Thursday, December 27, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Today I'm grateful for.....
Taylor spending time with both of her aunts this weekend.
Good reviews on my commission painting and requests for another.
A fun evening out with Lisa on Friday....lots of sassy pictures with Lisa G., Kathy, Carly, Lisa, Josh, and I.
Watching Lisa and Dad try to fix the christmas lights.
Lisa and sugar :)
Clearing the air.
Meeting Josh's work friends and having my friends unexpectedly show up at the same place.
Winning the race at Hunters downunder.
Watching Jeff play at the Knickerbocker,....wow he's great.
Watching the river come up.
More mud on my tires.
The best sleep I've had in a long time, listening to the rain.
A day to rest, clean, and catch up on things at home.
Looking forward to a nice Christmas dinner with dad and the family this evening.
New messages from Vance, he disappeared for a while.
Being there for Jess yesterday. Knowing that she has momentum now, and watching her push through all obsticles.
Being persued.
Kelsey playing her music loud.
cameras and photos that help us remember.
Chris is gonna be here for Christmas yeah :)
Everyone will have a safe and happy christmas and new years.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my wonderful gift, you.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Today I am grateful for.....
Playing in the mud with Josh.
Seeing mom, Dennis, Tracie, DJ, Karen and Mike at Taylor's choir performance.
Getting some more Christmas shopping done finally!
Walking the snowy trails at the battlefield with Josh.
Getting new tires put on the Jeep finally!!
Having a friend that motivates me to finish what I start.
The three way phone call with myself, Jess and Josh yesterday, lots and lots of giggles.
Delivering my painting to a happy customer.
Getting some more painting time in.
The girls and I making a late night trip to the grocery store together. Spontaneous singing while putting groceries away. Quieting myself so I could listen to them and soak them in.
Getting Josh all to myself all day Thursday, lots of good serious conversation, lots of laughs.
Feeling safe.
Watching Taylor's talent show at Easttipp. She sang a solo and got three standing ovations!!! Yep, I'm a proud mama :)
Looking forward to a nice gift exchange/dinner tonight at Olive Garden with the wvh employees.
Lots of meaningful people in my life.
The fantastic cookies Jeremy made, I swear he's the male version of Betty Crocker!
Tristan's dimples.
Josh's laugh lines.
Love in all forms.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Getting some mud on my tires :) picture to be posted later ...
Craig dropping the pottery off for me on Friday. It was so much fun to come home and see all the things the girls and I made.
A very unexpected evening out in Indy on Friday, so much fun.
Helping Jess get ready for our dinner date :)
Jessica being my date for the recognition dinner on Saturday. There were lots of giggles at our table :) Lots of yummy food, good conversation, seeing old friends, lots of picture taking. Oooh and getting to see pictures of Tina's new baby, so sweet. And the reaction when my donated painting was given as one of the door prizes.
Mashed potatoes, ...I love mashed potatoes.
Big hugs from my friend Gary at the dinner, he always makes me smile. I'm so happy he's doing well since his divorce.
Spending an hour sitting in Jessica's driveway talking with her after the dinner as the snow was piling up all around us. I love her so much.
Lots of time on Sunday to get caught up on some house work.
Feeling loved and adored.
Mom taking the girls shopping so they could buy me gifts for Christmas.
Love in all forms.
Feeling innocently satisfied and content.
Looking forward to a busy week with the girls performances, last minute Christmas shopping, and another dinner for work.
S N O W ! ! ! In huge amounts!!!! Can't wait to go sledding!!!
My neighbors clearing my drive way and sidewalk with their snow blower while I was still sleeping this morning. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!
Knowing Jones and Sobe had a wonderful girls night up north.
Baths so hot I can see the steam rising off the water as I soak. mmmmm
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little luv bunny, you
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Sooo much laughter
A plethora of Christmas lights all glowy and twinkling :)
A fun night out with Billy, Josh, and Cory. They taught me how to play poker, don't know how much I'll remember, but I tried.
Josh paying me back.
A fantastic dinner with Stephanie, Craig, Erika, Scott, and Gail. I missed them :) We laughed and laughed, then went out and laughed some more.
Playing with Gail and meeting "Disco Dan".
Gail singing "Satisfaction" by the Stones while "Down Town Brown" did his "Jaggar Dance". Dang I wish I'd had a video camera.
Smiling and laughing until my cheeks hurt.
All the beautiful ice glazed over everything making the landscape seem dreamlike.
A wonderful afternoon with my mom, Tracie, DJ, and Taylor watching Kelsey's high school Christmas performance.
Having my mom take Taylor to practice this evening so I could get in some "face time" with Jess. :) Being so excited when we get together that our mouths just go so fast you barely see our lips moving :)
Taylor being brave and singing her solo for her cheer squad after they begged her.
Kelsey starting to have a friend over more often. --Giving she and Patrick some space and letting them play their video games in the living room....while I quietly keep tabs from my bedroom (which is right off the living room) :)
Roller Coasters !!!!!
you my little icecicle, you
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Today I'm grateful for.....
Coming out of the store with Taylor last night and witnessing the first of the snow flurries.
Watching Taylor flit around the parking lot catching snowflakes on her tongue.
Waking up to the blanket of new snow!
A two hour school delay making this morning extra special.
Being alone on the street during my walk this morning.
Walking in the snow and only my cheeks and nose being cold.
Seeing my neighbor in his garage, in his boxers, checking out the snow :) He scurried inside when he saw me coming....too funny.
The way snow makes everything look magical.
A giggly phone call from Jess, we're going sledding!
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little snowflake, you!
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
River Water
Finally getting a schedule out to my sisters, my mom, and Karen for the girls's upcoming events!
Long giggly girl talk with Jess yesterday. Her amazing weight loss, 61 pounds now!
Finding out that Brea (jess's daughter) got a scholarship to go to Super Saturdays which is a gifted and talented program at Purdue that Kelsey attended! Go Brea!!!!! So excited for her, oh and they provide transportation for her too!!!
Things coming together for our girls night this Saturday! Some of my favorite girls (Erika, Gail, and Lisa G.) already giving a positive RSVP!
Connecting with Chris (my brother-in-law) on myspace!!! It's so much easier to keep in contact with him this way! (he's bad about losing phones, and numbers, and other things) I almost hear from him every day now!
Time to work on Laura's painting today.
Brett Dennen. His music makes me so happy, lovey, and reminiscent, I love listening to it while I paint.
Getting the invites for the next womyn's camp.
I'm grateful for all the help Kelsey gives me, with anything I ask of her.
Today I'm grateful for making it through the sludge of grief and depression, one step at a time. I stumbled a bit, but I have overcome. ...impossible to move forward when you let yourself stay stuck. I think I'm happy that people didn't know what to do for me or how to help because now I feel like can say I did it on my own. No one saved me, I saved myself.
I am grateful in advance that someone will please stop Bush before he ruins our country and creates a nightmare for us all!
I'm grateful that I can't have a conversation with my new-old friend that's less than six hours long! I think he talks more than Kevin, I love it! Some of it is meaningful, some of it is childish banter, but all of it means something to me.
The quiet time, right this minute, to sit down and type out my gratitude list.
Sleeping again finally!!! My schedule's off and I'm sleeping during the day again, but at least I'm sleeping!
Jone's is having a great time enjoying her training and time in a new state.
I am grateful for feeling really creative last night and today. Sometimes I feel like a river and the energy just flows, and sometimes I feel like a stagnant old pond. Today I'm feeling like a river, free flowing, bubbly and refreshing.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my icy cold refreshing river water, you
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Rain drops keep falling on my head :)
A fabulous lazy rainy day.
All the phone calls I've been getting lately. Some people sort of disappeared from my life for a while, now all of a sudden they're all calling me again,....what's that about?
A wonderful thank you card from Kevin, looking forward to reconnecting with him soon and creating a different type of relationship with him and his new family.
Finally catching up with my brother-in-law, Chris while he was here. The girls and I had dinner with him where he got to have some conversation with them and see how they've changed in the year since he's seen them last. Then I got to hang with him, my sister, and Billy for a while on Friday, so much fun. He's such a wonderful guy. I love his calm but powerful presence, his intelligence, and his sense of humor.
Singing at the top of our lungs without a care in the world, Lisa S., Lisa G., Kathy, Chris, Billy, and I.
I'm grateful for Lisa taking Kelsey's bag to her on Friday night.
