Sunday, October 28, 2007
Easy Like Sunday Morning :)
Taylor getting her letters and megaphone for her letter jacket at the banquet on Thursday. I know, I know.....letter jackets in middle school? That's what I said, but I don't want to ruin her joy and pride.
Taking Kelsey to her most recent movie night at Harrison for her Japanese class. Getting to see all the kids dressed up as their favorite anime characters and meeting her favorite teacher, what fun!
Making friends with and getting free samples from Taylor's cheer coach who is a nurse for a dermatologist, all girls love free samples :)
Being asked for help with the upcoming recognition dinner. Going in Friday afternoon and rushing to help get Kay organized and caught up since the dinner is in a few weeks and she hasn't even ordered invitations yet! I got her all taken care of though, not much left for her to do now.
A nice easy fun weekend.
Taylor getting to spend time with her favorite person, Ciarra.
An evening with the Stapletons, making them laugh and being accepted and stood up for. Finally getting Jesse's shot glass to him. He asked me to bring one back for him from Kauai. I never know when I'm going to run into him and finally got it to him. I found the biggest one I could find and he loved it.
Seeing my lovely fellow artist friend, Jody. Giving her big hugs and exchanging love from the heart. Her mom just had her most recent MRI and her brain tumor has shrunk, they almost can't even see it anymore. Doctor says it's a miracle, amazing.
Getting to babysit DJ all day Saturday :) DJ says his name is "Super DJ", he's going as super man for halloween. He also tells me his mom's name is Tracie, and when you give him food he doesn't like he says, ..."I can't like that". Getting him all to myself, we had lots of fun. We went for a walk, saved some worms (picked them up off the road and put them in the grass), played with the wind chimes in my yard, checked all the storm drains in the street, had lunch, watched the Care Bears movie, played hide and seek, watched Aladdin, and took a nap. ....oh! and no accidents! He's potty training now :)
Taking Kelsey to her Halloween party, then spending an evening at home alone :) I ate Mexican take out and watched lots of scary Halloween type movies, it was awesome!.....then after I got my imagination working and was a little spooked, I got to drive the back roads through the country side and woods to pick Kelsey up at midnight.
I told her all about my over-active imagination and scarring myself by watching all the horror movies when I was a kid and shouldn't have been watching them. I don't see well at night and my mind for some reason turns mundane things like mailboxes into people standing on the side of the road :) Kelsey just laughed at me and then told me about her party.
Watching my favorite show, Bionic Woman, and hearing Ani's music used a couple of different times throughout the show!!!!!!!
The moonlight illuminating the fields Saturday night and seeing several different people pulled off on the side of the roads, star gazing.
Waking up slow and easy Sunday morning, absolutely fantastic.
Lisa dropping Taylor off for me, Taylor's sick, a touch of the flu or something........knowing that she will be better quickly.
No school tomorrow!!!!!!! An extra day to do what ever we want!
The cooler weather!
Leaving the windows open and enjoying the sunshine today :)
Being excited about dressing as Dorothy for Halloween!!!!!! Knowing I will find some ruby slippers, ......or maybe I'll make some.
Tomorrow is trash day!!!! I have cleaned out and de-cluttered, and have lots of trash and negative cluttered energy to get rid of, and tomorrow it will all be gone!!!!
Stopping at certain times during my days and thinking, ....."I'm going to put this in my gratitude glog". Lots of wonderful moments to be grateful for.
All the talismans, tattoos, songs, idles, meaningful things that people cherish, and use as motivation and reminders. Being able to let go of some of mine. Keeping them until they are no longer of any use to me and then letting them go by passing them on to a beloved friend or family member, or sending them out into the world knowing they served me well and may do the same for someone else. .....a sign of growth and moving forward.
Hearing that Kevin, Cynthia, and baby are doing well. Knowing the baby will be healthy, loved, blessed and very special.
Getting a couple of paintings ready to donate as door prizes for the recognition dinner, my name will be announced, and my business card will be in the back of the paintings, hey... Free advertising people!
Looking forward to carving pumpkins this evening.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little jack-o-lantern, you.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
What a difference some sleep makes!
Getting myself on a more regular sleep schedule, without medication!!!!!! I am now sleeping through most of the night and am up early and staying up all day!! woohoo!
