Also getting to hear about her recent visits with Amy and Pat, their dinner conversations and future plans for the museum.
Gail, Erika, and their friends joining me and my friends Saturday making it an awesome night full of fun and laughs.
RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN Finally!!!!!!!!!!!
Looking forward to a float trip tomorrow as long as the river's not too high.
My luscious new purse!!
Hoping for an easy labor and delivery for my friend Kim and her husband Jason today!
Knowing that my friend Gretchen's new pregnancy will go smoothly for her and her boyfriend Tim.
Looking forward to Taylor's football games starting this week yeah!!!
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Life is so damn good!
New friends, and lots of laughs this weekend.
Getting in touch with old friends.
Safe travels for my mom and Dennis.
Seeing two bands this weekend, good music. Oh, and my new friend knows the band members so he introduced me and I got to sit and chat with the band during their breaks and after the show, lots of fun :>
A beautiful day Saturday for Jessica's daughter's birthday party in the park. Love seeing the kids and all their smiles!
Again, Kelsey's new blue hairdo, every time I look at her I smile. I love my little reminders of michael.
Chatting with Mary Friday night, hearing about Big Big changes she's made in her life recently, ....good changes in my opinion. It makes me happy to hear her talk about these big changes with such passion and commitment. Also getting to hear about her recent visits with Amy and Pat, their dinner conversations and future plans for the museum.
Gail, Erika, and their friends joining me and my friends Saturday making it an awesome night full of fun and laughs.
RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN Finally!!!!!!!!!!!
Looking forward to a float trip tomorrow as long as the river's not too high.
My luscious new purse!!
Hoping for an easy labor and delivery for my friend Kim and her husband Jason today!
Knowing that my friend Gretchen's new pregnancy will go smoothly for her and her boyfriend Tim.
Looking forward to Taylor's football games starting this week yeah!!!
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Life is so damn good!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
A time to heal....
Today I'm grateful for...
Getting Kelsey in to see the doctor for her ear infection. Antibiotics and numbing drops, hooray! Kelsey's a very healthy kid, very rarely gets sick so antibiotics are very welcome for this infection.
That she was upset when I told her she had to miss her first day back to school because of her ear infection---she has been in tears because of the pain.
That she and I finally got a little bit of sleep, we've been up for days, she's been in pain, and I've been doing every thing I can think of to make it better for her.
Even though I chose not to go to the dinner party in Broadripple with Craig and Jones, I'm sure they had a lovely time, and I know we will get together soon.~~Kayaking right!
The girls and I all in my bedroom watching a movie together. Brushing Taylor's hair and giving her the physical touch that she needs to know she's loved. She just turns into a little rag doll when you rub her back or brush her hair.
Making Kelsey's hair blue! It's a new color for her, we usually do red. Doing what I can to allow my girls to express themselves because what other time in their lives will blue hair be socially acceptable?
Taylor had a great first day back to school yesterday with no problems getting up earlier than usual.
Catching up with Vance on myspace since he can no longer be contacted by phone.
New friends on myspace!! Yeah, more people to chat with :D
Healing myself by facing my fears, listening to others, doing for others, listening to my body, and paying more attention to me.
A Hot Stone Massage! To my fellow rock chicks, I highly recommend this! After all the travelling, flights, with sore muscles and swollen feet, running around trying to get my home life back together while working and running the kids around to their stuff, I thought ahead and scheduled myself a massage for their second day back to school when I knew I'd have a few hours of free time. Absolutely divine.
Knowing there are other women who love rocks as much as I do.
Knowing that my friend Jess will pull out of the depression that has settled in to her life over the last few days. This too shall pass and she will be smiling again in no time.
Good doctor's visits for Kevin and Cynthia. Knowing things will go smoothly for them. Yeah for healthy babies and great doctors who care!
Taking time to take care of myself today.
A possible girls night out this Friday?? ~~ Lisa? If I plan something they will come right?