Hanging with Jess Friday afternoon, and more deep, meaningful, and moving conversation with her, all scattered with giggles. She has a sunshine smile just like Lisa and Taylor.
Jess's newly restored faith in herself and god which is helping her make her way through the garbage she's wading through right now.
Watching movies with "Mr. BadAss" (inside joke) on Saturday. More catching up, meaningful conversation, and lots of laughter.
Tyler Perry!!!! We watched one of his movies Saturday night, I forgot how much I loved him! His movies are hilarious while telling a story and teaching good family, and neighborly values.
Being alone in my pajamas all day today with no tv, just the glorious sound of the rain.
Knowing that my dad listened to the advice my sister and I gave him and that he will start following through. Also that this lay off will be a temporary minor set back, but he will find his way through quickly with great ease.
That the answers Lisa and Billy are looking for in their relationship with Jody and Ciara will come soon and with no back-lash.
That I will finally get this painting straightened out and finished on time.
That our egg will continue to grow steadily and healthily so I can continue to take care of my daughters and our finances.
Chris reminding me to think things through and try to look 10 moves ahead in the game, what ever the game is.
The new Tinman series on the Scifi channel, I love the Wizard of Oz!
That Tracie has an amazing man that loves and cares for her and DJ, and that he comes with his own fantastic family.
That Kelsey, Taylor, and Ciara gave mom lots of help with her Christmas stuff Friday night.
That Kelsey enjoyed her sleep over party Saturday where they got to paint pottery and just have lots of fun.
Oh, and that we now have our own Uniquely Yours pottery place not even a mile from our house!!!!!
All the great responses I got back from the "one word" email. Thank you to those of you who responded. :)
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my lovely rain drop, you
Monday, November 26, 2007
Connectivity and Positivities :)
A full, safe, and wonderful holiday weekend spent with friends and family. I had time to relax, time to party, and quality time with my loved ones.
Playing twenty questions with my family at dad's on Sunday, who knew it could be so much fun! Even the kids loved it! ......Good idea Tracie :)
Reconnecting with someone I haven't seen in twenty years! Unbelievable, we spent six hours talking, ....in one day! We talked on the phone for two hours and then decided to meet for dinner, good food, and great meaningful conversation. It was lovely.
Getting enough sleep last night to be up and typing this right now.
Beautiful rainy days.
Irony and the way people's lives weave in and around each other's.
That thing inside me that pushes me to just step out and make contact with people.
The power of prayer, manifestation, meditation, positivities :) ....whatever you choose to call it.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little rain drop, you.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Sleeping in :)
A wonderful visit with jones last Sunday. A great lunch at la peeps, love that place. Kelsey and Taylor had a nice time visiting and it was fun getting to brag about my girls while they were present.
Giggling with Kelsey and Taylor on our way home from indy.
Making cookies at midnight to send to Dis in Alaska! Got them made and sent off in time for Thanksgiving.
Easttipp winning their game Tuesday.
Being brave enough to climb the extension ladder up into the attic over the garage! Kelsey helped me get our Christmas stuff down, and didn't make fun of me while I was shaking and trying to get up the ladder. :) Love heights, don't like ladders.
Getting our Christmas tree up Wednesday night so we could have more free time on Friday. We've always put our tree up the day after Thanksgiving. It's not decorated, but it's up. It's a fantastic fake tree, I call it my 10 minute tree :) Pre-lit, it comes in 3 pieces, yes I said 3 pieces, and it was an after Christmas bargain one year so it was cheap! You put the base up, then the middle, then the top, plug it in and you're done!
Making chocolate rice crispie treats with Taylor to take to mom's on Thursday.
A lovely easy turkey day, my mom lives 10 minutes away and we didn't have to be there until 5.
Getting to see my family and eat lots of good food! :)
Taylor's excitement about going shopping at 4 am with Lisa on Black Friday.
Kelsey and I choosing to stay home and avoid all the people.
Hangin with dad for a bit on Friday. A surprise visit from my Aunt and Uncle, getting to chat with them for a bit and watching my dad act like a brat of a brother around his sister.
People looking out for me.
My new Sexy MotherPucker lip gloss! Saw the name and had to have it! I stood in the store laughing by myself at the packaging and names of all their products, so funny!
Chatting with Lisa.
Hanging with Jessie. Being loved on, and big hugs.
Looking forward to a casual Thanksgiving visit with dad on Sunday.
Sleeping in and waking up slow :) with no alarms, to a quiet house.
you my fluffy pillow, you.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Better Late Than Never
A week late, better late than never....
Lisa's maturity and bravery last Friday, sticking up for herself and handling a situation that needed to be taken care of with grace and dignity, after quietly freaking out with her girlfriends :)
Tracie's new dance moves, you are the definition of "hot mama" :)
Getting to play with Kim by herself for the first time since she had AJ.
Dancing, dancing, dancing
Piano Man
Having sisters, the best in the world.
Chatting with Vance while every one was in Asheville, hearing they were having a blast.
Just now realizing every one was there for the baby shower! I'm getting old, my memory is slipping, if I had remembered I would have gone. Accepting that I'm very forgetful and making a "mental note" :) to try and improve on that.
Being blessed with beautiful hair.
Finally getting started on my latest commission painting.
Staying home more and loving it.
Making my time on the elliptical a habit.
The red maple tree in my front yard, it's still holding on to most of it's leaves even with all the wind we've had.
Running into Lisa at the store today and seeing her beautiful smiling face.
Being called out of my pajamas for an impromptu get together with my girlfriends last night, so much laughter.
The sunset at this very moment.
A phone call from Dis :) questions about cookies, and christmas.
Lunch with Gary and Matt today.
Fried green tomatoes, love them.
A visit with Jess today, lots of girl talk. Walking down to the school with her to pick up Kayla and Brea. Getting to hold Tristin's little hand while we walked. Kayla's love for me :) As soon as she saw me she yelled my name and came running to hug me.
Looking forward to the meteor shower saturday night.
Looking forward to time with jones on sunday.
Finding myself paying attention to all the things I'm grateful for, just randomly throughout the day.
Songs that make me cry, make me smile, make me jump up and down, make me move and shake my shit.
Taylor's bravery...she's singing a solo in front of the whole school for the talent show.
Kelsey talking and talking and talking about her field trip to Beef and Boards.
Taking the girls to see musicals when they were younger, they loved them then and they love them now.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little friend, you.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Spending Friday afternoon with Jess. Feeling the love and making each other smile. Walking to the school with her to pick up Kayla and Brea. The two girls running to give me hugs as soon as they saw me :) such joy! All the giggling that happens between Jess and I, and especially when her girls are around!
Meeting up with Lisa, Billy, Colleen and Ed unexpectedly Saturday night. Lots of laughs.
Laughing until it hurt at Laura and Mike's story about wet farts!!!!!!!
A nice easy weekend. Good conversations with friends.
Spending Sunday with family to celebrate Tracie's birthday. Getting to see the babies playing at mom's. Watching my daughters come together and actually enjoy each other, no picking on each other! They were talking quietly, giggling together and genuinely having a good time together. They looked more like friends than they did sisters, .........so lovely.
Kyleigh's giggles! She is just a ball of joy all the time! Such a happy child. She never enters a room quietly, you always know she's coming because she announces she's there by saying hello to everyone and bounding into the room giggling, jumping and squealing with joy.
Gaining that extra hour of sleep early Sunday morning which made my Monday morning so much more enjoyable.
An invite to join Vance, Pat, and Amy for dinner in a couple of weeks.
Looking at Jenny's engagement pictures, what a beautiful setting.
Lisa G. sharing pictures of her goat, Rocky :) Too funny.
A quick phone call from Dis Saturday night, ..more giggling.
Talking to Dis again on Sunday while watching the Colts game. A mutual understanding that if we stopped mid sentence, it was all about the game :)
Continuing to stretch and finally noticing a difference. ....Taylor and I stretching together, helping each other stretch a little further. ....giggling and laughing together.
Plans to meet up with jones in a couple of weeks.
Loving my bedroom.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little giggle box, you.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Easy Like Sunday Morning :)
Taylor getting her letters and megaphone for her letter jacket at the banquet on Thursday. I know, I know.....letter jackets in middle school? That's what I said, but I don't want to ruin her joy and pride.
Taking Kelsey to her most recent movie night at Harrison for her Japanese class. Getting to see all the kids dressed up as their favorite anime characters and meeting her favorite teacher, what fun!