Because I'm on a regular sleep schedule I have more hours in my day which allows me to get more done including some form of exercise every day.
Getting much needed work done around the house. Being at the store at 9 a.m. to get wood screws so I could put all the boards that fell off my fence back up! Now the fence looks almost like new again and my house no longer looks like the abandoned house in the neighborhood.
Slowly but surely getting my house back together, (some of you know I've been talking about this since michael died) I didn't think it would take me four years to finally be making some headway, but my mind was busy doing other things. Now is the time, and now I'm getting it done, one drawer, one board, one weed, one room at a time.
Getting my garage cleaned out and more organized.
I dropped my jeep off this morning for an oil change, winterizing, some break work and an idle problem and it will all be done this afternoon!!!
While putting the boards back on my fence I finally hung the lanterns in my patio area that I've had for over a year!
Noticing the peace I feel in the rooms where I've cleared the clutter and knowing the rest of my house will soon be the same.
George Carlin!!! Love that man, he's been making me laugh since I was about 17. "The planet is fine, the people are fucked up"
Being more active, dealing with the aches and pain from being so disengaged and sluggish for 4 years, and knowing if I continue the activity my body will adjust and the pain will subside.
Jessica has lost 45 pounds!!!!! Amazing, she looks great!
My sister's competition meant to keep each other motivated to lose some weight and keep it off through the holidays.
Oh my gosh, ...... the sunset last night that was so beautiful it made me tear up. I was walking through the house cleaning up after dinner when this glow came in through the windows (it had been over cast and gloomy all day), I went to the window and was blown away by the stunningly brilliant glow of the sunset. The whole sky was lit up reflecting the light off of the clouds, so beautiful.
I am grateful for the time I get to spend with Val, Jackie and Jody. Val has cancer and being with her has made me appreciate the simplest things in my life so much more.
James Lipton from Inside the Actors Studio. I love words and love listening to him speak.
Belly laughs!
Kelsey telling me she doesn't understand how I can love a season where everything is dying, or how I can love the colors of the leaves which to her is morbid because the colors mean the leaves are dying. She was just giving me a hard time of course which is exactly why I love her.
A voice mail from Dis and a text message telling me he's thinking of me, he's so sweet.
A busy weekend coming up. Taylor's cheer banquet on Thursday, Kelsey's movie night at the Morton Center on Thursday night, Taylor's sleep over on Friday, Kelsey's Halloween party at her friend's house. It's fall break so they have a four day weekend :)
Looking forward to the chaos on Halloween when my sisters and every one comes to my house for pizza and trick or treating. We eat, and then every one starts getting into their costumes, the babies are running around, door bells ringing, my daughters are asking for help, I'm trying to change, and some how everything comes together! It's always fun.
Enjoying the gloomy days just as much as I enjoy the sunny ones.
Including more veggies in my diet.
Brett Dennen,....."just like the moon you light up the night, and sometimes, sometimes I only get a sliver of you, but I'm hopin, I'm hopin for a full moon tonight" This song always makes me smile.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my HUMONGOUS belly laugh :)
Monday, October 22, 2007
A conversation at the benefit last week with Cindy about grief, the mistakes you make after loosing someone, really connecting with her, listening to her tell me her story which was a repeat of my own, learning from her and knowing what she meant when she said "numb-dumb".
Respecting my elders and appreciating the stories that make up their lives.
A lovely day at the Covered Bridge Festival with my mom, her boyfriend dennis, and my daughters. All the shopping, walking, talking, and all my favorite festival foods. Finding the perfect quilt and shams at the festival (been looking for a long time). Seeing all the "treasures" my daughters were interested in and watching their excitement at getting to shop and buy what was important to them.
Spending Friday night partying with both my sisters and Jessica! Yea all of us out at the same time! So much fun, singing (Tracie and I played rock stars with the pool cues) and dancing, talking, I beat Tracie at pool :) Jessica beat Lisa at checkers :) Watching my dad light up, full of pride at watching his daughters play and be silly together, (things he missed out on when we were little). Dancing to Jack Johnson (it's always better when we're together) in the parking lot all by ourselves with Jess.
My mom for keeping all the kids so my sisters and I could have our night of fun.
