Today I'm grateful for.....
Action switching back to winter hours so we'll have Josh at home more!!!!
All the rain we've had, love it love it love it!
The cooler weather, windows open, awesome sleeping weather!
Looking forward to another football game this evening.
Kelsey's fantastic school pictures, finally a great picture and she looks like herself!!!
Calli's beautiful school pictures, she looks great in red!
Getting more and more help with rides, someone always comes through at the last minute.
Cell phones that help me stay connected with the girls when all three of them have stuff going on, Josh is usually at work, and there's only one me :)
Getting the perfect mug in the mail from Shannon. What a wonderful surprise, in the midst of my hectic day I got the package, and it was like opening a box of sunshine. Thank you so much for my little box of sunshine, and thank you for thinking of me :)
Getting to see Chris during one of his whirlwind trips here from Florida. Lots of giggles, and getting to catch up a little bit.
Talking with Karen about the charity donations she's been able to make by taking bids and donations on her artwork. --Walmart donates $250 to the make a wish foundation every time Karen "sells" an art piece and donates her profits.
Waking up incredibly early this morning which allowed me lots of time to make breakfast for every one. I used blueberry crumble bread to make french toast mmmm. After waking up at 3am (couldn't sleep anymore) and then making breakfast at 6am, I was a little sleepy. I fell asleep on the couch :( but it's ok because.....Josh got every one on their buses, cleaned up the kitchen, and got all the laundry caught up!!!!! All while I was snoozing!!! He's such a good guy. :)
The possibility of a quick trip to Washington during the kids fall break in October. I'm visualizing, I'm manifesting, We're there :)
Getting to see DJ for a few minutes on Saturday, I swear he's grown a foot since the last time I saw him!!!
Things will be ok for Tim and his family, they have a good support network, and this too shall pass.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little box of sunshine, you!
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