Today I'm grateful for....
Game night with the girls! We had so much fun! We played Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit. Kelsey won the Trivial Pursuit game of course, but I was pleasantly surprised, especially with Taylor's ability to keep up. We actually all did better than I thought we would, and we had an excellent time. No TV, No radio, just the four of us sitting around a table facing each other, communicating, laughing, helping each other, and cheering each other on, it was wonderful fun.
I won the Scrabble game, and again.. I was incredibly impressed with Taylor's ability to keep up! I guess I just assumed that since she was the youngest she'd have a little trouble keeping up with the rest of us, she definitely proved me wrong! She was second at Scrabble and made some really impressive moves by taking her time and figuring out how to get the most points by using the least amount of tiles. We'll do it again very very soon.
Making changes in my life little by little that help push me in the direction I want to be going in.
Asking for what I want and being rewarded with it.
Girlfriends who have a gym membership at the same place I do. Plans to work out together and all of us being excited to have someone to go to classes with.
Long enduring relationships,... growing in and out of each others lives while still staying connected in some way.
Taylor made the Honor Roll!!!!! --and my grandma seeing Taylor's name in the news paper.
A wonderful man who is perfect in every way.
Creating more strong female friendships with confident, independent women.
Mudding with Josh, Kelli, Lisa and James, soooooooo much fun.
The kindness of strangers.
Women who share beauty tips that work!
Being able to be at almost every one of Taylor's speech meets this season.
Seeing a news clip about the first Green Burial in Indiana on the news this morning and thinking of Jones. I wish I would have known something like that was available when Michael passed, but I'm excited for all the families who will now be able to use these services.
A programmable coffee maker
Positive changes in the U.S. coming really really soon.
Crisp sunny days.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little independent thinker, you.

Monday, November 17, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Life Changing, Washington 2008
On Sunday afternoon we started our trip back to Seattle from Newport, WA. This time we decided to take the southern route through the Cascades in to Seattle on I90. We stopped off a couple of times on this route, but really did not enjoy this route as much as we did the northern route.
We had a wonderful time on our trip. For Josh it turned out to be life changing, and for me it just reaffirmed what I've known all along which is, I belong in Washington.
I am grateful grateful grateful for Josh who got us discounts, and double discounts on our rooms while we were in Washington, AMAZING! Josh had a fantastic idea that we turn in our rental car early and stay at a hotel that would shuttle us to the airport in the morning eliminating some of the hassle before our flight. Because of Josh and his ability to win people over, we were able to stay at the Hilton in Seattle on our last night there for a truly unbelievable price.
I am grateful for being able to take the trip in the first place and everything that happened while we were there is a bonus.
I am grateful for Michael being in the NAVY which is what started this whole thing in the first place, 11 years ago. Sometimes I'm not sure I ever would have left my home town had it not been for him and the NAVY.
I am grateful grateful grateful for my mother who looked after my girls and checked on our pets while we were gone. We couldn't have done the trip without her.
I am also grateful for Karen who came and looked after our animals while we were gone.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little free thinker, you.
Visit with the Andersons in Newport, WA 2008
On Saturday we made it to Newport around 6:30pm where we checked in to our Bed and Breakfast called The Inn At The Lake on Diamond Lake. We then walked across the street where we got to give big big hugs to Jess, Jeremy, and their three kids, Brea, Kayla, and Tristen. We were able to have dinner with them, play with the kids a bit, sit by the fire and have a nice relaxing evening with them.
Sunday morning we went back over to Jess's house where we had coffee, played with the kids and then went for a ride into Idaho to meet Shelby. On our way to Shelby's house we passed over the Pend Orielle River (I think that's how it's spelled) one of the few rivers that flow North! At Shelby's house we had some really meaningful conversation about several different topics which were educational to both Josh and I.
Then around 1:30pm Josh and I said our good byes to the Andersons and got back on the road.
Journey Through the Cascades 2008
This was the second adventure of our recent journey to Washington.
We arrived in Washington Thursday afternoon, we stayed in Friday Harbor until early Saturday morning. Saturday we got up at 4:45am to catch the 6am ferry back to Anacortes so we could start our journey through the Cascade Mountains to visit my friend Jessica and her family who live about 20 minutes from Idaho. It was a seven and a half hour drive, at 5am it seemed daunting, but once we got started we quickly found it to be just an amazing day.
We decided to take highway 2 through the mountains, which is a northern route through the Cascades that took us through Stevens Pass. It was gorgeous, we saw very little traffic and very few people. It was a beautiful day and we loved the anticipation of what was going to be around the next corner.
At one point our elevation was 4061 feet, we saw snow up there along the sides of the road which made us smile.
We eventually stopped at one of the state parks where we were able to get out, walk, and stretch our legs a little. We walked down along the Wenatchee River, I had forgotten how clear all the bodies of water are there. Just amazing.
After we came through the mountains and made it to the eastern foothills of the Cascades I saw a whole other world of Washington that I never knew existed. We got to see some of the apple orchards, and what an awesome time to see them, the fall color was breathtaking. As we went on, the climate got more and more dry, the ground and plant life got more and more desert like, it was really interesting to see such a drastic change. As we continued we came to the agricultural part of Washington where we drove through about 150-200 miles of nothing but golden straw fields. It was almost like the twilight zone, miles and miles of nothing. Eventually as we drew closer to Spokane we started seeing more and more life, trees again, houses, cars, lakes, and people. After three hours of nothing but straw fields it was nice to see a little civilization again.
Friday Harbor 2008
Today I am grateful for...
Doing some research before our trip so that things would be a little easier once we got there.
I'm grateful for Josh, ....asking for discounts on our hotel rooms and even getting secondary discounts sometimes! He saved us lots of money.
Friday Harbor house, what a wonderful place to stay.
Walking walking walking through Friday Harbor.
Thursday night we arrived in Friday Harbor, got a room at the Friday Harbor House and got a good nights sleep on their fantastic beds. We got up early Friday morning, had some breakfast, and headed out for a quick drive around the island before our whale watch trip. We visited Lime Kiln Point State Park, Josh enjoyed watching the fishing boats that were working right off the shore there. We saw a large part of the island before heading back to the marina.
Friday afternoon we went out on a whale watch boat, it was a fantastic trip. Our naturalist, Chris was great at answering questions, explaining things and sharing information. We saw lots of islands, one in particular that had a lot of exotic wildlife on it, the intention was to import all of these animals for hunting, but the island was so small the hunting was too easy and the idea never took off. So now they have an island full of imported deer, rams, and other animals.
We also saw sea lions, bald eagles-which are huge by the way, I never realized they were so big!
We saw some transient whales while we were out, two males and four females traveling together. We saw them make a kill and then do some celebrating by breaching, spy hopping and tale smacking. It was really exciting.
I'm grateful for the conversation I had on board with Chris and being shown all the families of residents and hearing their stories.
We also saw Dolls Porpoise as they were playing off the bow of the boat on our way back in to Friday Harbor.
We then had dinner at Downriggers where I had the best Bloody Mary ever!
We got a good nights sleep and then got up at 4:45 to catch the 6am ferry back to Anacortes.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Covered Bridge Festival
Today I'm grateful for....
The girls had a half day on Friday so Josh and I took them out of school so we could share some family time. We got up early to drive the two and a half hours down to the Covered Bridge Festival in Mansfield. It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny, the fall foliage was wonderful and there were lots and lots of smiles.
I am incredibly grateful to Josh for carrying my giant clay turtle all the way across the festival for me :) Such a great guy.
Saturday was fun as well, Kelsey left for her Quiz Bowl meet at Culver Academy around 6:30am, their teams placed first and second. Later that evening we dropped her off at a friends house for another cast party, I'm so glad she's keeping in touch with the cast members from The Mikado. Also, we recently found out the whole cast is coming back to participate in a couple more shows of The Mikado at Harrison in the spring!
Saturday evening Josh and I went to dinner with some friends and then got to go to a cd release party for a local band, my rockstar girlfriend sang backup on their cd. During the show they called my girlfriend up to sing backup with them and then to sing by herself! It was lots of fun to see her up on stage with such a fantastic band.
On Sunday I got to go to a baby shower for my friends Kathy and Aaron, they're having another boy! It was fun to play games and see someone I hadn't seen in many many years, .. I've never seen her so proud of her son, and with good reason, I gave her big hugs before I left.
I'm almost finished cleaning out and organizing my closet! I have a shelving unit left to go through and then I'll be completely done! I've shared clothing, donated clothing, and made $150 by selling some of it!! :)
I'm sooooo grateful for Nancy who gives extra services so freely to me and helps me to relax and feel rejuvenated.
I'm grateful for Karen who is going to take care of our animals while we all enjoy our fall break.
I'm grateful for my mother and Josh's parents who are going to take care of Kelsey, Taylor, and Calli while Josh and I get some much needed time alone.
I am sooooooooooo grateful that Josh and I figured out a way to make our trip to Washington become reality! We leave in a couple of days and we just can't wait to get there. I will be thinking of Jones, Sobe, and Michael the whole time :) More adventures await!!!!!!!
Yesterday morning our family woke up to a wonderful little surprise on our front porch :) One of the neighbors started a sort of secret santa kind of treat giving for Halloween, so much fun! So they left a treat bag on our porch with instructions to pass two new treats on to two more neighbors within two days, I love it!
I'm grateful to have a partner who encourages me and helps me try to stay balanced.
I'm a proud proud mamma! Taylor got all A's and B's on her report card!!!! We haven't gotten the other girls grades yet.
Lots and Lots and Lots of fall color!!!!!
Signs of life from Vance :-)
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little treat bag, you!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Grateful Couple of Weeks
We've been very busy over the last few weeks, here are some of the things we've done....
Today I'm grateful for...
Time with Josh at the Robin Williams show! We had a very political conversation with an older couple while waiting for the show to start, they were delightful to talk to. Then we laughed our behinds off for two hours! We had awesome seats and a wonderful time.
Then a couple of days later Kelsey and I had a girls day together. We went to Indy to visit with Jones, had a wonderful brunch with lots of conversation. Then Jones took us to a Japanese market so Kelsey could do a little shopping, she finally found some new chop sticks,....she's been looking for a long time. After that we went to see Bill Mahr in "Religulous" it was hilarious, we loved it.
That same evening, I went and met Josh at the Wildcat MX track where he was working for the weekend. We got to watch the race together, listen to good music and hang out with friends, lots of fun.
A week later it was time for The Mikado! Jones met us at Lafayette Brewing Company for dinner before we went to see Kelsey's performance at the Long Center along with my mom and Dennis. The show was lots of fun and had us all laughing most of the evening.
The next morning Taylor had a speech meet at Wea Ridge. She and Stephanie placed 3rd and 5th on their two speeches, they do a demonstration speech and a duo. Every time they have a meet they place a little higher! It's fun to see them improve every couple of weeks.
After the speech meet we came home and I found water dripping from my bedroom ceiling, went up stairs and discovered the toilet had been overflowing all day while we were all gone! It was a mess! I called Josh for support and then Kelsey, Taylor and I worked as a team to get all the water cleaned up as quickly as possible. Then when Josh got home from work he and I both worked with our carpet shampooer and the shop vac to get all the water up out of the carpet. It was so nice that we were all able to work together to get the mess cleaned up as quickly as possible. The damage isn't bad, we will have to cover some water stains on the ceilings downstairs, and if we shampoo the carpet upstairs one more time everything should be fine.