My dad jumping through all the hoops and finally getting health insurance, getting his physical and getting the much needed medication to keep him healthy.
Messages from Dis about his weekend so far he went to a friend's parent's house for dinner. Remembering how much it meant for the Navy guys who were away from home to be able to spend a few hours away from the ship, see a bit of normalcy, have a good meal, and conversation about something other than the Navy and work. We used to have Mike's friends over about once a week when we lived on the base in CA, WA and VA.
Getting to take DJ to my Aunt's get together on the river cuz Tracie was in MI.
A beautiful evening with my dad's family on the Tippy. Lots of good food, a fire, roasting hot dogs over the fire. Being reminded how much work and attention a three year old requires when you're not in a safe environment where you can just let them run!
Coming home tired, staying in even though I had invites to go out. Watching a stupid movie that made me laugh and gag and wonder why I watched it all the way through, disgusting! Getting a good nights sleep.
Messages from jones Sat. and Sun. telling me the progress of Craig's amazing race!!!! AMAZING!
Chatting with Vance about the majestic day! Hearing about his five mile walk with Holly, and telling him about my walk with Taylor.
The perfect weather Sunday.
All the color in the leaves now :)
Finishing a specific painting that will bring some closure to that part of my life. Getting it ready to sell so I can get the bad energy out of my house.
A quiet morning, getting the girls off to school easily and effortlessly.
Sleeping for two more hours after they left for school.
Chatting with Jess about our similar situations with our daughters. Laughing together and finding peace in knowing our situations are not unique and we are not alone in dealing with our stubborn daughters who want to be independent but their behavior shows us that they still need their moms desperately.
Another beautiful day waiting for me to start some yard work and finish some outside projects.
Being on the right path, the one that's right for me :) Not feeling guilty for the way I choose to live my life, ....after all it is my life.
Knowing my job at this time, my purpose right now is first to be a mother, and second to focus on healing and strengthening my body, mind, and spirit. Knowing that it is ok that these are my priorities now, and when I feel it's time to move on to something else I will.
I am enough and I have everything I need. ......I'm dressing as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz for Halloween, ......"you've had the power all along" :) "there's no place like home" :)
Wonderful friends who give me unconditional love and acceptance. Friends who keep me in check, call me out, and make me pull back and look at things from a different perspective.
Love in all forms.
Coming home to my heart, my mind, .... and feeling like I have both feet firmly on the ground again.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little bunch of karma, you.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Clearing out and feeling whole
Monday, October 15, 2007
Being inspired
Missing the rock climbing trip this weekend even though I wanted so badly to see my close friends. I think I was actually supposed to stay home this weekend, I had an experience of my own that has moved me to appreciate life and living even more than before. I ended up spending Saturday afternoon with a friend of mine and her mom who is currently fighting cancer. They told her she only had 6 months to live, Sunday was the six month mark and she's still here, still fighting. I've watched her go like the energizer bunny until she can no longer stand all because she doesn't know how much longer she'll live and she's afraid of missing something. I've watched her for weeks now soaking everything she can in with her eyes. I see the joy in her eyes when she's with her daughters, friends, and family, and at the same time I see the incredible sadness in her face. My heart just aches for her, for them.
.....I know the affect this situation could have on their lives, the possible devastation as well as all the growth that comes from an experience like this.
I know only good things will come for this family, that this experience will bring a close family even closer. Val will live and experience everything that she is supposed to and her life from now on will be a joyous one.
I am continuing to make changes in my life, some of them easy, some them not so easy, ...but they will all lead to a better version of me :)
Every one of us can be a phoenix, we all have the ability to change our lives we just have to be brave enough to take the first step and from there momentum is all we need.
The lavender post card I got in the mail today from jones, obviously meant to remind me of our time in WA that meant so much to me. The travelling funeral continues, just don't know where it will lead me next :)
Having my voice back.
Windows open, falling leaves.
Walking with hippy this weekend and all the stars I could see in that little place of paradise.
Taylor's steadfastness, some would call it being stubborn, but I am now choosing to embrace her persistence and tenaciousness so that I can have more inner peace, ..... and not strangle my hormonal 12 year old daughter who thinks she's always right about everything!
Sharing uplifting music with Val, and with my friend Jess, music that will make them smile.
