Today I'm grateful for........
Seeing the speed-bump and going around it this time. ....Jones for telling me the speed-bump metaphor thing years and years ago.
Not taking on the same old "projects".
Clearing some "people clutter" from my life. There are some people who just need a lot more than others have to give to make them wake up.
The probability of Jess moving back to Washington. I'm so sad to have my close friend maybe moving away again, but happy if that's what's best for their family and her sanity.
A three hour heart felt conversation with Jess on her living room floor this afternoon.
Seeing Jess's son, Tristan when he woke up from his nap, such a fantastic smile with the biggest dimples I've ever seen.
Knowing I will not be sick for ever!
R A I N!!
More people in my life who are here to teach me, learn from me, people who are confident, intelligent, honest, caring, ...people who realize that not every one's "American Dream" is the same.
More people in my life to walk with and do adventurous things with. More people who keep me active effortlessly.
Being told that I am the light in my friends life, that I light up the room when I walk in smiling and my good moods are infectious to her.
Being told by another girlfriend that she misses my face, my smile, my laughter and conversation and knowing I will see her next week for lunch.
My ability to talk to almost anyone, to be able to make small talk with a group of people I don't know. Having the courage to introduce myself, and break the ice with my smile and my genuine interest in a person.
Stepping further and further away from the frightened little girl who's been inside me for so long. New coping tools can do wonders :)
Introducing Jess to Jack Johnson and Brett Dennon, seeing her face light up when she heard their music.
No school tomorrow! They have an early dentist appointment and then we get to go shopping! My girls are getting taller, Taylor wears an 8 slim in girls jeans, but needs the length of a 12, I can make it work right!
My beautiful roses that have started blooming again because of the latest rain.
Looking forward to another evening of football on Thursday and another gorgeous sunset.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
you my little rosebud, you.

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1 comment:
I've never been more proud of you.
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