Later that evening Josh, Taylor and I went back for the final show and met Karen and her husband, Mike at the Long Center. It was another great performance and it was especially fun to hang out after the show and see the cast stripping off their wigs and costumes and just being themselves.
Outober fest was happening downtown that evening, just around the corner from the Long Center so we let Kelsey go along with her friends and some of the cast members, she got to see a comedian, and stayed for the drag show before heading to Spurlocks for the cast dinner. Spurlocks opened the "mafia room" for the cast to hang out and have dinner, she said they had lots of fun.
The next day Josh and I rode the Harley down to Bridgetown to see a friend of his that he's not seen in about 4-5 years. It was a beautiful day, it was warm so we didn't have to wear coats on the bike, the leaves were starting to turn and the sun was shining all day. We went to Bridgetown by way of Shades and then came home through Mansfield, it was dark by the time we got home, but it was a spectacular ride.
Kelsey made the Quiz Bowl team and she is at her first meet right now! I really want to go watch, but spectators aren't allowed at the meets because they're worried about cheating. I'm anxious for her to get home so I can hear all about it!
Today and tomorrow the girls have half days of school due to parent teacher conferences. So Kelsey and I took the opportunity to go and apply for her passport today! We applied for her social security card, and then her passport, we should have both back within a few weeks. It was nice to have her all to myself for a few hours, even though we were driving a lot and waiting a lot, we were still able to have lots of conversation.
Tomorrow Josh and I will be taking the girls out of school so we can all go as a family down to the Covered Bridge Festival. We will be going to Bridgetown and Mansfield, and we're all very excited.
I am grateful for all that has happened and all that is to come.
I am always inspired by Michelle and Craig, but was especially inspired after seeing the simplicity of their newly de-cluttered home and am currently working harder at getting our house simplified. I've been de-cluttering and simplifying over the last few months, but just haven't really been able to see results. We are now getting down and dirty as a family and simplifying room by room.
I am proud of Josh for sticking up for himself at work and demanding that they straighten out his pay situation. I am grateful in advance that it gets taken care of quickly and ends up being a very prosperous situation for him. He works hard and deserves to be paid what he's worth.
Today I took a big step myself, I have set up an ebay account and am going to sell my artwork online. I will be putting photos of my artwork on the ebay site later this evening. I am grateful for lots of easy sales and shipping in advance :)
I am proud of myself for taking initiative, setting some short term goals, and taking care of some things I've been putting off for quite a while. So, Kudos to me for TAKING ACTION ON MY INTENTIONS and actually getting some things done!
Good things are happening for the people I love.
I am grateful for the Thai lunch I had with Kelsey today.
Girl Power!
You my luscious fall festival, you!
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Things I Know For Sure and What I've Learned
Today I'm grateful for....
Telling the truth is always best. Being truthful with yourself and with everyone else, about everything.
Falling in love is easy but loving for a lifetime takes work.
Doing the right thing even when you don't want to is always best.
Going to bed angry never fixes the problem, it's best to talk it out, kiss your partner, tell them you love them and go to sleep happy.
Handling an uncomfortable situation with tact and grace is a rare thing these days and something that I admire in other people and hope to master.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. Which for me applies to my behavior in my relationships with family and friends. Changing my behavior and the way I handle situations really does make a difference in their behavior and my relations with them.
That balance is key in all aspects of life.
Worrying leads to stress which leads to illness.
Meditation and deep breathing really does help.
Being in a mindful state of gratitude absolutely changes your thought process and lets you live a more positive and fulfilling life.
Setting goals and planning makes life easier, helps you accomplish more and helps keep you aware of your life.
Giving 100% is important.
We all have a purpose.
Good friends are hard to come by.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
My life has changed, been turned inside out, left me infected and raw, and has taken me in directions I never would have dreamed of, but I've picked myself up, done the work and saved myself. I've learned to push through the fear, remain calm, come up with a plan and know that plans change :)
Today I am grateful for my life, just the way it is.
And I'm grateful for having you in my life.
Telling the truth is always best. Being truthful with yourself and with everyone else, about everything.
Falling in love is easy but loving for a lifetime takes work.
Doing the right thing even when you don't want to is always best.
Going to bed angry never fixes the problem, it's best to talk it out, kiss your partner, tell them you love them and go to sleep happy.
Handling an uncomfortable situation with tact and grace is a rare thing these days and something that I admire in other people and hope to master.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. Which for me applies to my behavior in my relationships with family and friends. Changing my behavior and the way I handle situations really does make a difference in their behavior and my relations with them.
That balance is key in all aspects of life.
Worrying leads to stress which leads to illness.
Meditation and deep breathing really does help.
Being in a mindful state of gratitude absolutely changes your thought process and lets you live a more positive and fulfilling life.
Setting goals and planning makes life easier, helps you accomplish more and helps keep you aware of your life.
Giving 100% is important.
We all have a purpose.
Good friends are hard to come by.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
My life has changed, been turned inside out, left me infected and raw, and has taken me in directions I never would have dreamed of, but I've picked myself up, done the work and saved myself. I've learned to push through the fear, remain calm, come up with a plan and know that plans change :)
Today I am grateful for my life, just the way it is.
And I'm grateful for having you in my life.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
My Sister's Wedding
Today I'm grateful for....
Lots of fun at Lisa's bachelorette party.
A wonderful time at Lisa's beautiful wedding.
Tracie's amazing toast that really hit home with me.
Getting to dress up with Josh.
Kelsey's ability to fit in with all the adults at the wedding and start poking people with her wit and smart ass comments. Also Kelsey's ability to fit in with all the kids and getting to watch her from afar jumping on the trampoline.
Dancing with Lisa, Tracie, Kyleigh and Cammi at the reception.
Dancing with Josh when he's giving 100% and really having fun, just thinking about it makes me smile.
All of Karen's help with rides for Kelsey this last week! What a difference a little help makes!
Getting Calli's world history class stuff straightened out and lifting some of her stress.
My ability to stay calm and help Josh stay calm, while keeping the conversation between he and his mom focused on the topic at hand.
Josh surprising me at work today and asking me to lunch, what fun! It was so great to see him when I wasn't expecting it!
Being a partner to a wonderful, thoughtful man who works with me to make sure that we keep things in check, and balance our busy lives with time for each other, time for the kids, and every thing else.
Having Steve and James back in my life, they are lots of fun! The message I got from James a couple weeks ago and hearing that I made a difference in his life years ago.
Spiritual journeys, each and every one, and all things that shake us so hard we can feel the change in our bones.
Amber at the bank for interrupting her boss and getting me a better interest rate and lower payments on my auto loan, and my credit card! You know I'll be going back to see her :)
Cooler weather and color in the trees.
Halloween is coming and my house will be full of family, friends, kids and teenagers. The chaos of every one getting changed into costume, and getting some dinner in their bellies before trick or treating together.
This Thursday Josh and I get to go see Robin Williams!!! I'm so excited.
We pulled it off! We now have plane tickets to Washington during fall break! Plans to visit Jessica outside of Spokane and then making our way up to the San Juans, and then down the coast. My excitement and anticipation of getting to show Josh all of what I love about that beautiful state.
Getting a full night of sleep, waking up tired and then finding out there was a two hour delay so I got to go back to bed for a little while, ...and then Josh got up with the kids and let me sleep some more!!!!! Sleep means so much to someone who doesn't get a whole lot of it very often.
Getting to see Kelsey "all punked out" today for spirit week at school, today was "would you still be my friend if I looked like this?" day. She looked awesome!
A call from Tracie today, and excitement about her upcoming wedding :) she'll be a June bride.
Money from the universe showing up when we need it.
A fun job that lets me help lots of different women feel better about themselves because they look better. A better bra = a better shape = looking better in their clothes = feeling better about themselves.
Good things are happening for people all over the world.
You my little punk, you!
Monday, September 15, 2008
A Little Box of Sunshine :)
Today I'm grateful for.....
Action switching back to winter hours so we'll have Josh at home more!!!!
All the rain we've had, love it love it love it!
The cooler weather, windows open, awesome sleeping weather!
Looking forward to another football game this evening.
Kelsey's fantastic school pictures, finally a great picture and she looks like herself!!!
Calli's beautiful school pictures, she looks great in red!
Getting more and more help with rides, someone always comes through at the last minute.
Cell phones that help me stay connected with the girls when all three of them have stuff going on, Josh is usually at work, and there's only one me :)
Getting the perfect mug in the mail from Shannon. What a wonderful surprise, in the midst of my hectic day I got the package, and it was like opening a box of sunshine. Thank you so much for my little box of sunshine, and thank you for thinking of me :)
Getting to see Chris during one of his whirlwind trips here from Florida. Lots of giggles, and getting to catch up a little bit.
Talking with Karen about the charity donations she's been able to make by taking bids and donations on her artwork. --Walmart donates $250 to the make a wish foundation every time Karen "sells" an art piece and donates her profits.
Waking up incredibly early this morning which allowed me lots of time to make breakfast for every one. I used blueberry crumble bread to make french toast mmmm. After waking up at 3am (couldn't sleep anymore) and then making breakfast at 6am, I was a little sleepy. I fell asleep on the couch :( but it's ok because.....Josh got every one on their buses, cleaned up the kitchen, and got all the laundry caught up!!!!! All while I was snoozing!!! He's such a good guy. :)
The possibility of a quick trip to Washington during the kids fall break in October. I'm visualizing, I'm manifesting, We're there :)
Getting to see DJ for a few minutes on Saturday, I swear he's grown a foot since the last time I saw him!!!
Things will be ok for Tim and his family, they have a good support network, and this too shall pass.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little box of sunshine, you!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Laughter Every Day
Today I'm grateful for...
Little hints of fall peaking out at me.
For the first time in my life, getting a fairly consistent amount of sleep! ...and having an almost normal sleep schedule!!!!!!!!!
Mornings in my flower gardens.
Never having to worry about Taylor making it to the bus stop on time. Once she's up, she takes care of herself and makes sure she's out the door when she's supposed to be.
The "go green" movement happening right now.
Nancy and the extra steps she takes to help me relax and feel great during my facials.
Jones and the abundance of good she has brought into her life. --ignoring bad behavior, rewarding good behavior, and living her dream every day.
Our three beautiful teenagers who continue to amaze me.
Laughter every day, at the breakfast table, at the dinner table, in the car, at the store, every where, every day, laughter.
Getting tickets squared away for Robin Williams!!!!!!!!!! He's coming to Elliot Hall in October!
Hearing my favorite Jason Mraz song, "I'm Yours", on a commercial the other day.
Josh and I always consulting each other and doing what's best for us and our family.
A wonderful man who loves me, is always willing to help, has interests of his own, and who believes family always comes first. He is motivated, considerate, generous, compassionate, is genuinely a good person, and I am sooo grateful to be his partner.
I am grateful for Josh being top salesperson and winning the bonus again this month in advance ;) He's three units away from winning and I know it will happen for him without any problems.
My days being free and sublime. Lots of time to paint :)
Still loving my hybrid!
Getting out from under the gas hogging jeep. I still love that Jeep, I miss it terribly, but it didn't make sense to keep it with gas prices being the way they are. Josh got a great deal, traded his four wheeler for an s-10. It was an even trade and the s-10 does so much better on gas mileage. love love love barter and trade!
Looking forward to having Josh around for an extra day this weekend.
Feeling a change coming on, beginning with some photography this afternoon.
Love in all forms.
Good things are happening for all the people of the world.
You my great big belly laugh, you.
Little hints of fall peaking out at me.
For the first time in my life, getting a fairly consistent amount of sleep! ...and having an almost normal sleep schedule!!!!!!!!!