The gold in the fields yesterday evening as the sun was setting on my way home.
Messages from Dis again, and a long awaited phone call last night. He's finally out of the field and can communicate with the real world again :) Hearing that he thought of me while watching the green of the Northern Lights Sunday morning, and memories of sharing my story with him before he got stationed in Alaska. His plans for coming home in December, and knowing he will have an excellent visit. He always makes me smile and I am so happy I got to talk to him for so long last night, what a treat.
Talking with jess today and plans to get together this week.
Making family plans for next week.
Knowing I'll be able to hear the coyotes across the field from my house soon. They howl when the nearby train blows it's horn in late fall/early winter.
Steamed broccoli
Meaningful, email communication with Vance,... I feel incredibly lucky to be learning the pieces of my friends life that I never knew and seeing a side of him that I had heard about but never experienced.
Being able to pay my bills every month without worrying, .... I am so very lucky.
Living a more active lifestyle.
A close girlfriend who LOVES to ORGANIZE! Letting go of my fear and letting her come in and help with my organizational disability :)
A message from Annabanana, she has a sunshine smile just like my little Taylor, it's infectious, and she's so beautiful.
Hearing from sobe, feeling the "positivity" and the long distance love :)
People who inspire me to live differently, to live life the way I want to.
Doing exactly what pleases me and appreciating every minute.
Hearing the ocean when the wind blows through the leaves in the trees in my yard.
My roses still blooming, the blooms on my moonstone rose that Michael gave me being so ginormous this year!
Watching the blooms on the clematis close in the evening and open in the morning, I'm easily entertained I guess, but I love it.
The way the gold from the setting or rising sun turns everything mundane into magic. ..."as long as I can dream, life is worth living"
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my inspiration, you.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Alone on the path
Seeing my mom, Dennis, and all the parents of Taylor's friends last night at her choir concert.
Watching Taylor sing, her huge sunshine grin because she felt special for being chosen to sing in the small ensemble at the concert last night.
All the help I get with things around the house from Kelsey.
Kelsey's uniqueness.
Finally getting a good amount of sleep!
Seeing the beautiful sun rise this morning.
Leaving the windows open and waking up to the chill in the air with my favorite cozy comforter over my head.
Being the only one on the path today. ....it's good to have someone to walk with, but today it was nice to walk alone, no distractions. Being alone allowed me to focus on all the things I am grateful for today and every day :)
Storing my gloves and ear muffs on top of the box of nag champa in my closet. So while I was on my walk today Michael's scent was carried with me, on my ears and my hands. Every so often I caught a whiff of the nag champa and smiled.
All things Michael.
A text from Jones.
Discovering a new place to walk.
All the colors and life along my walk..... acorns, grass, leaves, water, clouds, frogs, birds, cattails, trees, squirrels.
The friendly old man with the crooked walk.
Catching the Farmers Market while on my walk this afternoon! Fresh veggies for our dinner and home made pie for dessert :)
Teaching Taylor how to use an electric razor, ....she's shaving her legs now.
Helping Taylor prepare for the pep rally tomorrow, preparing her uniform, posters, and practicing the school song.
Hearing Kelsey aced her math test.
Jack Johnson
Missing lunch with my girlfriends so I could stay home and rest yesterday....trying to get rid of this cold.
Raising the blinds in my bedroom and leaving them up so I can see more of the sunshine.
Knowing that although I've been looking, I will surely find the perfect gift for Kyleigh.
My favorite pair of blue crocs.
My favorite pair of black flojos (my flip flops from Kauai).
Feta cheese
All the soft muted shades of green.
My gate being rebuilt this Friday!
Enjoying the sun set through my bedroom window right this moment.
The smell of fresh clean laundry.....I guess that should be the smell of laundry soap :)
Getting the last coat of resin sealer on Gary's tray.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little acorn, you.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Grateful Thursday
Being able to go to the Sheraton Kauai website and see my Kauai paradise live through their webcam any time I want.
Watching the leaves change :) love it!
Being close to my family.
Gratitude spreading around the world, ....ripples and ripples of love and warm fuzzies.
Alice Hoffman's books, I just get soo drawn into them, I love them. I started reading them after Michael passed and I think I've read every one she's written so far.