Making friends with and getting free samples from Taylor's cheer coach who is a nurse for a dermatologist, all girls love free samples :)
Being asked for help with the upcoming recognition dinner. Going in Friday afternoon and rushing to help get Kay organized and caught up since the dinner is in a few weeks and she hasn't even ordered invitations yet! I got her all taken care of though, not much left for her to do now.
A nice easy fun weekend.
Taylor getting to spend time with her favorite person, Ciarra.
An evening with the Stapletons, making them laugh and being accepted and stood up for. Finally getting Jesse's shot glass to him. He asked me to bring one back for him from Kauai. I never know when I'm going to run into him and finally got it to him. I found the biggest one I could find and he loved it.
Seeing my lovely fellow artist friend, Jody. Giving her big hugs and exchanging love from the heart. Her mom just had her most recent MRI and her brain tumor has shrunk, they almost can't even see it anymore. Doctor says it's a miracle, amazing.
Getting to babysit DJ all day Saturday :) DJ says his name is "Super DJ", he's going as super man for halloween. He also tells me his mom's name is Tracie, and when you give him food he doesn't like he says, ..."I can't like that". Getting him all to myself, we had lots of fun. We went for a walk, saved some worms (picked them up off the road and put them in the grass), played with the wind chimes in my yard, checked all the storm drains in the street, had lunch, watched the Care Bears movie, played hide and seek, watched Aladdin, and took a nap. ....oh! and no accidents! He's potty training now :)
Taking Kelsey to her Halloween party, then spending an evening at home alone :) I ate Mexican take out and watched lots of scary Halloween type movies, it was awesome!.....then after I got my imagination working and was a little spooked, I got to drive the back roads through the country side and woods to pick Kelsey up at midnight.
I told her all about my over-active imagination and scarring myself by watching all the horror movies when I was a kid and shouldn't have been watching them. I don't see well at night and my mind for some reason turns mundane things like mailboxes into people standing on the side of the road :) Kelsey just laughed at me and then told me about her party.
Watching my favorite show, Bionic Woman, and hearing Ani's music used a couple of different times throughout the show!!!!!!!
The moonlight illuminating the fields Saturday night and seeing several different people pulled off on the side of the roads, star gazing.
Waking up slow and easy Sunday morning, absolutely fantastic.
Lisa dropping Taylor off for me, Taylor's sick, a touch of the flu or something........knowing that she will be better quickly.
No school tomorrow!!!!!!! An extra day to do what ever we want!
The cooler weather!
Leaving the windows open and enjoying the sunshine today :)
Being excited about dressing as Dorothy for Halloween!!!!!! Knowing I will find some ruby slippers, ......or maybe I'll make some.
Tomorrow is trash day!!!! I have cleaned out and de-cluttered, and have lots of trash and negative cluttered energy to get rid of, and tomorrow it will all be gone!!!!
Stopping at certain times during my days and thinking, ....."I'm going to put this in my gratitude glog". Lots of wonderful moments to be grateful for.
All the talismans, tattoos, songs, idles, meaningful things that people cherish, and use as motivation and reminders. Being able to let go of some of mine. Keeping them until they are no longer of any use to me and then letting them go by passing them on to a beloved friend or family member, or sending them out into the world knowing they served me well and may do the same for someone else. .....a sign of growth and moving forward.
Hearing that Kevin, Cynthia, and baby are doing well. Knowing the baby will be healthy, loved, blessed and very special.
Getting a couple of paintings ready to donate as door prizes for the recognition dinner, my name will be announced, and my business card will be in the back of the paintings, hey... Free advertising people!
Looking forward to carving pumpkins this evening.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little jack-o-lantern, you.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
What a difference some sleep makes!
Getting myself on a more regular sleep schedule, without medication!!!!!! I am now sleeping through most of the night and am up early and staying up all day!! woohoo!
Because I'm on a regular sleep schedule I have more hours in my day which allows me to get more done including some form of exercise every day.
Getting much needed work done around the house. Being at the store at 9 a.m. to get wood screws so I could put all the boards that fell off my fence back up! Now the fence looks almost like new again and my house no longer looks like the abandoned house in the neighborhood.
Slowly but surely getting my house back together, (some of you know I've been talking about this since michael died) I didn't think it would take me four years to finally be making some headway, but my mind was busy doing other things. Now is the time, and now I'm getting it done, one drawer, one board, one weed, one room at a time.
Getting my garage cleaned out and more organized.
I dropped my jeep off this morning for an oil change, winterizing, some break work and an idle problem and it will all be done this afternoon!!!
While putting the boards back on my fence I finally hung the lanterns in my patio area that I've had for over a year!
Noticing the peace I feel in the rooms where I've cleared the clutter and knowing the rest of my house will soon be the same.
George Carlin!!! Love that man, he's been making me laugh since I was about 17. "The planet is fine, the people are fucked up"
Being more active, dealing with the aches and pain from being so disengaged and sluggish for 4 years, and knowing if I continue the activity my body will adjust and the pain will subside.
Jessica has lost 45 pounds!!!!! Amazing, she looks great!
My sister's competition meant to keep each other motivated to lose some weight and keep it off through the holidays.
Oh my gosh, ...... the sunset last night that was so beautiful it made me tear up. I was walking through the house cleaning up after dinner when this glow came in through the windows (it had been over cast and gloomy all day), I went to the window and was blown away by the stunningly brilliant glow of the sunset. The whole sky was lit up reflecting the light off of the clouds, so beautiful.
I am grateful for the time I get to spend with Val, Jackie and Jody. Val has cancer and being with her has made me appreciate the simplest things in my life so much more.
James Lipton from Inside the Actors Studio. I love words and love listening to him speak.
Belly laughs!
Kelsey telling me she doesn't understand how I can love a season where everything is dying, or how I can love the colors of the leaves which to her is morbid because the colors mean the leaves are dying. She was just giving me a hard time of course which is exactly why I love her.
A voice mail from Dis and a text message telling me he's thinking of me, he's so sweet.
A busy weekend coming up. Taylor's cheer banquet on Thursday, Kelsey's movie night at the Morton Center on Thursday night, Taylor's sleep over on Friday, Kelsey's Halloween party at her friend's house. It's fall break so they have a four day weekend :)
Looking forward to the chaos on Halloween when my sisters and every one comes to my house for pizza and trick or treating. We eat, and then every one starts getting into their costumes, the babies are running around, door bells ringing, my daughters are asking for help, I'm trying to change, and some how everything comes together! It's always fun.
Enjoying the gloomy days just as much as I enjoy the sunny ones.
Including more veggies in my diet.
Brett Dennen,....."just like the moon you light up the night, and sometimes, sometimes I only get a sliver of you, but I'm hopin, I'm hopin for a full moon tonight" This song always makes me smile.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my HUMONGOUS belly laugh :)
Monday, October 22, 2007
A conversation at the benefit last week with Cindy about grief, the mistakes you make after loosing someone, really connecting with her, listening to her tell me her story which was a repeat of my own, learning from her and knowing what she meant when she said "numb-dumb".
Respecting my elders and appreciating the stories that make up their lives.
A lovely day at the Covered Bridge Festival with my mom, her boyfriend dennis, and my daughters. All the shopping, walking, talking, and all my favorite festival foods. Finding the perfect quilt and shams at the festival (been looking for a long time). Seeing all the "treasures" my daughters were interested in and watching their excitement at getting to shop and buy what was important to them.
Spending Friday night partying with both my sisters and Jessica! Yea all of us out at the same time! So much fun, singing (Tracie and I played rock stars with the pool cues) and dancing, talking, I beat Tracie at pool :) Jessica beat Lisa at checkers :) Watching my dad light up, full of pride at watching his daughters play and be silly together, (things he missed out on when we were little). Dancing to Jack Johnson (it's always better when we're together) in the parking lot all by ourselves with Jess.
My mom for keeping all the kids so my sisters and I could have our night of fun.
My dad jumping through all the hoops and finally getting health insurance, getting his physical and getting the much needed medication to keep him healthy.
Messages from Dis about his weekend so far he went to a friend's parent's house for dinner. Remembering how much it meant for the Navy guys who were away from home to be able to spend a few hours away from the ship, see a bit of normalcy, have a good meal, and conversation about something other than the Navy and work. We used to have Mike's friends over about once a week when we lived on the base in CA, WA and VA.
Getting to take DJ to my Aunt's get together on the river cuz Tracie was in MI.