Mornings in my flower gardens.
Never having to worry about Taylor making it to the bus stop on time. Once she's up, she takes care of herself and makes sure she's out the door when she's supposed to be.
The "go green" movement happening right now.
Nancy and the extra steps she takes to help me relax and feel great during my facials.
Jones and the abundance of good she has brought into her life. --ignoring bad behavior, rewarding good behavior, and living her dream every day.
Our three beautiful teenagers who continue to amaze me.
Laughter every day, at the breakfast table, at the dinner table, in the car, at the store, every where, every day, laughter.
Getting tickets squared away for Robin Williams!!!!!!!!!! He's coming to Elliot Hall in October!
Hearing my favorite Jason Mraz song, "I'm Yours", on a commercial the other day.
Josh and I always consulting each other and doing what's best for us and our family.
A wonderful man who loves me, is always willing to help, has interests of his own, and who believes family always comes first. He is motivated, considerate, generous, compassionate, is genuinely a good person, and I am sooo grateful to be his partner.
I am grateful for Josh being top salesperson and winning the bonus again this month in advance ;) He's three units away from winning and I know it will happen for him without any problems.
My days being free and sublime. Lots of time to paint :)
Still loving my hybrid!
Getting out from under the gas hogging jeep. I still love that Jeep, I miss it terribly, but it didn't make sense to keep it with gas prices being the way they are. Josh got a great deal, traded his four wheeler for an s-10. It was an even trade and the s-10 does so much better on gas mileage. love love love barter and trade!
Looking forward to having Josh around for an extra day this weekend.
Feeling a change coming on, beginning with some photography this afternoon.
Love in all forms.
Good things are happening for all the people of the world.
You my great big belly laugh, you.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Living the Dream
Today I'm grateful because....
Our girls are busy, happy, healthy, and living their lives.
My days are so quiet.
Doing what I do so my family can do what they do.
I'm sooo grateful for the abundance of blooms on my roses this year! Which means lots of blooms to bring inside :)
Josh and I got to chaperon Calli's first dance as a Freshman at Harrison. We had fun watching the teenagers dance and have fun.
Watching Lisa enjoy her Bridal Shower on Saturday and getting to see the babies.
Playing with Steve, James, Lisa, Kathy and Josh Saturday night. Things didn't go as planned, but we still had fun.
Josh finding new/used tires and wheels for his truck, and getting a fantastic deal! Love Craig's list!
My cookbooks and the fun I'm having while trying new recipes. ....thank goodness every thing's been really good so far :)
A wonderful phone conversation with Jessica on Saturday. Getting to hear about Tristan starting Head Start, and their new life on the lake. Jessica's job at the Inn and the view from her kitchen window.
James's positivity :) "living the dream"
Josh asking for what he wanted, getting it at the price he chose, and getting it delivered to him!
Great football weather! and Harrison winning tonight in advance!
Good things happening for the people I love.
People living the dream.
Washington, it's magic, it's pull, it's beauty, freedom, and the feeling I get every time I go back.
you my little dream, you.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Silent days and Crazy evenings
Today I'm grateful because....
My days are silent and chaos free.
My evenings are crazy since the girls have overlapping schedules with all their extra curricular activities, but the girls are busy doing good things which allows them less time to get into trouble. Kelsey joined Quiz Bowl, and is busy with rehearsals for the Japanese musical. Calli is a JV Cheerleader and will try out for diving soon. Taylor has joined the Speech Team at Easttipp.
Knowing that the school year will go smoothly and there will always be someone to help with rides when I can't be in two/three places at once, advance.
No rain for our MDA ride on Sunday. I know we desperately need the rain, but please not on Sunday :)
Being invited along for the next women's float trip.
Lovely cool mornings.
Getting my roses powdered before the Japanese Beetles got to them, so now I have tons of beautiful blooms. Spending time in my flower beds and getting to enjoy freshly cut flowers in my kitchen when ever I want.
Having three teenagers who help carry the work load of the house.
Getting exactly what I always wanted, ... a wonderful loving family that communicates, has fun together, and helps each other.
Being open, looking for direction and knowing it will come to me.
A wonderful, kind, loving partner who is always willing to help.
Love in all forms.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little rose, you.
My days are silent and chaos free.
My evenings are crazy since the girls have overlapping schedules with all their extra curricular activities, but the girls are busy doing good things which allows them less time to get into trouble. Kelsey joined Quiz Bowl, and is busy with rehearsals for the Japanese musical. Calli is a JV Cheerleader and will try out for diving soon. Taylor has joined the Speech Team at Easttipp.
Knowing that the school year will go smoothly and there will always be someone to help with rides when I can't be in two/three places at once, advance.
No rain for our MDA ride on Sunday. I know we desperately need the rain, but please not on Sunday :)
Being invited along for the next women's float trip.
Lovely cool mornings.
Getting my roses powdered before the Japanese Beetles got to them, so now I have tons of beautiful blooms. Spending time in my flower beds and getting to enjoy freshly cut flowers in my kitchen when ever I want.
Having three teenagers who help carry the work load of the house.
Getting exactly what I always wanted, ... a wonderful loving family that communicates, has fun together, and helps each other.
Being open, looking for direction and knowing it will come to me.
A wonderful, kind, loving partner who is always willing to help.
Love in all forms.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little rose, you.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Back to school
Today I'm grateful for...
All the back to school craziness being over, and football season starting! Calli made the JV squad so we'll most likely be at every game. I'm so excited to know I'll be sitting in the stands at Harrison once again, but this time as a parent.
Getting everyone out the door this morning on their first day back to school with full bellies.
Watching Josh watch Calli get on the bus and sharing that emotion that every parent struggles with when they watch their child growing up so fast, right before their eyes.
Taylor starting eighth grade, Calli starting 9th, Kelsey starting 10th.
Kelsey's willingness to show Calli around Harrison and helping her find her classes.
The house to myself during the days again. The quiet of the house when everyone is gone.
Windows open.
All the birds in our yard, especially the humming birds.
Clearing clearing clearing clutter, and getting paid for some of it!
Josh making top salesman and winning the $500 bonus for the month of July!!!!!!!!!
Selling another painting!! I didn't even know it sold until I got the check in the mail.
Our Sundays on the bike. This time we went to Marion, it was a lovely ride, the weather was fantastic. Just before we left we met a fellow Harley rider who struck up a conversation with us about missing his wife and his life out west, he's from the Tahoe area and misses the north west terribly.
Good friends to learn from.
Helping others.
Warm days, cool nights.
A beautiful deck to enjoy the sunsets on while the girls play in the back yard..... and flowers flowers all around :)
Knowing Kathy's pregnancy is gonna go well with an easy delivery and tons of joy for she and Aaron.
The fog blanketing the field across from my house in the mornings.
Seeing the photos from Michelle's trip to Washington and feeling the pull, my heart is there, I belong there, I miss it so much, ...we have plans to move as soon as the girls are done with high school. I'm just thrilled Michelle was able to do some visiting and enjoy herself on her work trip, and I know she and Craig will have a delicious time when they go next month.
Huge piles of sea glass.
Being excited about going to work today.
Getting all the photos of my paintings uploaded to myspace to sell, and looking into ebay and other online sources for sales. Lots of sales in advance ;)
Years full of days that are easy like Sunday morning.
People who dance to their own tune.
All our girls doing well, being healthy, happy, and safe.
Love in all forms.
The journey that is my life. All the places I've been, all the places I'm going.
Good things are happening for the people I love, always in all ways :)
You my little piece of sea glass, you.
All the back to school craziness being over, and football season starting! Calli made the JV squad so we'll most likely be at every game. I'm so excited to know I'll be sitting in the stands at Harrison once again, but this time as a parent.
Getting everyone out the door this morning on their first day back to school with full bellies.
Watching Josh watch Calli get on the bus and sharing that emotion that every parent struggles with when they watch their child growing up so fast, right before their eyes.
Taylor starting eighth grade, Calli starting 9th, Kelsey starting 10th.
Kelsey's willingness to show Calli around Harrison and helping her find her classes.
The house to myself during the days again. The quiet of the house when everyone is gone.
Windows open.
All the birds in our yard, especially the humming birds.
Clearing clearing clearing clutter, and getting paid for some of it!
Josh making top salesman and winning the $500 bonus for the month of July!!!!!!!!!
Selling another painting!! I didn't even know it sold until I got the check in the mail.
Our Sundays on the bike. This time we went to Marion, it was a lovely ride, the weather was fantastic. Just before we left we met a fellow Harley rider who struck up a conversation with us about missing his wife and his life out west, he's from the Tahoe area and misses the north west terribly.
Good friends to learn from.
Helping others.
Warm days, cool nights.
A beautiful deck to enjoy the sunsets on while the girls play in the back yard..... and flowers flowers all around :)
Knowing Kathy's pregnancy is gonna go well with an easy delivery and tons of joy for she and Aaron.
The fog blanketing the field across from my house in the mornings.
Seeing the photos from Michelle's trip to Washington and feeling the pull, my heart is there, I belong there, I miss it so much, ...we have plans to move as soon as the girls are done with high school. I'm just thrilled Michelle was able to do some visiting and enjoy herself on her work trip, and I know she and Craig will have a delicious time when they go next month.
Huge piles of sea glass.
Being excited about going to work today.
Getting all the photos of my paintings uploaded to myspace to sell, and looking into ebay and other online sources for sales. Lots of sales in advance ;)
Years full of days that are easy like Sunday morning.
People who dance to their own tune.
All our girls doing well, being healthy, happy, and safe.
Love in all forms.
The journey that is my life. All the places I've been, all the places I'm going.
Good things are happening for the people I love, always in all ways :)
You my little piece of sea glass, you.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Lake house
Today I'm grateful for..
The wonderful couple of days we had at the lake house this week. Everyone had a great time and we got to spend lots of time with the kids.
Having Josh home for an extra day this week, that little bit of extra time makes all the difference when you're missing someone.
Calli made the JV Cheer Squad at Harrison!!!!!!
The wonderful life I'm living.
An awesome phone conversation with Barb, catching up, feeling proud, and knowing it's only gonna get better :)
Being grateful every day.
Finding balance.
Our backyard pool which makes yard work in the summer so much more fun! We work in our swim suits and when we get too hot we just jump in and cool off, then back to work again! fantastic.
The awesome deck Josh is getting ready to build around the pool for easier access to the water, and a nice place for us all to sit together and enjoy our pool.
Creating space for family and friends where we can all hang out and enjoy each other.
Michelle and Craig finding the perfect house for the perfect price in the perfect place, while they're in SJI, advance. :)
Lisa's wedding being perfect and just the way she's always wanted it to be, in advance.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
Americus Girls Float Trip 2008
Today I'm grateful for...
All day with all the girls from Americus!
We had a blast on our all girl float trip. We enjoyed lots of laughter, good food, good conversation, lots of relaxation, a whole lot of sunshine, nature and fun.
It was a beautiful day.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Today I'm grateful for....
Lots and lots of family time.
Watching Taylor fly around the backyard on the mini bike.
A great dinner with Michelle, lots of conversation, lots of laughter, exciting news, and finally getting her camping gear back to her.
Getting our new pool installed right now!!! By the end of the week we'll be swimming in our back yard yay! :)
Josh being gracious enough to build a deck around the pool on his days off.
All the fun I had on my all girls float trip Sunday. 6 hours (which btw, flew by, seemed like we were out for maybe 2 hours) anyway, 6 hours of giggling, conversation, sunshine, relaxing, and sharing good food. Oh, and the guy who shot water balloons at us from shore using a giant sling shot! So much fun!