All of the pet names people call me, they make me feel so bell, sea shell, baby girl, sweet heart, shelly bean, shaw, trouble, and mama--Thank you thank you thank you!
Good things are happening to the people I love.
You my smooth little healing stone, you.
Getting Kelsey in to see the doctor for her ear infection. Antibiotics and numbing drops, hooray! Kelsey's a very healthy kid, very rarely gets sick so antibiotics are very welcome for this infection.
That she was upset when I told her she had to miss her first day back to school because of her ear infection---she has been in tears because of the pain.
That she and I finally got a little bit of sleep, we've been up for days, she's been in pain, and I've been doing every thing I can think of to make it better for her.
Even though I chose not to go to the dinner party in Broadripple with Craig and Jones, I'm sure they had a lovely time, and I know we will get together soon.~~Kayaking right!
The girls and I all in my bedroom watching a movie together. Brushing Taylor's hair and giving her the physical touch that she needs to know she's loved. She just turns into a little rag doll when you rub her back or brush her hair.
Making Kelsey's hair blue! It's a new color for her, we usually do red. Doing what I can to allow my girls to express themselves because what other time in their lives will blue hair be socially acceptable?
Taylor had a great first day back to school yesterday with no problems getting up earlier than usual.
Catching up with Vance on myspace since he can no longer be contacted by phone.
New friends on myspace!! Yeah, more people to chat with :D
Healing myself by facing my fears, listening to others, doing for others, listening to my body, and paying more attention to me.
A Hot Stone Massage! To my fellow rock chicks, I highly recommend this! After all the travelling, flights, with sore muscles and swollen feet, running around trying to get my home life back together while working and running the kids around to their stuff, I thought ahead and scheduled myself a massage for their second day back to school when I knew I'd have a few hours of free time. Absolutely divine.
Knowing there are other women who love rocks as much as I do.
Knowing that my friend Jess will pull out of the depression that has settled in to her life over the last few days. This too shall pass and she will be smiling again in no time.
Good doctor's visits for Kevin and Cynthia. Knowing things will go smoothly for them. Yeah for healthy babies and great doctors who care!
Taking time to take care of myself today.
A possible girls night out this Friday?? ~~ Lisa? If I plan something they will come right?
All of the pet names people call me, they make me feel so bell, sea shell, baby girl, sweet heart, shelly bean, shaw, trouble, and mama--Thank you thank you thank you!
Good things are happening to the people I love.
You my smooth little healing stone, you.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
A full weekend
Today I'm grateful for..........
The relationship between my father and I being admired and envied so much by other people. Feeling proud, loved, and cherished.
My dad taking on a fatherly role with Charlotte, hearing his stories about babysitting her and seeing the joy and light on his face when he talks about his time with her and how she reminds him of the little time he had with his own daughters. This little girl is so full of fire she doesn't give him a chance to back away from a fatherly role.
Charlotte's "sippy eggs"
Going home early.
Plans to go out with Carly falling through which lead to me meeting up with Gretchen and Delphina.
Great 70's/80's band!!
Meeting a Native American woman last night, Cherokee...her name is Debbie. She encouraged me to start doing some Native American paintings... Okay world that's the 3rd time I've been nudged, I get it.
Lost shoes, hot summer nights, and thank goodness we didn't swim in the pool's green!
Sleeping in
Getting some work done today.
The girls are going back to school soon which means I can have my alone time back during the day. I have plans to do some much needed clearing of the house both physically, and spiritually, and I can't wait.
I know that Taylor has had a fantastic weekend with Ciarra and will come home exhausted but happy.
Kelsey has had lots of alone time this weekend which she covets, and was thrilled to have since it's the last weekend before school starts.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
you my little sippy egg, you.
The relationship between my father and I being admired and envied so much by other people. Feeling proud, loved, and cherished.
My dad taking on a fatherly role with Charlotte, hearing his stories about babysitting her and seeing the joy and light on his face when he talks about his time with her and how she reminds him of the little time he had with his own daughters. This little girl is so full of fire she doesn't give him a chance to back away from a fatherly role.