A beautiful evening with my dad's family on the Tippy. Lots of good food, a fire, roasting hot dogs over the fire. Being reminded how much work and attention a three year old requires when you're not in a safe environment where you can just let them run!
Coming home tired, staying in even though I had invites to go out. Watching a stupid movie that made me laugh and gag and wonder why I watched it all the way through, disgusting! Getting a good nights sleep.
Messages from jones Sat. and Sun. telling me the progress of Craig's amazing race!!!! AMAZING!
Chatting with Vance about the majestic day! Hearing about his five mile walk with Holly, and telling him about my walk with Taylor.
The perfect weather Sunday.
All the color in the leaves now :)
Finishing a specific painting that will bring some closure to that part of my life. Getting it ready to sell so I can get the bad energy out of my house.
A quiet morning, getting the girls off to school easily and effortlessly.
Sleeping for two more hours after they left for school.
Chatting with Jess about our similar situations with our daughters. Laughing together and finding peace in knowing our situations are not unique and we are not alone in dealing with our stubborn daughters who want to be independent but their behavior shows us that they still need their moms desperately.
Another beautiful day waiting for me to start some yard work and finish some outside projects.
Being on the right path, the one that's right for me :) Not feeling guilty for the way I choose to live my life, ....after all it is my life.
Knowing my job at this time, my purpose right now is first to be a mother, and second to focus on healing and strengthening my body, mind, and spirit. Knowing that it is ok that these are my priorities now, and when I feel it's time to move on to something else I will.
I am enough and I have everything I need. ......I'm dressing as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz for Halloween, ......"you've had the power all along" :) "there's no place like home" :)
Wonderful friends who give me unconditional love and acceptance. Friends who keep me in check, call me out, and make me pull back and look at things from a different perspective.
Love in all forms.
Coming home to my heart, my mind, .... and feeling like I have both feet firmly on the ground again.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little bunch of karma, you.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Clearing out and feeling whole
Monday, October 15, 2007
Being inspired
Missing the rock climbing trip this weekend even though I wanted so badly to see my close friends. I think I was actually supposed to stay home this weekend, I had an experience of my own that has moved me to appreciate life and living even more than before. I ended up spending Saturday afternoon with a friend of mine and her mom who is currently fighting cancer. They told her she only had 6 months to live, Sunday was the six month mark and she's still here, still fighting. I've watched her go like the energizer bunny until she can no longer stand all because she doesn't know how much longer she'll live and she's afraid of missing something. I've watched her for weeks now soaking everything she can in with her eyes. I see the joy in her eyes when she's with her daughters, friends, and family, and at the same time I see the incredible sadness in her face. My heart just aches for her, for them.
.....I know the affect this situation could have on their lives, the possible devastation as well as all the growth that comes from an experience like this.
I know only good things will come for this family, that this experience will bring a close family even closer. Val will live and experience everything that she is supposed to and her life from now on will be a joyous one.
I am continuing to make changes in my life, some of them easy, some them not so easy, ...but they will all lead to a better version of me :)
Every one of us can be a phoenix, we all have the ability to change our lives we just have to be brave enough to take the first step and from there momentum is all we need.
The lavender post card I got in the mail today from jones, obviously meant to remind me of our time in WA that meant so much to me. The travelling funeral continues, just don't know where it will lead me next :)
Having my voice back.
Windows open, falling leaves.
Walking with hippy this weekend and all the stars I could see in that little place of paradise.
Taylor's steadfastness, some would call it being stubborn, but I am now choosing to embrace her persistence and tenaciousness so that I can have more inner peace, ..... and not strangle my hormonal 12 year old daughter who thinks she's always right about everything!
Sharing uplifting music with Val, and with my friend Jess, music that will make them smile.
The gold in the fields yesterday evening as the sun was setting on my way home.
Messages from Dis again, and a long awaited phone call last night. He's finally out of the field and can communicate with the real world again :) Hearing that he thought of me while watching the green of the Northern Lights Sunday morning, and memories of sharing my story with him before he got stationed in Alaska. His plans for coming home in December, and knowing he will have an excellent visit. He always makes me smile and I am so happy I got to talk to him for so long last night, what a treat.
Talking with jess today and plans to get together this week.
Making family plans for next week.
Knowing I'll be able to hear the coyotes across the field from my house soon. They howl when the nearby train blows it's horn in late fall/early winter.
Steamed broccoli
Meaningful, email communication with Vance,... I feel incredibly lucky to be learning the pieces of my friends life that I never knew and seeing a side of him that I had heard about but never experienced.
Being able to pay my bills every month without worrying, .... I am so very lucky.
Living a more active lifestyle.
A close girlfriend who LOVES to ORGANIZE! Letting go of my fear and letting her come in and help with my organizational disability :)
A message from Annabanana, she has a sunshine smile just like my little Taylor, it's infectious, and she's so beautiful.
Hearing from sobe, feeling the "positivity" and the long distance love :)
People who inspire me to live differently, to live life the way I want to.
Doing exactly what pleases me and appreciating every minute.
Hearing the ocean when the wind blows through the leaves in the trees in my yard.
My roses still blooming, the blooms on my moonstone rose that Michael gave me being so ginormous this year!
Watching the blooms on the clematis close in the evening and open in the morning, I'm easily entertained I guess, but I love it.
The way the gold from the setting or rising sun turns everything mundane into magic. ..."as long as I can dream, life is worth living"
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my inspiration, you.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Alone on the path
Seeing my mom, Dennis, and all the parents of Taylor's friends last night at her choir concert.
Watching Taylor sing, her huge sunshine grin because she felt special for being chosen to sing in the small ensemble at the concert last night.
All the help I get with things around the house from Kelsey.
Kelsey's uniqueness.
Finally getting a good amount of sleep!
Seeing the beautiful sun rise this morning.
Leaving the windows open and waking up to the chill in the air with my favorite cozy comforter over my head.
Being the only one on the path today. ....it's good to have someone to walk with, but today it was nice to walk alone, no distractions. Being alone allowed me to focus on all the things I am grateful for today and every day :)
Storing my gloves and ear muffs on top of the box of nag champa in my closet. So while I was on my walk today Michael's scent was carried with me, on my ears and my hands. Every so often I caught a whiff of the nag champa and smiled.
All things Michael.
A text from Jones.
Discovering a new place to walk.
All the colors and life along my walk..... acorns, grass, leaves, water, clouds, frogs, birds, cattails, trees, squirrels.
The friendly old man with the crooked walk.
Catching the Farmers Market while on my walk this afternoon! Fresh veggies for our dinner and home made pie for dessert :)
Teaching Taylor how to use an electric razor, ....she's shaving her legs now.
Helping Taylor prepare for the pep rally tomorrow, preparing her uniform, posters, and practicing the school song.
Hearing Kelsey aced her math test.
Jack Johnson
Missing lunch with my girlfriends so I could stay home and rest yesterday....trying to get rid of this cold.
Raising the blinds in my bedroom and leaving them up so I can see more of the sunshine.
Knowing that although I've been looking, I will surely find the perfect gift for Kyleigh.
My favorite pair of blue crocs.
My favorite pair of black flojos (my flip flops from Kauai).
Feta cheese
All the soft muted shades of green.
My gate being rebuilt this Friday!
Enjoying the sun set through my bedroom window right this moment.
The smell of fresh clean laundry.....I guess that should be the smell of laundry soap :)
Getting the last coat of resin sealer on Gary's tray.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little acorn, you.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Grateful Thursday
Being able to go to the Sheraton Kauai website and see my Kauai paradise live through their webcam any time I want.
Watching the leaves change :) love it!
Being close to my family.
Gratitude spreading around the world, ....ripples and ripples of love and warm fuzzies.
Alice Hoffman's books, I just get soo drawn into them, I love them. I started reading them after Michael passed and I think I've read every one she's written so far.
Getting to see Karen (Michael's mom) at Taylor's football game tonight! Been thinking about her a lot lately.
Taylor's excitement when she found out Karen was coming to watch her cheer.
Seeing my mom, Lisa, and Kyleigh at the game. Getting to play with my niece.
This crazy illness will go away soon!
Lavender infused honey from my trip to San Juan for my tea, .... luscious.
A wonderful relaxing, fun filled weekend with close friends, ....in advance.
Movies that make me laugh.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little sunflower, you.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Positivity :)
Glowing and knowing it when I'm around my out of this world friends and people I love.