Kathy's secret and everything going well.
Safe travelling for Jones and Craig.
All the flowers blooming in my yard.
That Josh loves his job and is continuing to do well. ... Josh selling, selling, selling and winning the bonus offered for top seller this month, --in advance :)
My sisters are healthy, happy, and doing well.
All the intermittent rain we've had so late into the summer making our yard green and keeping the flowers blooming.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little water bug, you.
Lots and lots of family time.
Watching Taylor fly around the backyard on the mini bike.
A great dinner with Michelle, lots of conversation, lots of laughter, exciting news, and finally getting her camping gear back to her.
Getting our new pool installed right now!!! By the end of the week we'll be swimming in our back yard yay! :)
Josh being gracious enough to build a deck around the pool on his days off.
All the fun I had on my all girls float trip Sunday. 6 hours (which btw, flew by, seemed like we were out for maybe 2 hours) anyway, 6 hours of giggling, conversation, sunshine, relaxing, and sharing good food. Oh, and the guy who shot water balloons at us from shore using a giant sling shot! So much fun!
Kathy's secret and everything going well.
Safe travelling for Jones and Craig.
All the flowers blooming in my yard.
That Josh loves his job and is continuing to do well. ... Josh selling, selling, selling and winning the bonus offered for top seller this month, --in advance :)
My sisters are healthy, happy, and doing well.
All the intermittent rain we've had so late into the summer making our yard green and keeping the flowers blooming.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little water bug, you.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Today I'm grateful for....
All the girls doing something fun this weekend. Kelsey and Taylor are in Wisconsin with my mom this weekend. Calli is on a mission trip in Chicago with her church group.
The serenity of being in a quiet house.
Josh and I having lots of together time this weekend, in a quiet house all by ourselves.
All the fun we had doing tie dyed shirts and stuff with the girls. We all had a great time, and then when it was time to rinse everything, it was like opening christmas presents! We opened all the little packages of our tie dyed shirts to see the rainbow of patterns and colors that we created!
The reaction I got to the Harley top I tie dyed, and so many women wanting to buy one! I took orders and phone numbers and am now getting ready to tie dye and sell them!
A poker run yesterday, full of fun, we made lots of money for the make a wish foundation. Tons and tons of bikes! Seeing Sheila Klinker on the back of the Harley in front of us and riding with the rest of the pack. Meeting lots of new people, seeing old friends, and all for a good cause.
Our new Road this bike, it's so much more comfortable than the Deuce.
My beautiful pergola, it's finally done.
Lots and lots of flowers in my yard blooming through all seasons! I have set my flower beds up so that there's always some color, it's perfectly beautiful.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
Josh, ...he is amazing, and perfect for me.
Love in all forms.
You my little, tie dye loving hippy :)
All the girls doing something fun this weekend. Kelsey and Taylor are in Wisconsin with my mom this weekend. Calli is on a mission trip in Chicago with her church group.
The serenity of being in a quiet house.
Josh and I having lots of together time this weekend, in a quiet house all by ourselves.
All the fun we had doing tie dyed shirts and stuff with the girls. We all had a great time, and then when it was time to rinse everything, it was like opening christmas presents! We opened all the little packages of our tie dyed shirts to see the rainbow of patterns and colors that we created!
The reaction I got to the Harley top I tie dyed, and so many women wanting to buy one! I took orders and phone numbers and am now getting ready to tie dye and sell them!
A poker run yesterday, full of fun, we made lots of money for the make a wish foundation. Tons and tons of bikes! Seeing Sheila Klinker on the back of the Harley in front of us and riding with the rest of the pack. Meeting lots of new people, seeing old friends, and all for a good cause.
Our new Road this bike, it's so much more comfortable than the Deuce.
My beautiful pergola, it's finally done.
Lots and lots of flowers in my yard blooming through all seasons! I have set my flower beds up so that there's always some color, it's perfectly beautiful.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
Josh, ...he is amazing, and perfect for me.
Love in all forms.
You my little, tie dye loving hippy :)
Monday, June 9, 2008
Our mini Vacation!
Today I'm grateful for....
Our mini vacation at the lake house. It was lovely... We rode the bike up, changed clothes, got in the boat and drove to the Sportsman for a sunset dinner over looking the lake. Then we drove the boat back to the lake house for an evening on the pier talking under the stars and looking at the constellations. We got up early the next morning, Josh made me breakfast as I soaked up the sun and serenity on the pier. We played in the boat for a while and then came back and tied floats to the pier so we could relax in the water on the floats. Then it was time to go so we packed our bag, locked up, hopped on the bike and rode home trying to dodge a storm that was blowing through.
Josh, Josh, Josh
Full moons
Getting to catch up with my mom and my sisters during the garage sale on Saturday.
Josh doing so well in the new department at work. He sold 7 bikes and a four wheeler in his first three days on the job, Unbelievable!
Our bike trip down to Terre Haute, it didn't work out like we planned, but it was still nice to ride.
Starting to get things lined up for Calli to move in with us.
Taylor's attitude starting to change and mellow out finally!
Working on getting a great deal on a advance.
The money needed to redirect our lives flowing easily and quickly into our bank accounts.
Plans for lots of family fun at the lake house this summer.
An easy trip up to CLE for the TLC class in June. Lots of learning for Josh and I, some quiet time together, and lots of laughs in advance.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little fish, you.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Lots of Art
Today I'm grateful for....
A fantastic Saturday with Josh! We rode the bike downtown to the Art Around the Fountain Fair and saw lots of amazing artwork! Then we went to breakfast, then took the bike down to Zionsville for more art gazing, walking, talking, and disturbing the peace with our loud Harley, lol. I am forever in love with Randall Scott Harden's hay bale paintings, and N.Noell who owns The Sanctuary in Zionsville's elephant, cow, and bull paintings.
An awesome ride with Josh and Billy on Sunday to Kokomo, gorgeous gorgeous weather for riding.
Getting to got to Calli's graduation from 8th grade to high school yesterday, how exciting! ... Calli is going to spend the summer with us which will be lots of fun!
A lovely ride with Josh up to their lake house and then a beautiful outing on the boat. I so love being on the water, I could sit at the edge and look out over the waves endlessly.
Dinner filled with conversation last night with Josh.
Picking Taylor up from her school Kings Island trip last night and knowing that she had a good time, she looked exhausted.
Magnificent flowers blooming everywhere!
My new pottery class that starts on Monday!!!!!!!!!! This is something I've always wanted to do, and I found a class at the art museum that works with my schedule! It meets on Monday nights, eight weeks of class, but they don't have to be consecutive and no make up classes, if I miss it doesn't matter, I just go until I've done eight classes! Fantastic for me since we have so much going on with the girls.
More and more talk about starting a business.
Researching hybrids with Josh, gas prices are killing us. I thought I couldn't afford a car payment, but I'm paying that much in gas every month now! 40mpg looks a whole world better than 14mpg!
My new mini green house which I'm utterly thrilled about! The prospect of growing seeds and creating amazing hanging flowering baskets to sell!
Seconding Jone's great loves, and I'm sooooo grateful for the opportunity to have more than one in a life time.
The picture of Jones and Craig's muddy toes. Whether it was meant to be or not, it felt like a secret hello to me :) btw my kids are now taking pictures of their feet, lol.
My life, where it is at this very moment, and where it's headed.
Planning, setting goals, handling stuff before it happens, which is a very new thing for me (those of you who know me well know that I do things on a whim), ...huge huge step for me, and I'm the one initiating the planning and goal setting!
A nice trip on the bike with Josh up to Michigan City and Valpo on Sunday (june 1). Just he and I, and the open road, so peaceful.
The real probability of Calli moving in with us and making our family whole. We may have another teenaged girl in the mix, what will Josh do then! He'll be in a house with 4 women, definitely out numbered :)
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little purple iris, you.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
A bunch of gratitude
Today I'm grateful for ...
Life returning to my yard and my home.
Josh Josh Josh, listening to me, encouraging me, gently nudging me, motivating me, sharing with me, enjoying with me, standing beside me, backing me up, being supportive, laughing with me, loving me the way I am.
My new birthday ring! It's beautiful, unusual, and I'm incredibly grateful.
A fantastic birthday weekend for Taylor and Calli. They had a great time. They got makeovers at Merle Norman, then we went to lunch, then home and all Taylor's friends came over for a cookout and sleepover. They climbed trees, chatted on the deck, played flashlight tag and other various games, made smores, and had lots of fun. I enjoyed listening to them giggle, and nobody cried which is a big deal when you get that many girls together :)
Completing three more paintings, and preparing to start another.
My yard coming together. ...Calli and Taylor's help weeding and planting in my flowerbeds on Sunday, they worked hard.
Josh coming home early from the track on Sunday to spend more time at home. I was thrilled to see him.
Creating time amidst the chaos of family life for Josh and I to get in some one on one time. Plans to ride to Zionsville this weekend to visit some art galleries, do some shopping, visit a park or two and enjoy our time together.
Josh and I communicating and working towards finding a balance between, family time, self time, couple time, friends time, and work time. It's been so hard to find time for everything. Creating a schedule helps and planning in advance (which is something I'm really bad at, but working on).
The beauty, and serenity I find in my yard.
Pictures of Sadie on Michelle's glog, I love that dog :) She's so sweet.
Plans in the works for a family trip to Kings Island this summer! My mom and Dennis, Traci, Tim and DJ, Lisa, Billy, Kyleigh, and Ciara, Josh, Kelsey, Taylor, Calli, and I!
Creating a life I love, bit by bit.
Good things happening for the people I love.
You my little bit of serenity, you.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Today I'm grateful for....
A fun family weekend, busy, but fun.
Friday Josh and I stayed home and watched movies while Taylor and Calli spent the night with Ciara at Lisa's house. Then Saturday I picked up all the girls and we went shopping, stopped at Starbucks, and had a late lunch together. Then we all met my mom, Lisa and Kyleigh at Easttipp to watch Taylor's musical Saturday night. It was so fun. The whole musical was great, all the kids did a wonderful job, but I am especially proud of Taylor of course. She was brave and sang two solos in the musical without mistakes and was the only one we could actually hear over the band!
Both of my girls are so brave when it comes to singing or performing in front of a crowd! Unbelievable, I can't imagine having that much courage when I was their ages, but kids do amazing things like that every day!
After the musical we all came home, Josh and I made a fire so the girls could roast marshmallows and make smores. It was a great night. Sunday we all got up, I made pancakes and scrambled eggs and then all the running started all over again, dropping girls off, picking Taylor up, and so on, but it was fun. After the running was over Josh and I met up with his cousin Cory and went for a ride on the bikes, it was a beautiful evening to be out.
Today I am also grateful for the chance to exercise my right to vote :) Josh and I both reminded each other to vote before we went about our business today. I got my sticker and wore it proudly.
I am grateful for a chance to possibly help out a friend. My friend's son's dog got hit by a car a couple of days ago, unfortunately he did not make it. His son's dog was a yorki, we happen to have two yorki-poos and only planned on bringing one home from the breeder. We actually have 4 dogs which is a lot to handle especially with our family being so incredibly busy so I offered one of our yorki-poos to him. It will provide some relief to our family, and I know she will be going to a good home with a little boy who will love her and give her a lot more attention than we can afford right now.