Charlotte's "sippy eggs"
Going home early.
Plans to go out with Carly falling through which lead to me meeting up with Gretchen and Delphina.
Great 70's/80's band!!
Meeting a Native American woman last night, Cherokee...her name is Debbie. She encouraged me to start doing some Native American paintings... Okay world that's the 3rd time I've been nudged, I get it.
Lost shoes, hot summer nights, and thank goodness we didn't swim in the pool's green!
Sleeping in
Getting some work done today.
The girls are going back to school soon which means I can have my alone time back during the day. I have plans to do some much needed clearing of the house both physically, and spiritually, and I can't wait.
I know that Taylor has had a fantastic weekend with Ciarra and will come home exhausted but happy.
Kelsey has had lots of alone time this weekend which she covets, and was thrilled to have since it's the last weekend before school starts.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
you my little sippy egg, you.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Sunflowers and peaceful easy feelings
Today I'm grateful for........
Time well spent with a friend.
Laughs with Kay and mom today at work.
Sunflowers and kayaks...
Walking out of the funeral home today with my shoulders back, head held high, the sun on my face, smiling. The last time I was in that funeral home was for my husband's funeral. I went to support my friend, faced my own issues, stayed the course and came out proud and peaceful.
Stumbling upon some new music, Damien Rice... Blower's Daughter, looooooooove that song. Much thanks for the mistake that took me to "just dave's" myspace page where I heard the song. I was brave enough to send him a message thanking him and letting him know he created a new fan, and he was nice enough to message me back. --just nice making a polite connection with some one I've never met.
Facing my emotions, sitting with them and asking myself exactly what I'm feeling, being aware of every moment today.
Moving forward, change is good.
Craig......drumming again!!!!! Get it like you like it man, go and get it!
Good things are happening to the people I love.
You my BIG sunflower, you ;)
Time well spent with a friend.
Laughs with Kay and mom today at work.
Sunflowers and kayaks...
Walking out of the funeral home today with my shoulders back, head held high, the sun on my face, smiling. The last time I was in that funeral home was for my husband's funeral. I went to support my friend, faced my own issues, stayed the course and came out proud and peaceful.
Stumbling upon some new music, Damien Rice... Blower's Daughter, looooooooove that song. Much thanks for the mistake that took me to "just dave's" myspace page where I heard the song. I was brave enough to send him a message thanking him and letting him know he created a new fan, and he was nice enough to message me back. --just nice making a polite connection with some one I've never met.
Facing my emotions, sitting with them and asking myself exactly what I'm feeling, being aware of every moment today.
Moving forward, change is good.
Craig......drumming again!!!!! Get it like you like it man, go and get it!
Good things are happening to the people I love.
You my BIG sunflower, you ;)
Freedom of CHOICE
Today I am grateful for.........
Laying in my bed with a long day behind me, another in front of me, and the weekend is nigh.
Being where I am in my life and being okay with it because I know it wont be long until it changes.
The ability to choose what direction I want my life to go in most of the time, and instilling that in my daughters.
Paying it forward.
A busy week so far. Alone time with each of my daughters.
School enrollment, school supplies, book rental, sports fees, lunch money, the whole bit being handled on Tuesday and they are now ready to go back to school! I'm ready for them to be back in school;) It gives us structure and balance in our lives which I am not good at on my own.
Helping a friend in need. Tonight I helped Mary put together picture boards for her father's funeral. I helped her clean her house and prepare for out of town relatives. We worked, cleaned, and talked for hours, it was lovely getting to know her again. I am thankful to see her good intentions and the change in her that I didn't see before.
Help. After getting groceries and tons of school supplies, the girls helped in the store and at home loading, unloading and putting stuff away. It was so fun to watch the girls spread all of their stuff out on the floor, going through old school stuff deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. They were giggling, being silly, and just enjoying each other while organizing their school stuff. It's so much fun for me to be a fly on the wall they get involved in their conversations with each other and forget I'm in the room some times.