My friends telling me about the "positivity" I bring to their lives :)
Political discussions with Kelsey on the way to the dentist's office. Loving the way she thinks about things and her point of view, ....so different from mine and hers usually makes so much more sense than mine.
A great dentist appointment for the girls today, no cavities!!! Recommendations from the dentist for braces for Kelsey, ....having insurance that covers them at 80%.
A trip to the mall with the girls for new jeans. Finding jeans to fit both girls perfectly in one store, ....unbelievable!!!!!!
Kelsey's insatiable need for knowledge, books and music.
Taylor's insatiable need for everything fashionable and girlie.
A lunch on the town full of laughter with my wonderful daughters.
Fried green tomatoes, and Kelsey loving them as much as I do.
Cold medicine to help me stop coughing so I can sleep at night.
All the girls help with cleaning this evening.
Upping my time on the elliptical by 20 minutes yeah!!!
Strawberry Lime soda.
Jessica losing 35 pounds! What an inspiration.
Bringing sunflowers home from the store today for inspiration for my next painting. Lots of people asking for sunflowers, and I'm kinda in a sunflowery mood.
Feeling more and more like myself now. .......feeling like I'm closer to the person I always wanted to be.
Selling many, many of my paintings for what they're worth,....in advance :)
Giving paintings to the people I love and seeing the surprise and joy on their faces, ...knowing they love them.
Being inspired by other glogs to continue doing my own glogs even when I don't feel like it. I can't help but smile once I get started, :)
Taylor's new interest in the guitar and Kelsey's excitement about "teaching her a few things".
Putting my vision board up in a place of importance where it can be viewed at all times.
No longer being afraid to set some short term goals, knowing I wont let anything else stand in the way of following through on them.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
Aiding in the attempt to get a new word added to the dictionary.
you my little ball of positivity, you :)
Speedbumps, Rain, and Roses
Seeing the speed-bump and going around it this time. ....Jones for telling me the speed-bump metaphor thing years and years ago.
Not taking on the same old "projects".
Clearing some "people clutter" from my life. There are some people who just need a lot more than others have to give to make them wake up.
The probability of Jess moving back to Washington. I'm so sad to have my close friend maybe moving away again, but happy if that's what's best for their family and her sanity.
A three hour heart felt conversation with Jess on her living room floor this afternoon.
Seeing Jess's son, Tristan when he woke up from his nap, such a fantastic smile with the biggest dimples I've ever seen.
Knowing I will not be sick for ever!
R A I N!!
More people in my life who are here to teach me, learn from me, people who are confident, intelligent, honest, caring, ...people who realize that not every one's "American Dream" is the same.
More people in my life to walk with and do adventurous things with. More people who keep me active effortlessly.
Being told that I am the light in my friends life, that I light up the room when I walk in smiling and my good moods are infectious to her.
Being told by another girlfriend that she misses my face, my smile, my laughter and conversation and knowing I will see her next week for lunch.
My ability to talk to almost anyone, to be able to make small talk with a group of people I don't know. Having the courage to introduce myself, and break the ice with my smile and my genuine interest in a person.
Stepping further and further away from the frightened little girl who's been inside me for so long. New coping tools can do wonders :)
Introducing Jess to Jack Johnson and Brett Dennon, seeing her face light up when she heard their music.
No school tomorrow! They have an early dentist appointment and then we get to go shopping! My girls are getting taller, Taylor wears an 8 slim in girls jeans, but needs the length of a 12, I can make it work right!
My beautiful roses that have started blooming again because of the latest rain.
Looking forward to another evening of football on Thursday and another gorgeous sunset.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
you my little rosebud, you.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
A Beautiful Weekend
A lovely night of football up at Twin Lakes on Thursday night. We lost our first game of the season, but the evening was beautiful.
Taylor and I seeing the harvest moon Thursday night and getting to watch it all the way home from Monticello.
A peaceful Friday night at home. Movies with the girls and lots of sleep.
Shopping with Taylor Saturday morning.
A beautiful Saturday at Jackie and Jody's house on the river. Good food, good people, good times. Visiting with Jody's mom who I haven't seen since high school, cherishing our conversation and her smile. (Val has been fighting breast cancer for a couple of years now.)
A fantastic bonfire, and hours and hours of good conversation with my new friend who I call hippy.
A nice comfy couch for me to sleep on, and getting great sleep!
The sunset over the river. The sunlight filtering through the trees.
Making some more contacts for paintings. My foresight to bring a couple with me to the bbq to show.
Wishing Vance a happy bday Sat./late Friday night, via text message and getting a good night wish back from him.
Taking time out specifically to watch the moon rise over the field with Jackie, Jody, and Val Saturday night.
An invitation from Hippy to walk the trails at the park.
Waking up Sunday morning and seeing the fog over the river as well as the sunrise and fog over the fields, I wish I'd had my camera, just breathtaking.
Kelsey's help with catching up on yard work Sunday.
Finally getting my front flower gardens cleaned up, now time to work on the back yard.
A date to get my gate fixed, wont be long now, just a couple of weeks longer.
Hoping Lisa and Billy had a wonderful date night and that Tracie had lots of fun with Kyleigh.
Knowing Jones and Craig will recover from their great loss quickly and more whole than before.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little bonfire, you.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Getting invited up to the river next weekend by people I love.
A wonderful weekend getting reacquainted with my friend Vance, lots of talking.
A fantastic hog roast on Saturday with great food, great conversation, games, and an awesome band.
A gorgeous sunset Saturday.
Seeing my beautiful sister on Saturday. Beating Tim at darts, and then getting beat by the T-N-T team at darts :)
Getting to talk with Chad and Mandy and being involved in her birthday celebration.
Thinking things through and making good decisions for myself. The choices are sooooooo clear when I just listen to my intuition. Gut instinct never fails me.
Good conversation with jones, she always knows what to say, and how to help me talk out my questions.
Lovely veggies available for me to include in our meals. Choosing to eat more veggies and fruit, and the choice being easy because my kids have loved them since they were babies.
More messages from Dis.
Starting a painting yesterday, ....inspired by the turning leaves.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little maple leaf, you.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Alaska and more
FFUUNNN on Friday with my dad and a bunch of people on the town in L-town.
Meeting Nick, the race car driver. Cute, sweet, respectful, too young, but nice to talk to.
Getting picked up and carried around by a friend of mine like I was weightless. Two other people in my life have playfully picked me up before with no problem, but this isn't something that happens often. Letting go of my fear and just enjoying it. It was so fun to be carried around and picked up effortlessly. Thank you Mr. P.
Spending Saturday night out with Stephanie and her husband, Erika and Ralphie, Link and his wife, and Angie and Andrea, for Stephanie's birthday. A hilarious dinner! Lots of dancing at the cactus. Sendin in the Coast Guard! (inside joke :)
Making friends with a new lady Saturday night, swapping phone numbers with plans to hang out next Friday night.
Taylor getting to spend the night with her friend who lives on a small farm. When I picked her up Sunday she was soo excited to tell me how big the pigs have gotten and that she held a chicken!
Kelsey helping my mom babysit the babies on Saturday night. Being proud to hear how she played with them, kept them occupied, fed them and did an excellent job babysitting.
Soooo many stars the last few nights.
Thoughts of Alaska, northern lights, hot cocoa, good friends, and Dis.
Memories of seeing the northern lights from my patio one winter. Being on the phone with Kevin and describing them to him, giggling with him while watching the undulating green river in the sky. Getting off the phone with Kevin, waking the girls and taking them out into the field to watch the amazing light show being put on by mother nature.
Back porch sunsets.
Watching another beautiful sunset over the fields of corn while waiting to pick up Taylor from practice. The farmers are harvesting now so the machinery and corn was just stunning silhouetted against the red evening sky.
Collecting leaves for paintings with Kelsey by the creek while waiting for Taylor. Enjoying the evening, fresh air, quiet, walking quietly with Kelsey, not needing to speak, just being together.
More text messages from Dis while he's "in the field". So fun to get to communicate with him even though we can't talk right now cuz he's working. No more days off for him until the 29th :(
Looking forward to work tomorrow.
Being sore from dancing and the elliptical. My body letting me know I'm building muscle again.
Getting Gary's "purple lady tray" done. The resin sealer is on and dry, hopefully this one will hold up for him. Looking at it so many times since I've had it, and being proud of one of my first paintings. I'll have to make sure a take a picture of it so I can look at it again later :) I'm weird, I look at them over and over again, sometimes simply admiring them, and sometimes looking for flaws or mistakes so I can better my work.