Beautiful sunshine on my shoulders while I painted the boat today. My first try at using a spray gun, lots of fun, but I got paint every where!
oooh I'm really excited about the premade scrapbooks I found at Sam's today. I bought two to take with the girls and I this weekend thinking they could start family scrapbooks together. Now all I have to do is get the pictures printed out and we'll be set.
All the emails from Michelle helping me keep up with what's going on at Womyn's camp this weekend. Donations, recycling, lots of activities, and lots of fun!
Knowing that when Josh gets home from work tonight we will have dinner and then go out on the bike. ---Getting rides in when ever we can :)
My new job allowing me a 40% discount on all the clothes I love to buy, and special weeks when I'll get 55% off!! woo hoo! Even if I don't make money because I'll be spending it all, I'll still be saving money with my discount! ...I also got a second job offer, at The Buckle which made me feel special, I didn't even try for that one, was just picking up some jeans for Josh.
Having the grill set up on the deck right outside the back door making it soooooo easy to throw some veggies and fish, chicken, or pork on for a quick healthy dinner. oooh, and my rice cooker which allows me to cook up brown rice ahead of time and then just heat it up whenever we need a quick easy side.
Knowing that all the money going out right now for various stuff, bills and what have you, will flow right back into our bank accounts easily and effortlessly.
New partners to play golf with!
A sparkling clean bathtub awaiting me right this minute.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
People who dream big and make things happen, including myself :)
you my brave little soul, you.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Settling in to 35
Today I'm grateful for.....
Finally feeling like I'm finding the real me. Feeling true, honest and just being me.
Getting a better grip on my own questions about struggling with how I was raised to behave and live, and what I believe in and how I want to live now. Starting to take action on living the life I want to live. ...I feel like I'm sort of in the middle right now, this idea started shortly after Michael passed away and has slowly been evolving and progressing from my head to actual physicality and I'm finally starting to follow through with some of my wants in the way of living. (greener living, being healthy, experiencing new things, continuing education,etc.)
Being stiff and sore from golfing,'s good for me, good for my body, good for my soul. (golfing, not being stiff and sore :)
Getting it just like I like it, that is.
Christopher McCandless, aka...Alexander Supertramp.
An interview on Monday for a part time job doing something that I consider fun. Rebecca has been after me to work for her for about three years now and I finally said yes :) ooh and looking forward to creating new relationships with the strong confident women I'll meet at work.
The opportunity to earn extra money to help pay for my massage therapy schooling that starts this fall.
Spicy Basil noodles, I'm so in love with Thai food and I treat myself about once every couple of months.
One of the new magazines that Josh gave me has directions and plans on how to build a rain collector. Josh and I are going to build a collection tank to put under one of the down spouts to collect the rain water and use it to water my plants this summer.
Conversations with Josh about building a compost bin, woo hoo!
My tiller attachment works, which is going to make it easier to bring the lavender fields of Washington to my back yard :)
Continuing to try new things and create memories and fantastic experiences in my life. Knowing that at 20 years old I never would have imagined my life would turn out the way it has. At 35, I am grateful for every experience I've ever had, good and bad, for they are what make me who I am. I'm excited about what is still to come in my life, all the adventures I have left to enjoy and am thrilled to have a life partner, someone I love who wants to share those adventures with me.
I am enough, I am beyond good enough, I am a powerful woman who dreams and makes things happen, and I have always had everything I'll ever need.
I am forever grateful for the two amazing young ladies who happen to be my daughters and the opportunity to be a strong influence on Calli.
Teaching myself how to run again. I'm sooooo out of shape, but putting one foot in front of the other and gaining momentum.
Settling in to 35 and being happier than I've ever been in my life.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little noodle you.
Finally feeling like I'm finding the real me. Feeling true, honest and just being me.
Getting a better grip on my own questions about struggling with how I was raised to behave and live, and what I believe in and how I want to live now. Starting to take action on living the life I want to live. ...I feel like I'm sort of in the middle right now, this idea started shortly after Michael passed away and has slowly been evolving and progressing from my head to actual physicality and I'm finally starting to follow through with some of my wants in the way of living. (greener living, being healthy, experiencing new things, continuing education,etc.)
Being stiff and sore from golfing,'s good for me, good for my body, good for my soul. (golfing, not being stiff and sore :)
Getting it just like I like it, that is.
Christopher McCandless, aka...Alexander Supertramp.
An interview on Monday for a part time job doing something that I consider fun. Rebecca has been after me to work for her for about three years now and I finally said yes :) ooh and looking forward to creating new relationships with the strong confident women I'll meet at work.
The opportunity to earn extra money to help pay for my massage therapy schooling that starts this fall.
Spicy Basil noodles, I'm so in love with Thai food and I treat myself about once every couple of months.
One of the new magazines that Josh gave me has directions and plans on how to build a rain collector. Josh and I are going to build a collection tank to put under one of the down spouts to collect the rain water and use it to water my plants this summer.
Conversations with Josh about building a compost bin, woo hoo!
My tiller attachment works, which is going to make it easier to bring the lavender fields of Washington to my back yard :)
Continuing to try new things and create memories and fantastic experiences in my life. Knowing that at 20 years old I never would have imagined my life would turn out the way it has. At 35, I am grateful for every experience I've ever had, good and bad, for they are what make me who I am. I'm excited about what is still to come in my life, all the adventures I have left to enjoy and am thrilled to have a life partner, someone I love who wants to share those adventures with me.
I am enough, I am beyond good enough, I am a powerful woman who dreams and makes things happen, and I have always had everything I'll ever need.
I am forever grateful for the two amazing young ladies who happen to be my daughters and the opportunity to be a strong influence on Calli.
Teaching myself how to run again. I'm sooooo out of shape, but putting one foot in front of the other and gaining momentum.
Settling in to 35 and being happier than I've ever been in my life.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little noodle you.
Today I'm grateful for......
A fantastic day with wonderful weather and full of fun.
Today was Josh's day off and we decided to go golfing. Golfing is new for me so I am forever grateful for Josh's patience and kindness. He was relaxed, (except when he was mad at his own mistakes), and made learning easy and fun for me. Thank goodness the course wasn't busy today! It took us about 4 hours to play 12 holes and by the time we were done with the 12th hole we were ready to go, it was getting late, and we were really frustrated with the 12 hole. I did get a little better once I started getting a feel for some of my clubs and belive it or not I actually made par on one of the holes, 3 strokes! Don't let that fool you, the rest of the holes it took between 8 and 15 strokes for me, by the way ... I hate sand traps ;-) It was lovely being outside with all the trees and flowers blooming, we were at the Battle Ground course so we were away from town, it was very nice. Anywho... I had a great time and look forward to playing again.
Getting to go back to sleep while Josh mowed the lawn this morning, absolutely divine.
Cutting flowers from my garden and bringing them in so I can enjoy them inside as well as out. Love the way tulips smell.
Susan Tedeschi and the way her music makes me feel. Although a lot of her songs are not her own, I love the way she sings them and the heart and emotion she puts into the music.
The way music, smells, words, simple things can take you back, in an instant, to another place and time. Forgotten memories thrown back at you, I'm so grateful I get to relive those moments over and over again.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little hole in one, you.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Early spring in my yard
Today I'm grateful for....
Early spring in my yard. My lilac isn't blooming yet, but it will be soon, it's a late bloomer.
Seeing Josh at the track in all of his riding gear, knowing he was having a great time with the guys and enjoying himself on his 4 wheeler.
Finally getting the moss power washed off of the side of the house. Thanks to my mom for letting me use her power washer, and thanks to Josh for showing me how to use it.
I'm forever grateful to Lisa and Billy for letting Josh and I have our joint birthday party at their house. It was lots of fun and I was so happy to see every one.
Getting back together with Tracie, Lisa, Billy and the kids on Sunday around the fire before cleaning up.
Getting to take the babies for a walk in the woods all by myself. We were supposed to be looking for mushrooms, but I was too busy trying to watch out for the babies :) I took them down to the creek and let them throw rocks in, they loved it!
Knowing that Josh's long hours at work now will only last through the summer months.
Looking forward to Taylor's musical this weekend and plans to take Calli and maybe Ciara to see the musical on Saturday night.
Being registered to vote, finally making a decision and being prepared for the local primary.
Josh and I spending more time at home allowing us to get more accomplished.
Dropping in on Jessica Friday afternoon and getting in a few minutes of catching up with her. Knowing that she is a strong powerful woman who can handle what ever is going on with her and her family right now. Looking forward to some alone time with her.
More time on the treadmill and following through on consistency with my exercise.
The way our house smells right now due to the new candle I bought.
Looking forward to lunch with Josh this afternoon.
Making arrangements for womens camp and looking forward to taking Calli and Taylor with me.
Getting lots of sleep last night which allowed me extra time with Josh this morning.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
Feeling like I've been with Josh all my life and loving it.
you my little spring blossom, you.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
A new direction!
Today I'm grateful for.....
Picking up the boat yesterday and our plans to paint it.
A beautiful day today!
Getting to meet Josh for lunch today and taking a quick ride on the bike, ...without jackets!
Finding out there's a massage/esthetician (sp?) school here in Lafayette and that part of my cosmetology hours will count towards an esthetician license! Waxing, facials, make up, massage, stone massages, and sports massage. Classes start in September! The opportunities this will open up for me, and the new direction it will take me in my life.
Knowing the money for school will come to me easily, ($8,000).
Getting my errands done in style, in the convertible with the top down!
Josh and Billy "getting the yard ready" for the party on Saturday. Mowing the lawn, chopping wood, picking up sticks, ....drinking beer, yard work makes ya thirsty. lol
Running into the librarian from Hershey today, she remembered my daughters and had lots of good things to say about them.
Only a couple more weeks and Josh will start earning commission at work along with his regular pay!!
A great forecast for tomorrow, maybe we can get more time in on the bike.
You my little ray of sunshine, you!
Picking up the boat yesterday and our plans to paint it.
A beautiful day today!
Getting to meet Josh for lunch today and taking a quick ride on the bike, ...without jackets!
Finding out there's a massage/esthetician (sp?) school here in Lafayette and that part of my cosmetology hours will count towards an esthetician license! Waxing, facials, make up, massage, stone massages, and sports massage. Classes start in September! The opportunities this will open up for me, and the new direction it will take me in my life.
Knowing the money for school will come to me easily, ($8,000).
Getting my errands done in style, in the convertible with the top down!
Josh and Billy "getting the yard ready" for the party on Saturday. Mowing the lawn, chopping wood, picking up sticks, ....drinking beer, yard work makes ya thirsty. lol
Running into the librarian from Hershey today, she remembered my daughters and had lots of good things to say about them.
Only a couple more weeks and Josh will start earning commission at work along with his regular pay!!
A great forecast for tomorrow, maybe we can get more time in on the bike.
You my little ray of sunshine, you!
Monday, April 21, 2008
250 miles!
Today I'm grateful for....
Completing our first Chapter ride with the H.O.G. members (Harley Owners Group).
We started at Spikes near Frankfort and took back roads down to Edinburgh (sp?). It was cold, we were supposed to have a nice day with lots of sunshine, that didn't happen, but we stuck it out and had a great day. On the last leg of our journey, somewhere around Speedway, the sun came out and we were able to shed some clothing making the ride a lot more enjoyable. On our way back home Josh and I stopped at Michelle and Craig's house to stretch our legs and say a quick hello. We ended up staying for around an hour, did lots of chatting, trying to quickly catch up on each other's lives. We are very grateful for their hospitality, since we just showed up at their doorstep out of the blue. The look on Craig's face from the kitchen window was priceless btw when we pulled in on the Harley :)
I am grateful that Lisa was able to handle the girls on Sunday which allowed us to be able to participate in the Chapter Ride. We dropped Calli, Taylor, and Ciarra off at her house at 9am Sunday morning and she kept them all day, then took Calli and Ciarra back to Crawfordsville and dropped Taylor off at home for us. Thanks so much Lisa, we really appreciate it.