Getting to see Karen (Michael's mom) at Taylor's football game tonight! Been thinking about her a lot lately.
Taylor's excitement when she found out Karen was coming to watch her cheer.
Seeing my mom, Lisa, and Kyleigh at the game. Getting to play with my niece.
This crazy illness will go away soon!
Lavender infused honey from my trip to San Juan for my tea, .... luscious.
A wonderful relaxing, fun filled weekend with close friends, ....in advance.
Movies that make me laugh.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little sunflower, you.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Positivity :)
Glowing and knowing it when I'm around my out of this world friends and people I love.
My friends telling me about the "positivity" I bring to their lives :)
Political discussions with Kelsey on the way to the dentist's office. Loving the way she thinks about things and her point of view, ....so different from mine and hers usually makes so much more sense than mine.
A great dentist appointment for the girls today, no cavities!!! Recommendations from the dentist for braces for Kelsey, ....having insurance that covers them at 80%.
A trip to the mall with the girls for new jeans. Finding jeans to fit both girls perfectly in one store, ....unbelievable!!!!!!
Kelsey's insatiable need for knowledge, books and music.
Taylor's insatiable need for everything fashionable and girlie.
A lunch on the town full of laughter with my wonderful daughters.
Fried green tomatoes, and Kelsey loving them as much as I do.
Cold medicine to help me stop coughing so I can sleep at night.
All the girls help with cleaning this evening.
Upping my time on the elliptical by 20 minutes yeah!!!
Strawberry Lime soda.
Jessica losing 35 pounds! What an inspiration.
Bringing sunflowers home from the store today for inspiration for my next painting. Lots of people asking for sunflowers, and I'm kinda in a sunflowery mood.
Feeling more and more like myself now. .......feeling like I'm closer to the person I always wanted to be.
Selling many, many of my paintings for what they're worth,....in advance :)
Giving paintings to the people I love and seeing the surprise and joy on their faces, ...knowing they love them.
Being inspired by other glogs to continue doing my own glogs even when I don't feel like it. I can't help but smile once I get started, :)
Taylor's new interest in the guitar and Kelsey's excitement about "teaching her a few things".
Putting my vision board up in a place of importance where it can be viewed at all times.
No longer being afraid to set some short term goals, knowing I wont let anything else stand in the way of following through on them.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
Aiding in the attempt to get a new word added to the dictionary.
you my little ball of positivity, you :)
Speedbumps, Rain, and Roses
Seeing the speed-bump and going around it this time. ....Jones for telling me the speed-bump metaphor thing years and years ago.
Not taking on the same old "projects".
Clearing some "people clutter" from my life. There are some people who just need a lot more than others have to give to make them wake up.
The probability of Jess moving back to Washington. I'm so sad to have my close friend maybe moving away again, but happy if that's what's best for their family and her sanity.
A three hour heart felt conversation with Jess on her living room floor this afternoon.
Seeing Jess's son, Tristan when he woke up from his nap, such a fantastic smile with the biggest dimples I've ever seen.
Knowing I will not be sick for ever!
R A I N!!
More people in my life who are here to teach me, learn from me, people who are confident, intelligent, honest, caring, ...people who realize that not every one's "American Dream" is the same.
More people in my life to walk with and do adventurous things with. More people who keep me active effortlessly.
Being told that I am the light in my friends life, that I light up the room when I walk in smiling and my good moods are infectious to her.
Being told by another girlfriend that she misses my face, my smile, my laughter and conversation and knowing I will see her next week for lunch.
My ability to talk to almost anyone, to be able to make small talk with a group of people I don't know. Having the courage to introduce myself, and break the ice with my smile and my genuine interest in a person.
Stepping further and further away from the frightened little girl who's been inside me for so long. New coping tools can do wonders :)
Introducing Jess to Jack Johnson and Brett Dennon, seeing her face light up when she heard their music.
No school tomorrow! They have an early dentist appointment and then we get to go shopping! My girls are getting taller, Taylor wears an 8 slim in girls jeans, but needs the length of a 12, I can make it work right!
My beautiful roses that have started blooming again because of the latest rain.
Looking forward to another evening of football on Thursday and another gorgeous sunset.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
you my little rosebud, you.