Being really really tired and looking forward to some excellent sleep tonight.
A message from Sobe reminding me of the Torrent Falls trip, giving me something else to smile about.
Being grateful and having sooooo many things to be grateful for.
The gratitude list making me more aware of my day to day life. Enjoying moments, taking the time to soak them up.
Knowing that my sisters read this from time to time and hoping that some of this will hit home with them and make them more grateful for the little things in their own lives. Not that they aren't grateful already. Sometimes people need to be reminded of the good in their lives, it's easy to overlook the little things that make our lives great when work, money, day to day crap gets in our way.
I think of my sisters often, I'm thrilled to be one of three girls and love my sisters dearly.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little cup o' cocoa, you.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Smiles for every one!!
More time on the elliptical.
Genuinely being happy, almost 100% of the time these days.
Sharing my smiles with everyone.
Taylor bringing her social studies grade back up after missing some school, Yea Taylor!
Kelsey's tech meeting getting over early leaving us time for dinner between her "stuff". Riding with the windows down, radio cranked, laughing and singing at the top of our lungs with my daughters! (The Cars)
Giggling through dinner conversation with my girls. Watching them, trying not to tear up because I'm so proud of them, trying to etch these moments in my mind without them noticing me watching them. I love having teenage girls, sometimes it's rocky, but for the most part it's been so joyous I wouldn't give it up for anything.
Kelsey and Taylor laughing and singing "the happy song"? At the table in Pepe's, watching them looking at each other while singing and smiling, so funny.
Dropping Kelsey back off at Harrison for her Japanese class's movie night.
All things girlie with Taylor :) She and I had manicures and pedicures while Kelsey was at her movie night. Giggling and chatting with Taylor during our pedicures. Getting comments from other moms who wish they could have what I have with my girls. Always getting comments about how well behaved, beautiful, and smart my girls are.
Pulling into the parking lot at Harrison to pick Kelsey up and seeing her "hanging" with her friends outside the front door, doing nothing except talking and laughing. Being the cool mom because I play the car radio loud.
Kelsey talking all the way home about how funny the movie was, filling us in on what we missed.
Lots of text msgs from Dis today that made me laugh and let me know he was thinking of me, he's so sweet :) Another enjoyable conversation with him on the phone last night. (Alaska's four hours behind us and because of his job in the Army he can't call until midnight our time, which is perfect for me :)
My friends all being busy tomorrow, which gives me the reason I was looking for to stay close to home.
Hearing about my sister's plans to spend Saturday night together playing cards. Awe, that's sweet.
Getting invited to Stephanie's birthday bash on Saturday. Dinner at Logan's and then .....with us, anything can happen :)
Looking forward to going to work tomorrow.
P E R F E C T weather!!!!!!!
Good things happening for the people I love.
you my little ball o' sunshine, you :)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Being present, and being acknowledged
Connecting with Sobe on myspace, so nice to see her smiling face and get an adoring message from her.
Lunch with Gary and his friend Matt today, lots of laughs and conversation. Gary buying my lunch!
Email keeping me connected with Kelsey and Taylor's teachers and coaches! Fantastic to have such easy communication with the teachers who fill me in on the stuff the girls "leave out".
Another gorgeous day!! Windows open, extra blankets on the bed, and the smell of fall in the air. The most stars in the sky that I've seen since Kauai.
More time on the elliptical.
Seeing the "purple lady" tray that I painted for Gary. A chance to clean it up and re-seal it for him.
A scheduled date to have my flower beds cleaned out and re-mulched, finally!
Kelsey gets home an hour before Taylor does now. I've noticed that without Taylor's constant chatter and need for attention, Kelsey actually has more to say. That hour every day having Kelsey all to myself is priceless. She tells me about school, classes, friends, upcoming events, all without being prompted! She seeks me out, sits close to me and connects with me. I forgot what it was like when it was just Kelsey and I before Taylor came along.
I get lots of energy, talk, connection with Taylor, she almost forces it on me, but to have this special time with Kelsey is once again, priceless.
Getting paperwork in the mail marking another milestone, class ring order forms for Kelsey.....wow. Being reminded again that I have a child, sorry, young lady, in high school. And she's going to my old high school, ....wow.
All the memories left in those hallways, the auditorium, the parking lots, the football field, .... being in that school again and being reminded of my "good old days". Happy that I am continuing to create my "good old days".
Thinking about making a change, new paint colors for the living room and hallway. Looking forward to "lightening up" the house like I've lightened up my life.
The life being back in my eyes and people noticing that. Smiling and truly feeling the smile and joy clear down to my toes. Friends telling me they're happy to have me back. Friends celebrating my re-claimed happiness and recreated self.
Becoming aware of my need to find some balance in my life and taking action on that by exercising more, staying home more, following through on projects, making more girl friends and creating a loving support group.
Being included, invites for lunches, girls nights out, birthday parties, shopping, feeling like part of something again.
Good things happening for the people I love.
you my little star, you.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Feeling grounded again
Getting to see another Indiana sunset over the fields last night while waiting for Taylor to be done with cheer practice.
The cooler whether that makes me feel grounded and at home.
All of the kids extra curricular activities that cause me to be in places I normally wouldn't be at times I normally wouldn't be out,....which allows me the opportunity to see and experience things I wouldn't see if I weren't picking them up from their activities.
Being back at work this week and seeing my mom, Kay, and Lisa's beautiful smiles. Spending most of my time chatting and catching up with them instead of working! :)
Messages from Steven, knowing he's working hard preparing to do his part in protecting our country. ....Seeing the absolute joy on his face in photos of his adventures during his time off in Alaska. The prospects of his two weeks at home over Christmas.
Seeing a new glog from Bridgett :)
The girls wanting to make money which means they're doing more chores! Yea, less work for me :)
The PERFECT day today. Windows open, fresh cool air billowing in.
Getting my yard mowed today.
Driving the convertible with the top down.
12 hours of sleep yesterday and waking this morning feeling fantastic and ready to roll.
Looking forward to lunch with my friend Gary tomorrow, excited about catching up with what's been going on in his life since the last time I saw him. Knowing the house he's having built is coming along smoothly with no problems or delays.
Connecting with more and more friends from the past and present on myspace.
Finally having a definite date for getting my gate fixed!
More and more time spent on the elliptical.
Being friends with 3 sisters who are as close as my sisters and I. Looking forward to getting the 6 of us all out together, .....watch out world!
Dancing, ... I love dancing.
Kelsey's excitement about being involved with the tech side of the upcoming play. She talked the whole way home about what they'd been building, all the physical labor involved, and the fun she's having. She also talked a lot about her Japanese class. She loves her teacher, and the way he runs the class. She's looking forward to her upcoming movie night for the Japanese class this Thursday.
The cooler whether giving me new inspiration for new paintings.
Good things happening for the people I love.
You my little leaf, you.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Sunsets from my patio
Erica driving Gail and I to and from Indy for our girls night out. Lots of conversation and laughter there and back. Girls night out in Indy, five beautiful women, adjoining rooms at the Hyatt, shopping, dinner, bar hopping, live music, giggling, free drinks, dancing our behinds off, walking back to the room barefooted in the streets :) Talking and giggling until we fell asleep.
Seeing "proper" Gail and Erica, and knowing they are human and have a history full of stories just like everyone else. Not being intimidated, ...trusting my new girlfriends.
Learning restrained sexiness from Gail, and stepping out of my box with Erica.
Talking with Steven Friday night after out girls night out, he got drawn into the crazy drunken giggling girls over the phone. Hearing him laugh, I love to hear him laugh.
My sister for keeping Taylor every other weekend when Ciarra comes which allows Taylor to spend time with her best friend and allows me to do things like girls night out in Indy.
Getting to see jones and Craig after the Ben Harper show,....all dressed up and looking good. Big hugs from them :)
Watching a movie with Kelsey Saturday, looking at each other and giggling during the funny parts.
A great night out Saturday night with Aaron, Mary, Melissa and Dave. Lots of Karaoke and laughter. Asking drunk people philosophical questions and loving the answers :)
Walking in and getting called Spanky by Moe, oh no it's spreading! My girlfriends gave me a stripper name (name of my first pet) aka spanky, and now there are people who only know me as spanky....funny.