A beautiful day today, the air is so soft on my skin it feels like a warm fuzzy blanket.
Knowing that in about 15 minutes I'm going to head outside on my new deck which is shaded by my new pergola that Josh built and I'm going to paint :)
Getting some financial stuff taken care of with ease, love love love online banking and banking over the phone! Saves me time and money (gas prices)!
Anxiously awaiting the arrival of my license in the mail so that I can start some continuing education classes!!!
The flowers that are blooming in my yard, and the whole explosion of color that's happened over the last couple of days.
Mushrooms will be up soon!!! Hoping to get some mushroom hunting in some time this week. I hardly ever find any, but I love the hunt, and the exercise is good for me :)
Kelsey taking care of most of the dishes at Mom's on Saturday when we had our family get together for my birthday and Tim's birthday. My mother was a doll and put 25 on the candle instead of 35, that was very sweet.
Expanding and "taking up space" when I want to, ...when I want to.
My life, just the way it is.
Getting to spend some time with Shelley and her husband Jody on Friday night. An awesome dinner and lots of conversation, catching up. James and Steve joining us later and finding out that she and Steve have known each other since they were children! Their families had places on the river next to each other, what a small world!
The privilege of being accepted as "one of the guys" with my guy friends.
Fantastic weather in advance for our joint birthday party at Lisa's on Saturday.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little Harley chic, you.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Today I'm grateful for....
Being so appreciative of the friendship I've shared with Kevin all these years. Thinking of him yesterday on his birthday, what an amazing person he is.
Watching the sunset from the back of the bike yesterday evening. Every time we ride, I get a little contemplative and think, .... look at me, who'd have thought at 35 this is where I'd be, ...on the back of a Harley with a wonderful man whom I love dearly, the wind in my hair, the beautiful sun on my skin, and just going until it's time to go home.
Looking forward to the ride on Sunday with the chapter members, Ed and Colleen, and Joe and his wife. Making new friends, and creating new experiences.
Being involved in a chapter that includes a lot of more mature individuals who are responsible, know the value of safety and aren't interested in drinking while riding.
That Josh is very strict about his one beer rule while on the bike.
All the sunshine lately, it makes me smile.
Windows open, curtains billowing, daffodils blooming, grass being mowed, buds on the trees, tulips and iris coming up, they'll be blooming soon too.
Our boat being ready to be picked up.
Looking forward to seeing Shelley tonight, my girlfriend from high school who is here from Florida with her husband.
Barb and my dad's relationship smoothing out and coming together.
Chris's new job, less hours, more pay, room for advancement. Yeah Chris!
Picking up Calli shortly and knowing the weekend will go fast, but it will be filled with fun.
Being soooooooo happy the girls are all close in age and all get along so well. They can't wait for their specific weekends and are so excited to be together.
Getting Taylor's birthday all planned out. The girls are going to Merle Norman for consultations and make-up make overs, how fun for 13 year olds who are just starting to be interested in the girlie stuff. Then a sleep over with a bon fire, roasting marshmallows and lots of giggles!
A partner who is soooo considerate, kind, sensitive, strong, intelligent, challenging, motivating, sexy, compassionate, and who loves the way I do. It's amazing, what a difference it makes being with someone who has the same love language as you do, loving him is so easy and uncomplicated. I don't feel myself struggling to get my needs met and to meet his, because of the way we love we just automatically meet each other's needs, aahhh simplicity in love, what a relief and a joy!
My excitement about Josh's idea to plan a large poker run for charity, it's going to be some time in July! What fun! Doing something we love for a good cause, love love love giving!
A phone call from Jess today, knowing it's time to reconnect. I miss her smile.
An upcoming joint birthday celebration for Josh and I on April 26th at Billy and Lisa's. Their graciousness at allowing us to have the party there. Everyone is invited by the way! April 26th around 6pm, bon fire, horse shoes, volley ball?, a keg, food and guaranteed laughs. For those of you that have a long drive, there's plenty of room to pitch a tent or sleep on the floor in the house.
Love in all forms.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my brazenly lucid, amazing, sunny friend who makes things happen!
Being so appreciative of the friendship I've shared with Kevin all these years. Thinking of him yesterday on his birthday, what an amazing person he is.
Watching the sunset from the back of the bike yesterday evening. Every time we ride, I get a little contemplative and think, .... look at me, who'd have thought at 35 this is where I'd be, ...on the back of a Harley with a wonderful man whom I love dearly, the wind in my hair, the beautiful sun on my skin, and just going until it's time to go home.
Looking forward to the ride on Sunday with the chapter members, Ed and Colleen, and Joe and his wife. Making new friends, and creating new experiences.
Being involved in a chapter that includes a lot of more mature individuals who are responsible, know the value of safety and aren't interested in drinking while riding.
That Josh is very strict about his one beer rule while on the bike.
All the sunshine lately, it makes me smile.
Windows open, curtains billowing, daffodils blooming, grass being mowed, buds on the trees, tulips and iris coming up, they'll be blooming soon too.
Our boat being ready to be picked up.
Looking forward to seeing Shelley tonight, my girlfriend from high school who is here from Florida with her husband.
Barb and my dad's relationship smoothing out and coming together.
Chris's new job, less hours, more pay, room for advancement. Yeah Chris!
Picking up Calli shortly and knowing the weekend will go fast, but it will be filled with fun.
Being soooooooo happy the girls are all close in age and all get along so well. They can't wait for their specific weekends and are so excited to be together.
Getting Taylor's birthday all planned out. The girls are going to Merle Norman for consultations and make-up make overs, how fun for 13 year olds who are just starting to be interested in the girlie stuff. Then a sleep over with a bon fire, roasting marshmallows and lots of giggles!
A partner who is soooo considerate, kind, sensitive, strong, intelligent, challenging, motivating, sexy, compassionate, and who loves the way I do. It's amazing, what a difference it makes being with someone who has the same love language as you do, loving him is so easy and uncomplicated. I don't feel myself struggling to get my needs met and to meet his, because of the way we love we just automatically meet each other's needs, aahhh simplicity in love, what a relief and a joy!
My excitement about Josh's idea to plan a large poker run for charity, it's going to be some time in July! What fun! Doing something we love for a good cause, love love love giving!
A phone call from Jess today, knowing it's time to reconnect. I miss her smile.
An upcoming joint birthday celebration for Josh and I on April 26th at Billy and Lisa's. Their graciousness at allowing us to have the party there. Everyone is invited by the way! April 26th around 6pm, bon fire, horse shoes, volley ball?, a keg, food and guaranteed laughs. For those of you that have a long drive, there's plenty of room to pitch a tent or sleep on the floor in the house.
Love in all forms.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my brazenly lucid, amazing, sunny friend who makes things happen!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Love and Growth
Today I'm grateful for....
A fantastic night at home with Josh last night with no kids! Lots of us time, conversation and giggles.
Finding out my license is still active after all this time I thought it wasn't! Things being a lot less complicated than I thought they were.
Momentum on my continuing education classes since my license is still good, yeah!!!!!
More time on the treadmill, making me feel better and better every day. Embracing exercise for the purpose of being healthy and living longer.
Josh's new/used truck, and possibly looking at selling the convertible.
Taylor's new haircut which is soooo very cute!
My friends Kathy, and Lisa G., and my niece Kyleigh will be feeling better very soon. They've all been really sick.
Josh and I making progress on our vision boards. Finding later that there was a full two page photo in a magazine, we had each taken a half for our vision boards. So essentially we're "on the same page" :) lol
Taylor getting excited about her own vision board and asking us to save the materials for her to use.
The perfect bell for our Harley, and finding the perfect gift bell for Billy's Harley. For those who don't know, it's a sort of safe travels talisman that you hang on your bike.
Being in love with my dark hair and knowing for sure that brunettes have just as much fun as blonds if not more!
Ziggy Marley and Brett Dennen's music helping me move and grove through my day today. They made my steps a little lighter, and my smile a whole lot bigger.
Kelsey talking and talking and talking about choir and the contest after I picked her up today. She's trying out for the Jazz Choir next year.
TLC showing me exactly what 100% looks like, being able to recognize it easily in other people, and working on living at 100% in my own life.
Josh finally getting what I mean when I talk about being connected and staying present, focusing on enjoying right now instead of constantly running and thinking several minutes, hours, days in advance. Future planning and goals are important, but so is enjoying what you've planned when you're in that moment.
Kelsey always showing up as 100% herself no matter what.
Josh loving me for who I am, all my faults included, and laughing at me when I can't find things I've misplaced instead of getting frustrated with me.
The only sound in the house last night being the wind outside.
Realize exactly what my misfortune with men was all for, a real life class room that taught me specifically what I did and did not want from a partner. Which in turn made it so much easier to recognize and appreciate these qualities in someone I was maybe going to be serious about.
Being loved exactly the way I like to be and want to be. A fulfilling relationship with an awesome partner who believes in and promotes personal growth as well as growth as a couple.
Love in all forms.
Watching the puppies steal Taylor's material for her vision board in an attempt to get her to pay attention to them. Too cute!
The boat being ready to be picked up, and looking forward to lots of safe fun on the river this summer.
Amazing people who "make things happen".
Seeing all the people out working in their yards in the rain today,....reminds me of Washington :) Get things done while it's yucky outside so when it's nice out you can enjoy it.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my beautiful sexy brunette you!
A fantastic night at home with Josh last night with no kids! Lots of us time, conversation and giggles.
Finding out my license is still active after all this time I thought it wasn't! Things being a lot less complicated than I thought they were.
Momentum on my continuing education classes since my license is still good, yeah!!!!!
More time on the treadmill, making me feel better and better every day. Embracing exercise for the purpose of being healthy and living longer.
Josh's new/used truck, and possibly looking at selling the convertible.
Taylor's new haircut which is soooo very cute!
My friends Kathy, and Lisa G., and my niece Kyleigh will be feeling better very soon. They've all been really sick.
Josh and I making progress on our vision boards. Finding later that there was a full two page photo in a magazine, we had each taken a half for our vision boards. So essentially we're "on the same page" :) lol
Taylor getting excited about her own vision board and asking us to save the materials for her to use.
The perfect bell for our Harley, and finding the perfect gift bell for Billy's Harley. For those who don't know, it's a sort of safe travels talisman that you hang on your bike.
Being in love with my dark hair and knowing for sure that brunettes have just as much fun as blonds if not more!
Ziggy Marley and Brett Dennen's music helping me move and grove through my day today. They made my steps a little lighter, and my smile a whole lot bigger.
Kelsey talking and talking and talking about choir and the contest after I picked her up today. She's trying out for the Jazz Choir next year.
TLC showing me exactly what 100% looks like, being able to recognize it easily in other people, and working on living at 100% in my own life.
Josh finally getting what I mean when I talk about being connected and staying present, focusing on enjoying right now instead of constantly running and thinking several minutes, hours, days in advance. Future planning and goals are important, but so is enjoying what you've planned when you're in that moment.
Kelsey always showing up as 100% herself no matter what.
Josh loving me for who I am, all my faults included, and laughing at me when I can't find things I've misplaced instead of getting frustrated with me.
The only sound in the house last night being the wind outside.