Faygo Red Pop
Scott and Vance introducing me to Sir Mix A lot!!!!
Sitting on the floor with Mary and going through her old pictures of every one. Vance, Jones, Pat, we were all just children, even at 18.
Talking with Rosie today at work about strong minded women, and how different things were 50 years ago. Women choosing to live differently than those that came before us while respecting and honoring them.
Knowing that Mary's dad is free and no longer suffering. This is a part of her life that she will soon be able to put behind her and that she is already showing strength and courage, and looking forward to the change in her life.
Really good sex!!! Not that I've had any in a while, just saying....well, you know.
My generosity. I love giving meaningful things to the people I love. ....if I haven't given you something, it doesn't mean I don't love you, just means I haven't been inspired yet. (I usually give paintings, but the painting has to fit the person, and for that,...I must be inspired)
Bonding........ luv luv luv making connections with people.
Miss Sobe stepping out of her box! Change is good, get it like you like it chickadee ;)
Dean and Jones in Yellowstone!!!!!!!!!
Good things are happening to the people I love.
You my little, soda pop, you.
Laying in my bed with a long day behind me, another in front of me, and the weekend is nigh.
Being where I am in my life and being okay with it because I know it wont be long until it changes.
The ability to choose what direction I want my life to go in most of the time, and instilling that in my daughters.
Paying it forward.
A busy week so far. Alone time with each of my daughters.
School enrollment, school supplies, book rental, sports fees, lunch money, the whole bit being handled on Tuesday and they are now ready to go back to school! I'm ready for them to be back in school;) It gives us structure and balance in our lives which I am not good at on my own.
Helping a friend in need. Tonight I helped Mary put together picture boards for her father's funeral. I helped her clean her house and prepare for out of town relatives. We worked, cleaned, and talked for hours, it was lovely getting to know her again. I am thankful to see her good intentions and the change in her that I didn't see before.
Help. After getting groceries and tons of school supplies, the girls helped in the store and at home loading, unloading and putting stuff away. It was so fun to watch the girls spread all of their stuff out on the floor, going through old school stuff deciding what to keep and what to get rid of. They were giggling, being silly, and just enjoying each other while organizing their school stuff. It's so much fun for me to be a fly on the wall they get involved in their conversations with each other and forget I'm in the room some times.
Faygo Red Pop
Scott and Vance introducing me to Sir Mix A lot!!!!
Sitting on the floor with Mary and going through her old pictures of every one. Vance, Jones, Pat, we were all just children, even at 18.
Talking with Rosie today at work about strong minded women, and how different things were 50 years ago. Women choosing to live differently than those that came before us while respecting and honoring them.
Knowing that Mary's dad is free and no longer suffering. This is a part of her life that she will soon be able to put behind her and that she is already showing strength and courage, and looking forward to the change in her life.
Really good sex!!! Not that I've had any in a while, just saying....well, you know.
My generosity. I love giving meaningful things to the people I love. ....if I haven't given you something, it doesn't mean I don't love you, just means I haven't been inspired yet. (I usually give paintings, but the painting has to fit the person, and for that,...I must be inspired)
Bonding........ luv luv luv making connections with people.
Miss Sobe stepping out of her box! Change is good, get it like you like it chickadee ;)
Dean and Jones in Yellowstone!!!!!!!!!
Good things are happening to the people I love.
You my little, soda pop, you.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Compilation Glog
Today I'm grateful for....
This glog is a compilation of gratitude for several days this past week.
Working last week and helping my mom out.
Seeing Lisa, Kyleigh and D.J. at mom's.
Billy bringing Kyleigh in to work and watching Lisa with her big sunshine smile showing off her daughter.
Going home early on Friday night.
Taylor starting cheer leading practice on Thursday, and her early morning practice on Saturday. Watching her do something she truly enjoys. She has started running at home and trying to build up her endurance, all on her own. Realizing how dedicated she can be when she wants to be.