A fantastic discount from Ed and Maggie at their restaurant, them calling ahead for us after our long night out. Each of us ordering something different and creating our own "table buffet" yeah, everyone sharing!
Sleeping on Mary's couch, soooooooo comfy.
A nice quiet day at home on Sunday. Planning our up coming week, who's practices are when, home work, etc.
Good "getting to know you" conversation with Aaron while watching another beautiful sunset from my patio on my comfy lawn chaise.
Being able to "pretend" my way to the ocean side while watching the sunset from the chaise on my patio.
Kenny Chesney's good time, beach songs. "No shoes, no shirt, no problem" :)
Getting to read about Shannon and Craig's training adventures on their glogs. Still in awe of their dedication and energy. Knowing my time is coming.
Gretchen and Jessica making up, yeah my girlfriends are girlfriends again. Gretchen's pregnancy going well.
Hearing Jessica laugh again. Seeing her bubbly personality return.
Losing power last thursday night, and the girls and I running through the dark house giggling. Looking out the windows and seeing the neighborhood completely dark. (we don't lose power often, our lines are underground) Finding flashlights and lighting candles together,...telling the girls "the power always comes back on as soon as you get all the candles lit", and it did :)
Creating a support group for myself of strong, intelligent, confident, caring women.
Email, myspace, and our glogs keeping me connected with so many people so easily.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little chaise, you.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Good phone conversations
Getting enough sleep today.
Getting some work done around the house.
Clearing out some more clutter.
Giggling with Kelsey last night and today.
A two and a half hour phone conversation with Steven last night. Lots of laughter and connection.
A great phone conversation with Jess tonight, glad things are going better for her and her family.
Funny comments on myspace from Jess M.
Taylor going to Lisa's tomorrow with Ciarra for her weekend of fun away from home.
Looking forward to going to Indy with Gail and Erica tomorrow, and meeting up with Jones later.
Looking forward to seeing Aaron and Mary Saturday.
Lots of really great memories, lots of laughter and love in my life.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little telephone, you
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Sea Glass
Falling in love with new found music.....Brett Dennen.....simply divine.
The beginnings of a new painting.
Finding Steven on myspace,...he's in the Army and got sent to Ft. Wainwright, Alaska earlier this year. I lost touch with him, but recently found him on myspace,......extremely happy about that.
My little jar of sea glass, and my big jar of sea shells reminding me of the places I've been.
Being connected to new and interesting people by some of the other fairly new women in my life.
Attracting meaningful people into my life.
Seeing so many sunrises and sunsets in so many different states. Being so grateful for where my life has taken me and revelling in creating the rest of my life.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my infinite little piece of sea glass, you.
Monday, September 3, 2007
a weekend full of friends and family fun
Girls night out Friday with Erika, Gail, Kim, Stephanie, and Angie, so much fun! A good dinner at 9 Irish Brothers, and then dancing for almost 5 hours! Gail and I embarrassing a young bouncer .....many times ;) soooooooo much fun.
Spending time with my daughters saturday, just being close and quiet.
Finally getting to meet Aaron Saturday night, after talking with him off and on for two months through yahoo. Watching him, Mary, and his friends sing karaoke. Choosing to stay sober, I had to deal with a little bit of razzing from friends, but they stopped eventually and I proved to them over and over again,..it is possible to be at a bar, stay sober and still have fun. Talking for hours, and cheese fries at Steak N Shake.
Spending all day Sunday with the girls, Taylor and I doing a little shopping. Cleaning, napping, and watching movies.
Going to the Labor Day bash at Adriene and Eric's house with Gail and Paul. Getting to meet and spend time with all the people I see often but never knew. Getting to watch/listen to a live band, while sitting by a huge roaring fire with good friends. Looking up at the stars through the trees, breathing in deep- the joy of friendship, being outside, good music, laughter and fun.
Looking at pictures with Taylor, and giggling.
The family getting together today at mom's. Seeing my grandma, great aunt, aunt, my sisters, their boyfriends, the babies, and my mom. Good food, swimming, catching up on each other's lives, good weather, watching the babies grow, bragging about my girls.
Finally highlighting Lisa's hair for her and being reminded of how beautiful and fresh she looks with some highlights, it makes her smile and her eyes stand out more.
Loving it when Tracie stands up to mom and remembering times when she would just leave. She'd simply say, "I'm not going to listen to this, I'm going home". Good for you Tracie, for standing up for yourself and not letting mom and dennis push you around.
My daughters doing their homework right this minute, making preparations for the coming week.
More wild grape vines growing outside my front door, making pretty heart shaped leaves for me to use in paintings.
Letting the weeds in my flower gardens grow so I can use the different shaped leaves, seed heads, and blossoms in paintings. I'm sure my neighbors appreciate all the weeds :) But, they're there for a reason so the neighbors can kiss off if they have a problem with it.
A safe holiday weekend for every one.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
you my little seed pod, you.
Friday, August 31, 2007
Friends and Family
Long distance communication made easy by mail, email, cell phones.....
Making a deal with Gary and getting the address that I wanted in trade for me cleaning up his painting.
Taylor's excitement last night as she was waiting for our family to show at the football game to watch her cheer. .... We won by the way!! 38 to 0 Wainwright got stomped!
Watching all the pre teens and remembering all the fun it was to go to the games, socialize, giggle, flirt, play tricks, and all the other fun stuff you do with your friends at that age.
Getting to see my sisters, my mom, and the babies last night at the game, so much fun for me.
Sleeping last night, yeah!! For six hours uninterrupted sleep...amazing, and I feel great!
Cool nights and mornings, hinting that fall is coming wahoo!
Getting to see the sun rise through the fog on the fields this morning, priceless.
Plans for a fun night out with Gail and Erika tonight at her pre-reunion party!
A long, relaxing, fun filled, SAFE, holiday weekend for every one, in advance.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little pom-pom, you!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Help, music, and girl power!
A mom who lives close by and can help me when I need it. Taylor had to be at Easttipp at 6:45 for practice tonight, and Kelsey had to be at Harrison at 6:45 for a choir performance tonight.... I can't be in two places at once so mom helped out. ........ very grateful for the help.
A phone call from Erika today! Anticipating lunch with her and her sister Gail tomorrow.
Lots of fresh veggies at the store today ready for me to buy and take home for dinner.
Kim, Jason, and baby AJ seem to be doing well.
Getting to see another beautiful sunset over the fields while waiting for Taylor this evening. Something about the glow of evening just makes every thing look luscious and gorgeous.
Looking forward to the lunar eclipse in the morning.
Knowing that Kelsey will recover soon.....poor kid, she's been to the doctor twice in the last week, once for an ear infection, once for pink eye, and now she's got a horrible cold. Must be all the new germs from all the new kids she's around at Harrison.
My patio chairs that I ordered in June, will finally be delivered this week, yeah!!!
Michael giving me permission to like Frank Sinatra, the songs and performances done by the "rat pack". I love the music from that era, it makes me smile and think of good things. All of the things he did to support me and let me know it was okay to like new/old things, that it was okay to be different and that being myself was enough. I am grateful for every minute spent with him good and bad because I was always learning and am still learning from what he taught/showed me.
New girlfriends who are strong, independent, beautiful, confident, intelligent, healthy, stable, and kind for me to learn from, interact with, and create long meaningful relationships with. Yeah Girl Power!
Smiling..... my smile, smiles from others, the instant connection a smile can make between two or more people.
Love in all forms.
Knowing my friends and I will leave this world a better place than we found it.
Interestingly enough, all of the musicians who are suddenly appearing in my life, don't know where that's coming from, but I like it.
Dreaming and making things happen.
Having goals and an agenda for my life, being able to go with the flow and still keep my eye on the prize knowing the scenic route is always the best route. It's all about the journey.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little summer squash, you.
Just a side note.........
Has anyone noticed the abundance of butt crack being shown lately? So is it cool to show your crack now, or have we just been forced to accept looking at people's butt cracks lately as a result of the fashion industry?
What ever the answer is, I'm kinda tired of seeing everyone's butt cracks and can honestly say I safely keep my crack in my pants.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Trying new things
Impromptu dinner on Wednesday with Amy, Pat, and Mary for Pat's birthday. Thanks to Amy for introducing me to Tai food.....soooooo good. oh, I hope I spelled that right.
Getting to see Taylor cheer on Thursday and Friday.