Realize exactly what my misfortune with men was all for, a real life class room that taught me specifically what I did and did not want from a partner. Which in turn made it so much easier to recognize and appreciate these qualities in someone I was maybe going to be serious about.
Being loved exactly the way I like to be and want to be. A fulfilling relationship with an awesome partner who believes in and promotes personal growth as well as growth as a couple.
Love in all forms.
Watching the puppies steal Taylor's material for her vision board in an attempt to get her to pay attention to them. Too cute!
The boat being ready to be picked up, and looking forward to lots of safe fun on the river this summer.
Amazing people who "make things happen".
Seeing all the people out working in their yards in the rain today,....reminds me of Washington :) Get things done while it's yucky outside so when it's nice out you can enjoy it.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my beautiful sexy brunette you!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Today I'm grateful for....
Shelley finding me on myspace yeah!!!! It will be a lot easier to keep in contact with her now (she lives in Florida).
The freckles on Josh's shoulders, they make me smile.
The daffodils in my yard that are going to bloom any day now!
Getting to have lunch with Josh today and knowing I'll get to spend the whole day with him tomorrow on his day off.
All my flowers that are popping up every where. The buds on the trees starting to show some spring color.
Taylor being such a big help lately, she must want to be un-grounded :)
My treadmill, and working towards my goal, staying on it a little longer every few days and loving it.
Fabulously soft sheets.
Follow through.
Watching Josh take the lead, with ease, at almost everything. He just impresses me every day, I am so blessed.
Asking for what I want, specifically.
Embracing the taxi driving I'm doing for Taylor because of her musical rehearsals and knowing that it is all for a good cause, there is an end to it, and at the end I will be rewarded with a couple of great performances that include my beautiful and talented daughter.
The smell of bon fires, every one's clearing their flowerbeds and brush right now.
Looking forward to the storms coming tonight.
The smoothies that my kids love to drink and knowing that I'm doing something to help them be healthy when I make them for them.
Leaning into life.
Doing things that make me smile.
Daydreaming with Josh about our future.
Michelle's Massive Momentum!!! May it continue as long as she wants it to.
Watching the people I love blossom and grow, and knowing that I sometimes play a part in their blossoming simply by listening and making suggestions.
Being as far into my life as I want to be at this very moment and knowing I am always evolving.
Feeling loved and protected by the boys in my life, which I absolutely love, and whom I absolutely love.
An easy birth in advance for my friend Gretchen and her new little boy who will be here Thursday.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
Love love love in all forms.
you my little flower, you.
Shelley finding me on myspace yeah!!!! It will be a lot easier to keep in contact with her now (she lives in Florida).
The freckles on Josh's shoulders, they make me smile.
The daffodils in my yard that are going to bloom any day now!
Getting to have lunch with Josh today and knowing I'll get to spend the whole day with him tomorrow on his day off.
All my flowers that are popping up every where. The buds on the trees starting to show some spring color.
Taylor being such a big help lately, she must want to be un-grounded :)
My treadmill, and working towards my goal, staying on it a little longer every few days and loving it.
Fabulously soft sheets.
Follow through.
Watching Josh take the lead, with ease, at almost everything. He just impresses me every day, I am so blessed.
Asking for what I want, specifically.
Embracing the taxi driving I'm doing for Taylor because of her musical rehearsals and knowing that it is all for a good cause, there is an end to it, and at the end I will be rewarded with a couple of great performances that include my beautiful and talented daughter.
The smell of bon fires, every one's clearing their flowerbeds and brush right now.
Looking forward to the storms coming tonight.
The smoothies that my kids love to drink and knowing that I'm doing something to help them be healthy when I make them for them.
Leaning into life.
Doing things that make me smile.
Daydreaming with Josh about our future.
Michelle's Massive Momentum!!! May it continue as long as she wants it to.
Watching the people I love blossom and grow, and knowing that I sometimes play a part in their blossoming simply by listening and making suggestions.
Being as far into my life as I want to be at this very moment and knowing I am always evolving.
Feeling loved and protected by the boys in my life, which I absolutely love, and whom I absolutely love.
An easy birth in advance for my friend Gretchen and her new little boy who will be here Thursday.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
Love love love in all forms.
you my little flower, you.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Lately I'm grateful for....
The prosperity of myself and others.
The realization of the need for change, personal growth and global growth in myself and others even if growth means going back to basics, simplicity and a new beginning for all.
Simplicity in every shape and form.
Running into Gretchen H. and getting to chat with her for a few minutes.
All emotions.
Trees....where ever I am, as long as I can look up and see the branches swaying in the breeze against the sky, ....that brings me peace.
Hearing the birds chirping again after a long winter.
Lisa's huge sunshine smile.
Tracie's big gorgeous eyes.
Billy's ability to find the humor in almost any situation and his willingness to share with everyone no matter what.
Getting to hang with Steve N. and James Toman, we had sooooo much fun.
Watching the guys play on the four wheelers.
The purple crocus blooming in my yard.
Color popping up all over.
The beginnings of the pergola going up this afternoon.
A great ride today with Lisa and Billy, Ed and Colleen, Josh and I. What a beautiful warm sunny day, just perfect for riding. Seeing lots of bikes out, lots of people, lots of wonderful scenery, a great dinner together, and the wind in my hair all day long.
A surprise visit from Tracie and DJ yesterday.
Text messages from Vance when we got stuck in the mud Friday night.
Taylor, Ciarra, and Calli getting along so well.
Being almost on a regular sleeping schedule and getting more then 4-5 hours of sleep almost every night now!!!!!!
Considerate people. One of the things I love most about Josh is that he always thinks about me, what my needs are, and does what he can to make sure I'm comfortable, as well as looking out for everyone else.
Love in all forms.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
Leaning into the wind with a smile on my face.
You my little Harley brat, you.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Love in all forms
Today I am grateful for....
My favorite tax lady in the whole world making things easy, convenient, and heartfelt.
A new relationship with money, loving it is so much better than hating it.
Being excited about Calli coming and knowing she, Taylor, and Ciarra will have lots of fun tonight.
Getting to hear Taylor talk about her evening out with her girlfriends, they went bowling and stayed out until midnight.
Josh, Josh, Josh, Josh, ......getting exactly what I've asked for, rejuvenating my focus, and reminding me to be specific and ask for what I want.
Iced honey lattes, they make me smile, and spiced chai lattes which make me feel warm and fuzzy. ....Sharing lattes and frappucinos with Kelsey and Taylor, good conversation, and lots and lots of giggles, ...wooohooo coffee :)
Myspace keeping me in touch with the people I love, allowing me to see their photos, get comments, and emails from them regularly. --Seeing Vance and Dean's beautiful boyish faces whenever I want and knowing that they enjoy themselves thoroughly when they're together.
Jeans with spandex in them making it easier for me to get my leg up over the Harley :)
Incline on my treadmill making me feel like I'm working my muscles harder while getting my cardio in.
The toy party with all the women held in the back room of the bar allowing us to loosen up with a few drinks, what a great idea! Fantastic fun, hilarious games and tons and tons of laughter!!!
I'm thrilled that Josh loves his new job which allows him to be around the things he loves, motorcycles, 4 wheelers and the like, and gives him "guy time" with his buddies.
The Beautiful Blue Sky all day today!!!! ---and the same for tomorrow since we have plans to ride.
Finding a new seat in advance that will be more comfortable and easier on both of our backs.
Finally getting the guest room ready for Calli, all of Josh's hard work, and his help motivating the girls.
Barb coming back into my dad's life, knowing that my dad has the power to decide what's best for him in his life and that he will make that decision accordingly with ease and no guilt.
Finding myself thinking up things for my gratitude list, randomly, without being totally aware of what I'm doing until I'm already doing it.
Pretty packages that make a girl feel feel special and loved.
Kelsey's love of music and her most recent endeavor, ... teaching herself to play bass guitar.
Jeff's help with Kelsey's job shadowing thing for school.
Good solid connections at the music store with people I've known since grade school.
Money in the bank and an easy and continuous flow of cash into my bank account allowing the girls and I to keep living the life we love.
Life plans which change, evolve, and grow as we change, evolve, and grow.
Love in all forms.
Love and kindness passing from person to person and sweeping around the world daily, letting every person know they're always loved.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little love bug, you.
My favorite tax lady in the whole world making things easy, convenient, and heartfelt.
A new relationship with money, loving it is so much better than hating it.
Being excited about Calli coming and knowing she, Taylor, and Ciarra will have lots of fun tonight.
Getting to hear Taylor talk about her evening out with her girlfriends, they went bowling and stayed out until midnight.
Josh, Josh, Josh, Josh, ......getting exactly what I've asked for, rejuvenating my focus, and reminding me to be specific and ask for what I want.
Iced honey lattes, they make me smile, and spiced chai lattes which make me feel warm and fuzzy. ....Sharing lattes and frappucinos with Kelsey and Taylor, good conversation, and lots and lots of giggles, ...wooohooo coffee :)
Myspace keeping me in touch with the people I love, allowing me to see their photos, get comments, and emails from them regularly. --Seeing Vance and Dean's beautiful boyish faces whenever I want and knowing that they enjoy themselves thoroughly when they're together.
Jeans with spandex in them making it easier for me to get my leg up over the Harley :)
Incline on my treadmill making me feel like I'm working my muscles harder while getting my cardio in.
The toy party with all the women held in the back room of the bar allowing us to loosen up with a few drinks, what a great idea! Fantastic fun, hilarious games and tons and tons of laughter!!!
I'm thrilled that Josh loves his new job which allows him to be around the things he loves, motorcycles, 4 wheelers and the like, and gives him "guy time" with his buddies.
The Beautiful Blue Sky all day today!!!! ---and the same for tomorrow since we have plans to ride.
Finding a new seat in advance that will be more comfortable and easier on both of our backs.
Finally getting the guest room ready for Calli, all of Josh's hard work, and his help motivating the girls.
Barb coming back into my dad's life, knowing that my dad has the power to decide what's best for him in his life and that he will make that decision accordingly with ease and no guilt.
Finding myself thinking up things for my gratitude list, randomly, without being totally aware of what I'm doing until I'm already doing it.
Pretty packages that make a girl feel feel special and loved.
Kelsey's love of music and her most recent endeavor, ... teaching herself to play bass guitar.
Jeff's help with Kelsey's job shadowing thing for school.
Good solid connections at the music store with people I've known since grade school.
Money in the bank and an easy and continuous flow of cash into my bank account allowing the girls and I to keep living the life we love.
Life plans which change, evolve, and grow as we change, evolve, and grow.
Love in all forms.
Love and kindness passing from person to person and sweeping around the world daily, letting every person know they're always loved.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little love bug, you.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter Fun
Today I'm grateful for....
All the women in my family stick together, we look out for each other, we make sure everyone is included and no one gets left out.
Lots of fun watching all the kids enjoy easter. We had all the big kids take a little kid as a partner and help them with the hunt, they had a blast. When the little kids were done with their hunt, it was time for the big kids to try their luck at finding eggs. Josh, Billy, Tracie and I hid eggs, in bird houses, in the ground, in the sand box, in the smoker, all the hard places we could think of. Each group had 108 eggs to find and as far as we know all were found.
I'm grateful for dad's news about returning to work next week, and his news about Barb possibly returning home today. He's a better man when she's home.
Knowing that Josh's cousin Cory will get his feelings straightened out and make the best decision for him and his family.
Looking forward to all the fun we'll have this summer on the new/used river boat I bought!