Running into Eric and Nicole with their friends on Saturday night here in laf. Nicole is always so lovely and sweet. I admire Eric's bravery, they do kareoke where we were and Eric sang a couple of songs. Looking forward to tentative plans for a get together in the near future.
Finally knowing exactly why Mary has come back into my life. Her father has been sick with cancer for a long time, and on Saturday the family was told there is nothing more they can do for him, they were told he might be around for 72 more hours. Mary has been being judged by her family members for showing any kind of emotion, and she has the burden of making funeral arrangements for the family. I am grateful that I got to sit with Mary for several hours being a nonjudgmental ear, allowing her to vent, just letting her have that time for herself.
Grief has become a reoccurring thing in my life since Michael passed away, and I have told my story, listened to others, and been available and open for other grieving people. By being available and open to others I have been able to continue my own healing and am absolutely grateful for every emotion I've felt on my own, and when helping other people.
I am grateful for Ralph offering to take on the job of rebuilding my gate for my fence, as well as some other repairs that need done around the house. When I asked for his help he never hesitated and said he would be over on Monday.
The girls and I worked together and got a lot of much needed yard work done today. With plans to get to the front yard later this week.
Eating Mexican food with Kelsey.
Shopping with Taylor this afternoon. Her help rearranging my booth at the shop where I sell my art work.
I am very grateful that Tim and Tracie made it back from Minneapolis safe and sound last week. They were in Minneapolis during the bridge collapse, they were supposed to take that route home and at the last minute decided to take a more scenic route.
I'm grateful that at this very minute Dean and jones are on their fantastic journey home creating life long memories. yeah TERT!
Good things are happening to the people I love.
you my little burrito, you.
This glog is a compilation of gratitude for several days this past week.
Working last week and helping my mom out.
Seeing Lisa, Kyleigh and D.J. at mom's.
Billy bringing Kyleigh in to work and watching Lisa with her big sunshine smile showing off her daughter.
Going home early on Friday night.
Taylor starting cheer leading practice on Thursday, and her early morning practice on Saturday. Watching her do something she truly enjoys. She has started running at home and trying to build up her endurance, all on her own. Realizing how dedicated she can be when she wants to be.
Running into Eric and Nicole with their friends on Saturday night here in laf. Nicole is always so lovely and sweet. I admire Eric's bravery, they do kareoke where we were and Eric sang a couple of songs. Looking forward to tentative plans for a get together in the near future.
Finally knowing exactly why Mary has come back into my life. Her father has been sick with cancer for a long time, and on Saturday the family was told there is nothing more they can do for him, they were told he might be around for 72 more hours. Mary has been being judged by her family members for showing any kind of emotion, and she has the burden of making funeral arrangements for the family. I am grateful that I got to sit with Mary for several hours being a nonjudgmental ear, allowing her to vent, just letting her have that time for herself.
Grief has become a reoccurring thing in my life since Michael passed away, and I have told my story, listened to others, and been available and open for other grieving people. By being available and open to others I have been able to continue my own healing and am absolutely grateful for every emotion I've felt on my own, and when helping other people.
I am grateful for Ralph offering to take on the job of rebuilding my gate for my fence, as well as some other repairs that need done around the house. When I asked for his help he never hesitated and said he would be over on Monday.
The girls and I worked together and got a lot of much needed yard work done today. With plans to get to the front yard later this week.
Eating Mexican food with Kelsey.
Shopping with Taylor this afternoon. Her help rearranging my booth at the shop where I sell my art work.
I am very grateful that Tim and Tracie made it back from Minneapolis safe and sound last week. They were in Minneapolis during the bridge collapse, they were supposed to take that route home and at the last minute decided to take a more scenic route.
I'm grateful that at this very minute Dean and jones are on their fantastic journey home creating life long memories. yeah TERT!
Good things are happening to the people I love.
you my little burrito, you.
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