Seeing all the cheerleaders, tumblers, and dance teams perform on Friday night at Harrison, lots of fun for me.
Being back at Harrison for my daughters functions, having mixed, but mostly good feelings about being back there.
Actually enjoying the football game on Thursday, who knew I'd like football? Actually, I think I might love it. I know I love being at the games, don't know how I'd feel about watching on TV.
Fantastic fun on Friday night with Mary, Cowboy?, and Shawn. DJ Preston doing a great job running karaoke.
Fun with the family Saturday afternoon for Ciarra's 12th birthday party. Getting to see Kyleigh with all of her love and huge smiles.
Plans to go to a poker tournament falling through allowing me to have a nice dinner with Mary Saturday evening including a magnificent margarita.
A good talk with Jessica Saturday evening.
Getting home by 11pm Saturday night and getting the best sleep I've gotten in a long time, ...a whole night's sleep wow, it's been years since that's happened I'm sure.
Hours and hours of solitude on Sunday giving me time to clean, think, read, and just be quiet.
A phone call from Jess letting me know I'm not needed to babysit tomorrow which gives me a whole day with only two things that have to be done....grocery shopping and Taylor's practice, hooray!
Lots of rain this weekend making everything green again and bringing my flowers back to life!
Seeing smiles on my friends and family's faces........priceless.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little margarita, you.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Births and Re-births
Baby Finney's birth! Aiden James Finney will be called AJ, how cute! Mom and dad are doing well and are supposed to be going home today. Isn't he sweet.
AJ's birth/new life making me think about rebirth and the new life that I am creating for myself and my girls as we speak.
Using my time wisely.....couldn't sleep lastnight so I made chicken soup with lots of fresh veggies, put it on low in the crock pot and ...ta da...dinner for tonight when I didn't have time to cook.
Big accomplishments in my bedroom :) I mean, sorting through, cleaning out, and purging! Finally hanging some art work, moving furniture around, and hopefully by tomorrow I wont be afraid to leave my bedroom door open any more. (my bedroom is right off the living room)
Finding lots of good books and things while sorting, to pass along to Jessica and her family.
Getting help with the weeds that are taller than me since we were gone so much this summer!! They'll all be gone by next week and I'll have pretty flower beds full of flowers again instead of over grown weeds.
Making my house look like a house again instead of a deteriorating box full of memories and grief.
Finally getting some help with my fence yeah!!!!
Looking forward to Taylor cheering thursday and friday.
Running into people I knew in high school, at the high school :) Because I have to be there for Kelsey and Taylor's functions I'm running into old aquaintences.
Lunch plans with Erika for later this week.
Finding myself smiling so often now, just randomly, for random reasons. Knowing that I am happy now, alone, and in charge of my life again. Knowing that being alone right now is great for me, I really am not ready for some one else in my life at this time, but I'm getting there. The getting there is the part that I'm happiest about, all of the changes that I'm creating in my life that are helping me to move forward so I can be in a place where I'm ready to share my life again. Every thing that didn't make sense to me in the first years after Michael died, has finally become so clear and easy. After he passed I always said when my house was sorted through and put together that's when I would be ready to have people in my life again, and now I finally feel things coming together. That feeling of constantly spinning your wheels and getting no where really sucks, but now I'm moving again and I believe I can fly.
Asking for what I want, calmly, clearly, and being understood and obliged.
Taking the time to figure out exactly what I want to happen in my life and being specific when asking.
Ripples upon ripples, upon ripples of knowledge, understanding, and love being radiated, passed on in infinite ways to infinite amounts of people.
Looking at the painting I did of a beach scene with a stormy sky and thinking I'd like to see a sunny sky there.
Taking the time to focus on fixing me instead of running around trying to fix every one else so I don't have to focus on me.
Watching Jones become more and more beautiful every day, and knowing it's happening to me too because we are living in grattitude and living life the way we want to. A nice smile helps too :>
Attracting strong, healthy, independent, open minded, beautiful, intelligent women into my world and creating luscious heart to heart life time relationships with these ladies.
Attracting strong, healthy, open minded, independent, intelligent, financially stable, non addicted, beautiful men into my world and creating life long heart to heart relationships with these men.
I am grateful that I have sooooooo much to be grateful for every single day of my life.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
I have friends and family who "dream and make things happen".
Life is so damn good!
Monday, August 20, 2007
All the thunder and lightening lastnight!! And lots of much needed rain!
Running through the rain giggling with Taylor today.
We have a new baby!!!!!!! Kim and Jason had a baby boy, 8lbs 6oz every one's doing great! His name is Aden James Finney, can't wait to see him!
Mr. Pierson singing to me on the phone lastnight, how sweet is that.
Being aware of where I'm at, what's going on around me, smiling a lot lately, and soaking in the moments that make up my life. ....Taking the time to look around, and really look at the people I love and watch them chatting, smiling, and just being human.
Thinking about the upcoming trip to torrent falls, and getting really excited.
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Life is so damn good.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
New friends, old friends, and babies!
New friends, and lots of laughs this weekend.
Getting in touch with old friends.
Safe travels for my mom and Dennis.
Seeing two bands this weekend, good music. Oh, and my new friend knows the band members so he introduced me and I got to sit and chat with the band during their breaks and after the show, lots of fun :>
A beautiful day Saturday for Jessica's daughter's birthday party in the park. Love seeing the kids and all their smiles!
Again, Kelsey's new blue hairdo, every time I look at her I smile. I love my little reminders of michael.
Chatting with Mary Friday night, hearing about Big Big changes she's made in her life recently, ....good changes in my opinion. It makes me happy to hear her talk about these big changes with such passion and commitment. Also getting to hear about her recent visits with Amy and Pat, their dinner conversations and future plans for the museum.
Gail, Erika, and their friends joining me and my friends Saturday making it an awesome night full of fun and laughs.
RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN RAIN Finally!!!!!!!!!!!
Looking forward to a float trip tomorrow as long as the river's not too high.
My luscious new purse!!
Hoping for an easy labor and delivery for my friend Kim and her husband Jason today!
Knowing that my friend Gretchen's new pregnancy will go smoothly for her and her boyfriend Tim.
Looking forward to Taylor's football games starting this week yeah!!!
Good things are happening to the people I love.
Life is so damn good!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
A time to heal....
Getting Kelsey in to see the doctor for her ear infection. Antibiotics and numbing drops, hooray! Kelsey's a very healthy kid, very rarely gets sick so antibiotics are very welcome for this infection.
That she was upset when I told her she had to miss her first day back to school because of her ear infection---she has been in tears because of the pain.
That she and I finally got a little bit of sleep, we've been up for days, she's been in pain, and I've been doing every thing I can think of to make it better for her.
Even though I chose not to go to the dinner party in Broadripple with Craig and Jones, I'm sure they had a lovely time, and I know we will get together soon.~~Kayaking right!
The girls and I all in my bedroom watching a movie together. Brushing Taylor's hair and giving her the physical touch that she needs to know she's loved. She just turns into a little rag doll when you rub her back or brush her hair.
Making Kelsey's hair blue! It's a new color for her, we usually do red. Doing what I can to allow my girls to express themselves because what other time in their lives will blue hair be socially acceptable?
Taylor had a great first day back to school yesterday with no problems getting up earlier than usual.
Catching up with Vance on myspace since he can no longer be contacted by phone.
New friends on myspace!! Yeah, more people to chat with :D
Healing myself by facing my fears, listening to others, doing for others, listening to my body, and paying more attention to me.
A Hot Stone Massage! To my fellow rock chicks, I highly recommend this! After all the travelling, flights, with sore muscles and swollen feet, running around trying to get my home life back together while working and running the kids around to their stuff, I thought ahead and scheduled myself a massage for their second day back to school when I knew I'd have a few hours of free time. Absolutely divine.
Knowing there are other women who love rocks as much as I do.
Knowing that my friend Jess will pull out of the depression that has settled in to her life over the last few days. This too shall pass and she will be smiling again in no time.
Good doctor's visits for Kevin and Cynthia. Knowing things will go smoothly for them. Yeah for healthy babies and great doctors who care!
Taking time to take care of myself today.
A possible girls night out this Friday?? ~~ Lisa? If I plan something they will come right?
All of the pet names people call me, they make me feel so loved.....shell bell, sea shell, baby girl, sweet heart, shelly bean, shaw, trouble, and mama--Thank you thank you thank you!
Good things are happening to the people I love.
You my smooth little healing stone, you.