A boyfriend who is loving, kind, sensitive, intelligent, strong, and knows how to do all kinds of stuff. He is so resourceful!
Josh started his new job today, one he will love, with better pay, little drama, and a more regular schedule.
Making the girls clear out their clutter!!! A jeep full of stuff for goodwill sorted from the girls bedrooms, and thank goodness today is trash day, cuz we had a bunch!
Keeping only what we love, and what is necessary.
Getting the guest room set up for Calli so she'll have a place of her own to sleep when she comes to stay.
The tree line that I look out on every day, it calms me, keeps me grounded.
Hearing that Kelsey's Japanese class has decided to go for the class trip to Japan next year and has started plans for fund raisers.
All of Taylor's singing and practising for her lead role in the upcoming musical.
The full moon on Saturday night.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little colored egg, you.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Warm Fuzzies
Today I'm grateful for....
Seeing some of my river friends I haven't seen since the flood. They're doing well, trying to put things back together.
Plans starting to come together for a group vacation with my sisters this summer.
A great lunch yesterday with Josh, lots of conversation.
The beginnings of my deck taking shape.
Josh having a week off between jobs giving him time to work on house projects for me, ...which he loves, for real. :)
Josh's mother coming through surgery great yesterday, and knowing her next surgery will go just as well for her.
Jeff's help with Kelsey's job shadowing.
Connections with my cousins in Georgia through myspace.
Learning a new game! I'll be golfing soon, if it ever stops raining.
Rehersals have started! Taylor got a lead role in the upcoming musical at EastTipp,...School House Rock. ...conjunction junction what's your function :)
Waking up to Nora Jones and Enya every morning, gently.
Being more than half way through the latest Alice Hoffman book, the way her stories always wrap me up and suck me in. ....a new book to be wrapped up in, in advance.
Messages from Vance that make me smile.
Shelly and her husband will be coming up from Florida soon!
Change, accepting it and not resisting it.
Running into a guy from highschool who remembered me because of my eyebrows, I have no idea who he was :(
Dancing with my daddy.
Josh winning at poker last night! He was the BIG winner!
Life slowing down a bit (in advance) and giving me time to turn inward again and focus on personal growth, health, and wellness.
Love in all forms, it always makes ya warm and fuzzy.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little warm fuzzy, you.
Seeing some of my river friends I haven't seen since the flood. They're doing well, trying to put things back together.
Plans starting to come together for a group vacation with my sisters this summer.
A great lunch yesterday with Josh, lots of conversation.
The beginnings of my deck taking shape.
Josh having a week off between jobs giving him time to work on house projects for me, ...which he loves, for real. :)
Josh's mother coming through surgery great yesterday, and knowing her next surgery will go just as well for her.
Jeff's help with Kelsey's job shadowing.
Connections with my cousins in Georgia through myspace.
Learning a new game! I'll be golfing soon, if it ever stops raining.
Rehersals have started! Taylor got a lead role in the upcoming musical at EastTipp,...School House Rock. ...conjunction junction what's your function :)
Waking up to Nora Jones and Enya every morning, gently.
Being more than half way through the latest Alice Hoffman book, the way her stories always wrap me up and suck me in. ....a new book to be wrapped up in, in advance.
Messages from Vance that make me smile.
Shelly and her husband will be coming up from Florida soon!
Change, accepting it and not resisting it.
Running into a guy from highschool who remembered me because of my eyebrows, I have no idea who he was :(
Dancing with my daddy.
Josh winning at poker last night! He was the BIG winner!
Life slowing down a bit (in advance) and giving me time to turn inward again and focus on personal growth, health, and wellness.
Love in all forms, it always makes ya warm and fuzzy.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
You my little warm fuzzy, you.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Spring is in the air ...
Today I'm grateful for......
The first day of spring is coming!!!!
Being/feeling grateful.
Lots of time to ride on Thursday, my body aching from riding all day.
A busy full weekend with lots of laughter and fun. Seeing my sisters, Tim, Billy, Davidson, my cousins, and Darren.
Sleeping in this morning!!! None of us had to be any where!!!
Josh hauling away the old run down broken swing set, and the old gazebo, making way for a new deck and pergola.
Josh trimming the trees, and clearing up some of the flowerbeds for me, getting ready for spring.
Having lots of fresh veggies on hand so I could make beef stew with dumplings and lots of veggies for dinner this evening.
Knowing that Taylor and Kelsey had a great time watching the musical at Harrison last night with their grandma (mike's mom). They watched Singing In The Rain.
That the pain that's troubling my grandma right now will go away quickly and leave her at ease and peaceful.
That Josh's mom will come through surgery tomorrow just fine with no complications or problems.
Lisa likes her hair :) (I highlighted it for her).
That I have a facial scheduled soon with Nancy who always makes me feel good, relaxed, and refreshed.
Hearing from Dean on myspace :)....he likes the Harley.
Signs of life in my flower beds, tulips, lillies, and buds on the trees.
Getting my cell phone plan straighted out, being refunded 300.00 and saving me $50 a month!!!!
The ability to sit down and type this at this very moment.
My new nail color, cha-ching cherry :)
Good things are happening for the people I love.
The first day of spring is coming!!!!
Being/feeling grateful.
Lots of time to ride on Thursday, my body aching from riding all day.
A busy full weekend with lots of laughter and fun. Seeing my sisters, Tim, Billy, Davidson, my cousins, and Darren.
Sleeping in this morning!!! None of us had to be any where!!!
Josh hauling away the old run down broken swing set, and the old gazebo, making way for a new deck and pergola.
Josh trimming the trees, and clearing up some of the flowerbeds for me, getting ready for spring.
Having lots of fresh veggies on hand so I could make beef stew with dumplings and lots of veggies for dinner this evening.
Knowing that Taylor and Kelsey had a great time watching the musical at Harrison last night with their grandma (mike's mom). They watched Singing In The Rain.
That the pain that's troubling my grandma right now will go away quickly and leave her at ease and peaceful.
That Josh's mom will come through surgery tomorrow just fine with no complications or problems.
Lisa likes her hair :) (I highlighted it for her).
That I have a facial scheduled soon with Nancy who always makes me feel good, relaxed, and refreshed.
Hearing from Dean on myspace :)....he likes the Harley.
Signs of life in my flower beds, tulips, lillies, and buds on the trees.
Getting my cell phone plan straighted out, being refunded 300.00 and saving me $50 a month!!!!
The ability to sit down and type this at this very moment.
My new nail color, cha-ching cherry :)
Good things are happening for the people I love.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Big Changes
Today I'm grateful for.....
Lots of change happening in my life, ...not resisting it, getting involved, and letting the change happen.
A new bed, new living room furniture, new behavior from the girls, my family expanding, a new Harley and all the new people we've met because of that--and all the opportunities for jobs, and experiences that have come from buying the bike.
Janet my tax lady knowing absolutely how to handle all of my complicated stuff.
Jim, my financial advisor, taking the time to question me, get to know me and how I live to be sure an advise me in a way that's right for my life.
Good fortune staying with me and the people I love.
The new helmets we bought for riding.
Josh getting the new job he's going for today (in advance), a better work schedule for him/us, more pay, less drama, and lots of happiness for him at this new job.
Josh and I working together to clear the clutter and reorganize. The feeling of simplicity, renewal, and clarity that comes from having a clutter free space.
Josh and I shampooing the carpet, and the way the house smells so clean now.
Feeling better after being under the weather.
Looking forward to an awesome ride on the bike later today.
Seeing Lisa smile on Tuesday and knowing she will enjoy the bed I've passed on to her. Sleep will come easy and deep for her now (in advance).
Seeing Jody and Jackie on Saturday, a chance to catch up with them for a few minutes. Hearing Jody say "I've missed you soooo much!" and knowing what she meant because I felt the same way. They lost almost everything in the floods, but they are still alive, and they still have each other. Their lives will get back to normal quickly so they can be at peace again (in advance).
Kelsey's job shadowing assignment, and Jeff being so willing to accommodate her. (Jeff's her previous guitar instructor)
SLEEP, Did I say that already? I slept for 9 hours straight last night!!!!!!!!
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little breeze of simplicity.
Lots of change happening in my life, ...not resisting it, getting involved, and letting the change happen.
A new bed, new living room furniture, new behavior from the girls, my family expanding, a new Harley and all the new people we've met because of that--and all the opportunities for jobs, and experiences that have come from buying the bike.
Janet my tax lady knowing absolutely how to handle all of my complicated stuff.
Jim, my financial advisor, taking the time to question me, get to know me and how I live to be sure an advise me in a way that's right for my life.
Good fortune staying with me and the people I love.
The new helmets we bought for riding.
Josh getting the new job he's going for today (in advance), a better work schedule for him/us, more pay, less drama, and lots of happiness for him at this new job.
Josh and I working together to clear the clutter and reorganize. The feeling of simplicity, renewal, and clarity that comes from having a clutter free space.
Josh and I shampooing the carpet, and the way the house smells so clean now.
Feeling better after being under the weather.
Looking forward to an awesome ride on the bike later today.
Seeing Lisa smile on Tuesday and knowing she will enjoy the bed I've passed on to her. Sleep will come easy and deep for her now (in advance).
Seeing Jody and Jackie on Saturday, a chance to catch up with them for a few minutes. Hearing Jody say "I've missed you soooo much!" and knowing what she meant because I felt the same way. They lost almost everything in the floods, but they are still alive, and they still have each other. Their lives will get back to normal quickly so they can be at peace again (in advance).
Kelsey's job shadowing assignment, and Jeff being so willing to accommodate her. (Jeff's her previous guitar instructor)
SLEEP, Did I say that already? I slept for 9 hours straight last night!!!!!!!!
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little breeze of simplicity.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Birthday fun
Lots of fun with Kelsey's friends on her birthday. We had Taylor, her friend Stephanie, Josh's daughter, Calli, Kelsey and her friends, Jessica and Patrick. We went to see Be Kind Rewind with Jack Black, and then went to dinner at Grindstone Charlie's. We had lots of fun.
Then we all came back to the house, Jessica and Kelsey went upstairs to play video games, and Josh and I played twister with the younger girls. We had a blast!
Last weekend we all painted pottery, we get to pick it up tomorrow!!!!!!!!
A New Bike!
Our new Harley!!!!!!!
Nice weather enabling us to get a couple of short rides in already.
Warm weather in advance so we can ride some more :)
All of Josh's experience riding and his promise to never put me in jeapordy.
Good things happening for the people I love.
You my little Harley Chick, you.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
fun with the kids
Today I'm grateful for....
A weekend full of fun with all the kids :)
Josh's daughter, Calli, and Billy's daughter, Ciara joined us for the weekend. We painted pottery, ate pizza, played games, watched movies, did hair, a weekend full of girlie fun :)
I'm grateful for lots of fun Thursday night at Lisa G's birthday bash at Robert's with John Stevens playing lots of great songs.
Meeting new people.
A fun time at mom's on Sunday for Kelsey's 15th birthday party.
I'm grateful for getting lots of errands done yesterday so we could have a day full of rest and quiet today on Josh's day off. Napping together on the couch.
Seeing Jess, Jeremy, and all the kids this afternoon, listening to her talk and talk and talk :)
I'm grateful for the new Harley we will be picking up this weekend, and all the fun that will bring to our lives. Also, for safe riding in advance.
All the help I've been getting lately from the girls, and every little thing Josh does to make my life easier.
The books we've been reading which creates continuous conversation between Josh and I.
Good things are happening for the people I love.
you my little cat nap, you.
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